Bringing a group of frowning lords to buy meat, this is simply the most exciting scene ever in Moonlight City!

Especially Billy who followed behind, his face looked like a salted fish that had been dead for a long time, and his eyes turned into white circles. Next to him, Yang Xu was also a salted fish face full of despair, but he There are more than Billy, at least the eyes are still black and white. After him, the expressions of Jackson, Rocky, Godot and several summoners are not natural, but the eyes are full of colors.

When I came to the butcher’s shop, I paid and bought several bags of meat and handed them to Yang Ku and Billy respectively. The two took the bags reluctantly and made a tired and dying expression. They were hypocritical. Expression, I choose to ignore.

After that, we went to the fish shop again, bought two large bags of white fish, and handed them to Jackson and Rocky.

The two of them didn't resist, they took the bag honestly and held it without saying a word.

After that, I clapped my hands and said to them: "Okay, I'm done buying things, I can go home."

The few summoners who didn't get anything seemed very happy. Godot looked at his free hand and asked me, "Captain, what about me?"

I thought about it and asked for a wooden stick from the fish shop owner, and handed it to Godot: "You follow, use this to poke him if you have any resistance. You are not a priest. If the poke breaks, you will be treated on the spot. The treatment is good. I don’t believe it anymore. Carrying a few bags of meat can make you foamy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Billy pretending to be foaming at his mouth was severely pained by Godot, who screamed strangely.

It was so scared that Yang Ku and the others instantly filled their faces with bright smiles, and the whole person suddenly became energetic.

Seeing this, I was very satisfied, patted Godot on the shoulder, and praised: "Well done, I will work harder."

After Billy screamed, he directly protested: "Your behavior is torturing our body and mind. It is inhumane. I choose to protest, oh!"

He was stabbed again by Godot.

I smirked: "It feels inhumane? You can sue me!"

"You!" Billy glared at me, then Godot stabbed me again.

In this way, along the way, Billy and others made all kinds of weird calls while speeding up their pace and rushing towards the house. The speed was so fast that I was quite satisfied. If I knew that they were slaves, I should have stabbed them with a stick. Up.

When they got home, the elders put down the bags, and only then showed a relieved expression. Godot looked at the stick in his hand and then at Billy who was rubbing his butt. He suddenly gave a weird smile. This smile, directly I was surprised that I was in a cold sweat, and I could probably guess what Godot wanted to do with Billy with the stick. It was probably a matter of indescribable taste.

Some wax for Billy.

When everyone was busy for dinner, a knock on the door suddenly sounded. When you opened it, it was the messenger of the adventurer base.

When the messenger saw me, he nodded: "Mr. An Xiaoyi, you have a call."

I hurried to the adventurer base and picked up the call. A familiar voice came from inside: "It's me, Jin Siqi."

"Well, I heard it, is something wrong?"

Jin Siqi's voice was very serious. She asked me: "Have you ever met someone from the Golden Flame Guild?"

"Golden Flame Guild?" I curled my lips: "This name is so familiar."

"It's one of the five major guilds in the Hefeng Continent, the largest guild in Erri City!"

"Oh, no wonder the name is so familiar. It turns out to be one of the five major guilds, but I don't seem to have any intersection with the people in this guild."

"Think about it seriously!" Jin Siqi's tone suddenly rose.

So I seriously thought for a while: "Really not, I know almost nothing about this guild, what's wrong, what happened?"

"A friend told me that Guild Golden Flame put you on their blacklist!"

"Yeah, it's interesting." I laughed: "I was listed as a blacklisted member by the Golden Flame Guild, one of the five major guilds. I really don't know if I should be fortunate or unfortunate."

"This is a serious matter, do you know it!" Jin Siqi said: "I asked that friend what happened, and he told me that you were blacklisted because you deliberately murdered a senior cadre of the guild!"

"Murder the senior cadres of the five major guilds?" I squeezed my chin and thought: "Can you tell me the name of the guy I murdered?"

"Xu Tengbo."

"Oh, it was him" I chuckled, "Yes, I killed it."

Jin Siqi was silent for a moment, and a little, she said in a trembling tone: "It was really killed by's okay! This is awful!"

"What's so bad?" I wondered, "Is it just being blacklisted."

"You, you, you know all day that you are in trouble, you don't even know the seriousness of this matter!" Jin Siqi solemnly said: "The five major guilds are called the five major guilds because the energy they contain is not a general adventurer guild. Comparable! If it's just a Golden Flame Guild, it would be good, but do you know how many guilds there are? Do you know how much energy those guilds have!"

"Well, stop for a while, stop for a while" I said, "Don't be so excited."

"Can I not get excited!" Jin Siqi's tone was high again.

"You calm down first" I said: "You have to let me explain."

"You said!"

"Actually, it's like this..."

I told Jin Siqi about the Second Young Master’s visit to the tomb and the fight with Xu Tengbo, and finally said helplessly: "I don’t want to kill him either, but there can only be one living between him and me, I Of course I have to choose myself~"

"Then what should we do now?" Jin Siqi said: "There were a lot of friendship guilds established with great difficulty in the past. I heard that you were blacklisted by the Golden Flame Guild, and they opted out of the alliance. You know that because of your behavior, we How much power has been lost!"

"Is it our power to choose to leave us at a critical time?" I asked her back.

Jin Siqi did not answer.

I continued: "Only those who share weal and woe are our true friends, who are good on the surface, and who retreat at critical moments, or who are on the surface and kind and stabbed in the back. Can such people really be our friends? You can negotiate with them if you have a small interest, but don't put your chips on them, otherwise, you will definitely lose your money."

"Then you give me a suggestion!" Jin Siqi said angrily: "I want me to strengthen the strength of the guild and help Rodney return to the throne of the city lord of the city. Not only does he limit funds, but he also refuses to give me ideas. What do you want me to be the president! Or, do you intend to use this method to force me to quit!"

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