Seeing the eyes of Emily and the people around me, I felt a deep contempt.

Okay, I admit that I am interested in gossip, but I cannot deny that I do this with another deep meaning, that is, I want to find out more information.

However, why can't you guys understand?

Why look at me with such contemptuous eyes?

...Just watch it.

Emily sighed lightly and said: "It's okay to tell you that tasks that are contrary to the group training are the kind of obliteration and theft. These are the most shameless behaviors of our race.

"Well, it's just killing people, stealing things, it's normal" shrugged, I said that I was boring.

"These are of course normal to you," Lilea interjected: "But these behaviors will cause great guilt to the elves."

"Uh, uh, you are right to say that. I'm sorry, but I didn't think well and made you expose the dark history."

I immediately apologized to Emily. If I make a mistake, I am a good boy.

Emily nodded slightly, and from her calm expression, I read forgiveness, what a good girl.

After eating, I took Emily home. On the way, Emily asked me: "What do you think of Elder Prisla?"

I was very puzzled: "Why are you asking me this suddenly?"

"just asking."

"It's not good for us to talk about others behind your back..."

"Don't you say it?"

"Well, I said..." After sighing, I said: "I feel that Elder Prisla is hypocritical."

"Can you tell me your reason?"

I told her that Elder Prisla, a relative of the royal family, pretended to eat meat secretly.

After listening, Emily said without surprise: "This is normal, right."

"Normal?" I wondered: "Why do you say it's normal?"

Emily said: "As a royal family, it is not allowed to eat meat food. Although this is a group training, it does not mean that it is applicable to all royal families. Royal family members who want to eat meat only need to eat secretly without being discovered. All right."

"Hey, it makes sense for you to say that. It seems that I am worried about Elder Prisla."

"Not at all" Emily said: "You are right. Elder Prisla does have some signs of hypocrisy. Although it is not obvious, it does exist."

"Originally, the position of the Grand Elder belonged to Elder Jennifer, but after the death of the former queen, Elder Jennifer took the initiative to resign from the position of the Grand Elder inexplicably, and was taken over by Elder Prisla. This is very abnormal. The senior officials of the royal family deliberately covered it up, but the content covered in it cannot be buried."

After I listened, I smiled and asked her: "Where did you hear these things?"

"When I was investigating the theft of blueprints, I found it in the relevant information I got handily."

"Do you even check the high-level elves?" I asked in amazement: "Aren't you afraid that they would do it to you?"

"This is an investigation within the scope of responsibility," Emily said: "It is a handwritten letter from Her Majesty the Queen. Even if those high-level officials hate me, they can't hate me."

"Huh? Suddenly I feel you are very cunning" I said with a smirk: "You know how to use the Queen's card as a blocking card."

Emily shook her head slightly, and said nothing.

After sending her home, I hurried to Yang Ku's tree house, knocked on the door, and invited them to come to the fairyland.

Yang Ku and the others readily agreed. After that, I went home again. Phoenix and the others had already finished their preparations, and the group went straight to the fairy land.

On the way, I used the call crystal to greet the fairy patriarch. As soon as I arrived at the pond, the barrier was already opened, and the others got in quickly, and I automatically acted as the queen.

After looking around and not finding any tracking personnel, I also dived in.

The fairy patriarch received us in full costume, but this time, she didn't hold her empty hand, but held the moonlight scepter.

"Wow, Xiaoyi, look at that stick, it's so beautiful~" Barbara said with a look of excitement, turning her ears around.

"That's a scepter." I grinned and explained to her: "It's a tool used by adventurers to fight."

"Eh? Really?" Barbara's small face was instantly disappointed: "I thought it was a beautiful fire stick."

"Why is it a burning stick? And why do you look so excited when you mention burning a stick?" I looked dumbfounded.

"This kid has liked things like fire sticks since he was a child," the proprietress explained: "She likes to smell them."

"Oh, that's it." I nodded.

The fairy patriarch received each of us, and then secretly asked me: "Xiao Yi, what is your purpose for this trip, right?"

"Observe it clearly" I gave her a thumbs up and said, "Our visit is mainly to feast your eyes on."

"Could it be that you came to see this moonlight scepter?" the patriarch asked tentatively.


"No wonder they stared at the scepter as soon as they came in."

The patriarch thought for a while and asked me cautiously: "Would you not promise them to play with this scepter?"

"How could it be?" I said: "It's just a distant view."

"That's good, that's good" The fairy patriarch finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the fairy patriarch showed the Moonlight Scepter to everyone, and performed a miracle I had seen before. The miracle effect was very good and won everyone's applause.

I seem to have seen this scene somewhere. After thinking hard, I remembered, aren’t street performers all performing in this way? After the performance, they cheered and almost lost money on the ground.

Although I thought so, I didn't dare to say it. After all, this is not a moving word of praise. It's strange that the patriarch would not knock his head with a scepter if he said it!

After the performance, there was a sea of ​​eating and drinking. The vegetables and fruits in the territory were eaten by Phoenix and the others. It was really hard to tell. This group of foodies just had dinner.

Remy used to ride on Xiao Zhi's back to play. After seeing the moonlight scepter, she fluttered up and flew directly to the patriarch's side, and then stretched out her hand to **** it naked in front of everyone. The scepter in the hand of the patriarch.

The fairy patriarch was startled at first, and when he saw that it was Remy, he let go, and looked at Remy dotingly.

After Remy took the scepter in her hand, she took a round for a while. Seeing that there was no response, she took it and knocked it on the ground for a little time. Finally, she was tired of playing with the scepter. Tucked it back into the hands of the fairy patriarch.

The face of the fairy patriarch was full of distressed expressions, but the other party was his own granddaughter, and there was nothing to do, so he could not say anything, so he had to stare at the scepter, after Remy returned it to her. , She just breathed a sigh of relief, carefully protecting the Moonlight Scepter again.

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