There is a big gap between facts and legends, but the residents in the streets are more enthusiastic about legends, which may have something to do with their quiet life.

However, most adventurers are not interested in these legends. They think that these stories are the products of those who are fed and supported by good deeds to pass their free time.

Perhaps their feelings are correct. After all, the experience of wandering between life and death does not have any romance. Originally, these legends were much more cruel.

But I have to admit that these legends are indeed easy to attract girls like Princess Analita, who long for love, longing for romance, and longing for a colorful life.

The main reason for these desires is that she is locked in this tree house of several hundred square meters and cannot go out all day long.

After reading a few pages, I couldn't read anymore, so I put the thick book back on the coffee table, resting my hands and dozing off with my eyes closed.

"Don't you like reading?" Princess Analita's voice rang in my ears.

I opened my eyes, she spread the book flat on her knees, looking at me sideways, curiosity and doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"No, I like reading, I'm just not interested in these fictional stories."

"Although these stories have fictional elements, they also have a lot of real elements in them." She opened one of the pages and said: "For example, here, our heroes are fighting against the vicious monster boss."

"How can you be sure that this paragraph is true?" I wondered.

"Because this paragraph is very cruel," she said: "As an adventurer, I felt the same way."

"The reality is much crueler than these. Your Royal Highness, I have talked to Achilles. He told me that in the beginning, there were countless legendary heroes, but in the end, only a few really came back alive. Several, this is the truth of history, but it seems that not many people are willing to believe and recognize this result."

"Of course they won't believe this kind of result," said the princess: "Your result is too desperate, and what the people need is hope. As long as they are given hope, they can continue to live in peace."

"What you said is, but I prefer to struggle in despair, struggle hard, until the moment I completely break free."

"What about after breaking free?" the princess asked.

"After breaking free, hope will come naturally. I like the hope at this time. It is like the feeling of a fish that is about to die from thirst, jumping in the final jump and returning to the sea."

"I can't understand your hobby." The princess curled her lips and said, "I always feel a little self-masochistic."

"I think so."

For a long time after that, I was dozing off. As for the princess, who knows, she might have been reading.

Fenghuang and the others returned as usual at about 4:30 in the afternoon.

As soon as I entered the house, Phoenix swooped over and sat down on my stomach. Although she was very light, she was enough for me to take it all at once, but I was very lucky that it was not Kagali who flew over and sat down. After all, the weight of the orcs is much heavier than that of the humans, except for the cats.

After I sat up, Remy flew to the top of my head without any hurries, and then steadily rode on my neck with her ass, then shook her **** twice and put a comfortable posture before she stopped. Chaos.

Remy's behavior made me feel helpless. It was not that I didn't like her riding on my neck, but that this way of sitting made me unable to lie down.

I sat on the sofa sloppily and did not feel the comfort and laziness of sitting on the sofa.

Lilea sat opposite me with Yula and sister Ice and Fire, and they looked at me and smiled.

It's a bunch of unsympathetic guys.

Kagali came out of the room and asked me, "Did you go to the mausoleum today?"

I shook my head: "I didn't go."

She asked again: "Is that bill still paid?"

"Yeah" I nodded: "It's already done."

"Just go to the mausoleum and it's over?" She was surprised: "That's a lot of money."

I curled my lips, looked at Kagali, and said, "Why do I hear a strong smell of regret in your tone? Aren't you happy that I have paid the bill?"

"Of course I am happy that you have paid the bill, but..." She sighed and said: "If you haven't paid the bill, I can still have an excuse to explore the tomb with you."

"The exploration of the tomb is not fun. Any carelessness may cause injury or death." I said to her seriously: "So, I will never let you face this."

"But last time, didn't the imperial tombs of Ai Ruicheng also be broken by us?" Kagali retorted, "Don't underestimate our strength."

"The mausoleum here is not quite the same as the imperial tomb of Eri City. You have to know that the Fairy Clan was the first human being born in the Hefeng Continent. The wisdom they possess is beyond the imagination of future generations. If it is not a last resort, Let’s not get involved easily."

"Brother, did you see something terrible?" Yura asked me, "Why do I feel that when you say this, your tone is fearful?"

I shook my head: "This is not fear, but awe. I did see some things in the mausoleum, but these things are not scary in themselves, but they are a representative, representing the development of an era."

Yula pursed her mouth, with a puzzling expression: "What do you mean?"

"I met the fairy queen from a thousand years ago in the mausoleum."

"Really!" Lilea said in surprise: "Is the fairy queen from a thousand years ago a corpse?"

"Not a corpse, but an image, an image recorded a thousand years ago."

Princess Analita said: "Image? Xiaoyi, do you mean you saw the appearance of the fairy queen thousands of years ago?"

"Yes, I saw it." After trying hard to recall, I described: "She is graceful and luxurious, full of majesty, and her words and deeds. Nowhere does she not reflect the queen's demeanor."

Phoenix tilted his head and asked me, "How does she look?"

"The appearance is barely beautiful, but the temperament is outstanding."

"What's her name?" Phoenix asked again.


"Ophelia..." Princess Analita murmured while covering her forehead, her eyes rolled around, seeming to be trying to remember something, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hey, princess, what's the matter with you?" Susan asked.

The princess did not answer, but raised her hand to stop Susan from asking further questions, still repeating ‘Ophelia’ in her mouth, as if possessed.

Susan raised her head worriedly and asked me how to do it with her eyes.

I have no good way, I can only shake my head at her slightly.

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