Obviously, she said this from the sincerity, but I can clearly feel that she wants me to tell her the truth of the matter. This is not like a high-ranking person's forcing a confession to a lower-ranking person, but more like a comparison of two relationships. Confession between close people.

Sighing lightly, I said: "This matter is not just my personal privacy, it is related to the future of the entire Fearless Guild. If you want to know, there is only one way."

I turned my head, looked into her eyes, and said, "Join my guild and become my own."

I know the personality of Emily. Once she agrees, she must do it, otherwise, she will not easily agree. This is not only the stubbornness of high-ranking people, but also the pride of elves.

Emily and I looked at each other for a while, and she said lightly: "Yes, but not now."

"What?" I seemed to hear some terrible answer, with a dazed expression.

"I can join your guild" Emily repeated: "But not now."

I panicked: "This...I'm just making an analogy, you don't have to take it seriously..."

Emily shook her head slightly: "What I said will not change, and I hope you will not forget your promise."

I just crashed, and my head went blank. This Nima is just a casual metaphor! You must take Mao seriously!

After an unknown period of time, I have not yet woken up from the shock on my side, and Kagali’s exclamation sounded on the bed over there again: "Yahyahyah! Ai Ai Ai Mili! Why are you here?"

This voice became louder, and directly awakened the other girls from the hazy state of half asleep, and I was completely awake by her shock.

Lifting her head, she saw Emily faintly looking at the girls of Kagali, and then nodded at them very calmly: "Good morning."

"Xiao Yi?" Lilya turned her head to look at me, her starry eyes still shining, even in the daytime.

"We met on the street, so I invited her over."

"That's it." Lilea breathed a sigh of relief: "Scare me."

"Really, brother, I won't say anything to us, which made me startled~" Yula glared and said.

"Woo~ Remy's body is so soft." Barbara didn't care about Emily's existence at all, rubbed her hands on Remy's body, and the rubbed Remy screamed and looked pitifully in her eyes. Hold me with light and tears.

I can't bear to look straight...

...So I closed my eyes.

"Phoenix..." Remy tried to ask the Phoenix on the other side for help.

"Is it really soft?" Phoenix Nuonuo's voice sounded, and I knew that something was wrong. Leimi had just entered the tiger's den before she even got out of the wolf's den.

Ever since, groans and screams mixed in the room, endlessly.

The guild spent the morning in these voices.

After dinner, everyone was going to go shopping. Emily and I were sitting on the sofa. She said to me, "Is your guild so lively every day?"

"Not every day" I said, "but it's almost there."

After speaking, I turned my head and asked her: "Do you like fun?"

"I don't like it" she said lightly.

I was overjoyed, this might be an opportunity to stop her from leaving the Rose Legion!

However, her next words let me completely dispel the idea: "It's not annoying, I will try to get used to it."

When shopping, it is naturally lively and cheerful, except for me.

As I said before, I am responsible for carrying things. Almost all the big bags and small bags of a group of girls were picked up by me. Oh, forget, I am not fighting alone, I still have a companion, my companion Yes, Zach.

Although he is only responsible for taking Florence's things, it is clear that married young women who love beauty are far more pursuing clothing categories than ordinary girls.

The amount of parcels she alone can catch up with all the other girls.

Fortunately, Kagali's salary to Zac and Florence is the highest in the entire guild, and can fully afford such a huge consumption.

Sometimes I think that Florence's character that likes to spend money is probably caused by Kagali. After all, in the words of Yura, Zach and Florence's current salary is the heroic one. The guild president Harold's salary was several times.

What kind of existence was the Valiant Guild back then! That is a large-scale guild established on the basis of Eri City! As a result, the salary of the guild president was not as high as the salary of the general members of my fearless guild. This must be known to Harold, and he will definitely cry out to join him.

but! The benefits I mentioned above are limited to ordinary members of the guild, and do not include me as the president!

Treasurer Kakali stipulated this: Only a very small part of all my income belongs to myself, and the rest is shared by several girls. The reason is...the reason she didn’t tell me at all. I just asked fiercely whether I would agree or not. If I did not agree, even the last salary would not be issued to me!

I almost burst into tears at the time. Everyone else is a bag of gold coins, and the number of gold coins I got is less than five. Who can I find to be reasonable?

Not much sadness, let's get down to business.

Although on the surface I have a lot of things to carry, but I have a helper! Xiaozhi is my biggest helper! It can carry a pile of tripods, which is nothing to say.

But it also has its downsides. I don’t know where it learned the temper of a profiteer. It helps me work. I have to buy the finest black hair steak for it. I have to manage it enough. It hurts, black hair steak! That's the most expensive steak in the Japanese style mainland! One piece of one gold coin, my salary for a week, one shopping trip is all gone!

Fortunately, I still have a private small vault that has not been discovered. This is finally the end of avoiding crediting a beetle monster.

Next time I will call Dewey, I have to knock him a gold coin! This is a punishment for him as a godfather but he is not saved!

The Phoenix and the others were very active when they were shopping. They chatted like a group of little house finches. Zac and I followed them hard, and followed me with the same hard chi. As for Billy and Yang Gu, they were all male compatriots. , Don't ask, I must have been looking for another place to drink.

Speaking of Yang Kui, I am very upset. Since the last time this kid saw Xiaozhi's ability to carry things, he entrusted Liu Yu and Duanmuyu to Xiaozhi, asking him to help carry things for him, and then he looked like a thief. Xixi, please ask me to help pay for Xiaozhi's labor costs, this is simply to hurt others and self-interest!

I angrily refused on the spot! However, this guy ran away taking advantage of my inattentive effort. This kind of unrighteous behavior is simply disgusting!

In this regard, I express firm contempt!

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