The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 943: The charm of small toys

"I think they are better able to perform the role of dungeon pathfinder" Yula said: "This can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"I agree with this point" Jackson raised his hand. With such a pathfinder, he can get rid of the risk of pathfinder.

Lilea looked at the goblin that emerged from the top of the puppet, and said thoughtfully: "If the entrance and exit are all in the same place, both war and path finding are still risky."

After listening to her, everyone raised their heads and looked up at the entrance and exit on the top of the puppet.

Indeed, if there is only one place for the entrance and exit, the opponent will quickly figure out the law and then ruthlessly strike at the entrance and exit position. In this way, the driver hiding in the puppet will be life threatened.

However, when I looked at the goblin leader, I realized that his gaze was questioning. It seemed that something was strange. The location of the entrance and exit was not the only one. It was just that without my consent, he would not. I disclosed this information to everyone.

I looked up at the puppet’s entrance and exit, and raised my eyebrows at him. He quickly understood what I meant. He stretched out a few fingers to indicate that there were several places where I was exiting. I nodded and stretched out at him. With a finger out, he understood, and took a step forward, saying: "Everyone, there is not only one hatch for the puppet."

"Where else?" Lilea asked.

The leader gave a wink at the goblin who had just come down, and secretly extended a finger. The goblin quickly realized the meaning of the leader, climbed up to the top of the puppet again, and got in. It was not too big, the back position of the puppet was opened. After a door, he got out of the door and slipped down a rope.

"It turns out that the back can open the door too!" everyone exclaimed.

Lilea took a close look at the puppet's back and exited the hatch, then suddenly turned her head and stared at me, her starry eyes flashing.

I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows.

She smiled slightly, the meaning of the smile is unclear, very complicated.

My heart moved, it seemed that she knew what I was deliberately hiding.

After that, Lilya stopped talking, and like everyone else, studied and watched around the puppet.

Barbara quickly lost interest in the puppets, and the accompanying cafe maids, who were not adventurers at first, of course not interested in these things.

I was worried that these girls would make trouble in the fairyland because they were too boring, but fortunately, they soon became fascinated by the various exquisite gadgets designed by the goblin squad and looked at their relish. I was finally relieved.

After studying the puppet for a while, Yang Ku and the others asked the goblin leader with curiosity, "Once this thing is damaged, can it be quickly repaired?"

"Some parts can be replaced for repair," the goblin leader said: "But quick repair is impossible."

"It seems that my summons are more durable," Yang Ku said proudly.

"Although your summons are durable, their strength is not high" I said: "At least for now, they are far less powerful than puppets."

"It's only for now," Yang Kuo said seriously: "I even have a feeling that when my strength is further improved, the summoned object summoned can even compete with Achilles!"

I smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder: "I will wait and see."

When I returned home, I took out a part of Xiaozhi from the pile of fruits and vegetables that he brought back to Shoujia. Xiaozhi made a few cheerful ‘squeaks’, then pounced on it and began to eat.

It's strange to say that Xiaozhi should prefer to eat meat, but I didn't expect it to be more enthusiastic about the fruits and vegetables brought back from the fairyland, which surprised me.

Lying on the sofa, I was bored and looked around, and found that Remy didn’t go to sleep beside me for the first time, but was playing with some gadgets with Barbara. I’ve seen those gadgets. It’s the goblin team. Small toys made in free time.

Toys are always fatal to the curious person, no matter how old he or she is.

Seeing the two of them having such a good time, I greeted Remy and said, "Go and call Lily and Lizi to have fun together."

"They are playing with another toy" Remy said: "Let's play with this."

It seemed that I was worrying too much, and thought they only brought back one toy, but it turned out to be two.

Just as I was thinking about it, Susan pushed the door in and asked me with a big bag: "Xiao Yi, these things take up a lot of space in the hall."

"What is this... Fuck!" I said in surprise.

The big bag is filled with all kinds of toys, all the masterpieces of the goblin team!

Let me take it. How many toys did these bear kids bring back...

"Xiaoyi help me collect it" Barbara said while playing with the toy: "When I get tired of this, I will go to you and ask for a new one."

"Oh...oh, why did you come back with so many toys?" I cried, pointing to the big bag.

"What's the matter?" Barbara asked.

"I also asked what's the matter, you brought so many toys back, did you say hello to the goblins?"

"Yes." Barbara's ears turned around, and said proudly: "I didn't want it, but they have to give me away, hum, I'm also very helpless."

Facing Barbara's tsundere's speech, I was speechless.

Just about to close the bag, Susan grabbed a handful of toys from it. I looked at her in a puzzled manner, and she smiled: "I also study these little things."


Just when I was stunned, Phoenix, Kagali, Lilea, and Yula also walked over, each reached out and grabbed one, and then went back to the bed to play around.

I'm speechless.

As soon as they walked out of the room with the bag, Kunna and Maqi walked over and asked me for toys. In desperation, I had to open the bag. After they selected the toys, I just tied the bag, and a few maid girls He also came over, so I opened the mouth of the bag again...

In this way, I fastened the mouth of the bag several times-opened it-fastened the mouth of the bag-after opening it, I finally collapsed, opened the bag to the corner of the hall, and took a piece of paper and marked'toys' on it. Storage place', then went back to the room and continued to lie on the sofa to brew sleepiness.

When she was about to fall asleep, Barbara suddenly yelled: "It's done, hehehehe!"

This sound directly dispelled the sleepiness I had just brewed.

I looked at the magic clock on the wall in distress. It was already more than one o'clock in the morning, and everyone in the room was not awake, so I decided to remind them: "Well, what? Dungeon..."

Before she finished speaking, Kagali interrupted directly: "Tomorrow the guild will rest for one day."

"Okay~" Fenghuang and others cheered.


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