With a long bell, five o'clock arrived.

I stood up and patted my butt, but Jin Siqi was still flipping through the documents.

"Isn't it over yet?" I asked.

"Almost" Jin Siqi raised her head, with some requests in her eyes: "Wait for me again."

"it is good."

I leaned against the wall and waited quietly.

After another forty minutes, Jin Siqi finally gathered the files, put them away, raised her head, looked at the wall clock, and panicked instantly: "Yes, I'm sorry."

I waved my hand: "What do you want to eat?"

Jin Siqi thought for a while: "Something except barbecue."

I did not take Jin Siqi to any restaurant, but went directly to the airship base, boarded the airship, and entered the room that belonged to me. Not long after, waiters came in one after another and placed a full table on the table. Table gourmet.

After the waiter retired, only me and Jin Siqi were left in the room.

Jin Siqi obviously didn't expect to have dinner with me alone, and she was very nervous when she was still in such a luxurious place.

I smiled at her slightly: "Don't be nervous, let's eat."

Jin Siqi cowardly stretched out her hand, grabbed the chopsticks and spoons on the table, and began to eat.

It was only a short period of time that she hadn't seen her. Now she has completely lost the hatred and publicity that she used to see me. She has become cautious and timid, like an angry little wife.

I really don't know whether this change is sad or lamentable.

After eating, I asked her where she lives now. Jin Siqi told me that she now lives in an apartment next to the guild, which is a dormitory rented by the guild.

I looked at the sky outside, it was already dark, and said: "Don't go today, and ask the waiter to clean up a room for you later. Go there and rest."

Jin Siqi hesitated to speak and stopped, pondering a little, and finally nodded.

Soon, the waiter prepared the room, Jin Siqi went to another room next to me, closed the door, and I lay on the bed with mixed feelings.

Prudence is indeed the character that a guild president should have, but timidity will hinder the development of the guild.

There are no weak soldiers under strong generals. This is an eternal principle. Only when the leader of the guild becomes strong, all of her soldiers will be brave and good at fighting.

I exhaled: I hope her timidity is only shown in front of me, not a personality imprinted in her bones.

Early the next morning, I woke up early, finished washing, and went to the restaurant.

Because this airship only has a mission at the end of this month, I am the only one in the huge restaurant.

However, the chef of the restaurant is at work. Eighty percent of them were specifically called by the director of the airship base. Perhaps for them, I am already a young master.

He looked up at the wall clock, at half past five, it was still early, so he drank the juice while quietly waiting for Jin Siqi.

At about six ten ten, Jin Siqi finished dressing, led by the waiter to the restaurant, and sat quietly opposite me.

She deliberately painted a light makeup today, which is very beautiful, but her face is still gradually pale.

The waiter brought the juice and appetizers, she didn't do it directly, but looked at me with questioning eyes.

I nodded slightly, and she began to eat with confidence.

Not much time, all kinds of dishes were served. The dishes are extremely rich, but the amount is pitiful. One dish is almost only enough for us to eat one bite. After eating more than a dozen dishes, I still feel that my stomach is empty. Turning her head, Jin Siqi's expression was also a little embarrassed, she seemed to be the same as me.

I raised my head and said to the chef: "Very delicious."

The chef bowed proudly in return.

"This is the top chef in Hefeng Continent who prepares dishes for the city lord." The supervisor who stood by and waited for us to eat, introduced to me in an extremely flattering tone: "He was on vacation until the end of the month. But I heard that your lord is driving, and I packed up all night and rushed over to prepare this sumptuous top-notch meal for you!"

"Thank you for your attention to me" I nodded slightly to the chef, and then smiled at the supervisor: "Thank you for your dedication."

Then, I crossed my fingers with my hands and put them on my chin, and said, "However, I have a very important meeting for a while. I need to eat as soon as possible and replenish my energy. Therefore, I may be out of favor of the two."

The supervisor’s reaction was swift. After I said this, he immediately attached a few words to the chef. The chef’s eyes lit up and he understood it instantly. He hurried back to the back kitchen and gave instructions to the back chef. Then, the whole back kitchen boiled again.

The walls of the airship kitchen are made of crystals, which are completely transparent and have excellent sound insulation. No matter how busy the kitchen staff is, how harsh the pot and spoon are, there will be no sound from outside the wall.

I looked at the busy postures of the chefs in the back kitchen, and said to the main channel: "You did a good job, I am very satisfied."

The supervisor hurriedly bowed and said: "Your satisfaction is the greatest compliment to me!"

"Oh, by the way, how should I reward you?" I held my chin, I thought for a while, and asked him, "What kind of reward do you want?"

The supervisor was flattered: "No, no reward is needed. As long as the adults are happy, it is the greatest reward for me!"

I squeezed my chin, I sighed, and said, "I don't know what you still lack, and it's not good to reward you with any substantive items. Well, this month's salary, you get a double share."

With that said, I took out the noble badge. The supervisor hurriedly took out a piece of cork from his pocket, took the badge and pressed **** it, the pattern of the badge was printed on it, and then I picked it up and was ready. On the back of the cork, wrote the words'you can get double salary this month'. After that, the supervisor carefully put the cork block away, and the excited expression on his face could not be suppressed.

I smiled at him and said, "I have something to say to this beautiful lady, you can go down first."

"Yes! Thank you my lord for nothing, praise you!" The supervisor hurriedly left with a happy face.

Jin Siqi looked at me dumbfounded, and stopped talking several times.

I shook my head at her slightly, and motioned her not to ask.

After a while, the chefs finished their new dishes, loaded them into the dining car, and brought them over carefully.

The dishes this time are large and completely different from the previous ones. Similarly, the dishes are much richer than the previous ones. Birds and beasts, delicacies from mountains and seas, all gathered in a few plates, people can't help but sigh the magic of the food!

After being intoxicated with the fragrance of vegetables for a long time, I just came back to my senses, took out the noble badge, and shook it at the chef. The chef then took a piece of cork from his pocket and handed it over.

After pressing the stamp, I also wrote on the back the words ‘you can get double salary this month’.

After that, they were sent away by me in thanking me over and over again.

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