Just when the atmosphere was tense, Rodney stood up suddenly: "Three...Big brothers, please put the sword away first, everyone is friends, don't hurt your peace..."

"Get out! What the **** are you!" The drunk man opened his mouth and cursed.

"You are too much!" Harold stood up, glaring at the three of them, and said: "Even if he is not the big boss, he is also my friend, you shouldn't be rude to my friend!"

The drunk man staggered and pointed at Harold, and said, "Harold, you are a coward who lives under a woman's crotch. Your strength is strong, yes, but what can you do? We, your new heroic guild has only an empty shell, nothing fart!"

"Oh yo?" I smiled: "What this said, it turns out that my guild is gone and you don't even fart..."

"Shut up your **** mouth!" The drunk man looked at me diao: "Just a **** white face, what kind of pretense!"

"Haha, hahahaha" I smiled, stretched out my hand, and grabbed the knight's sword. Then, the killing intent in my body spewed out in an instant, and my whole person's momentum also changed in an instant, becoming like a ghost , Like a fierce beast, full of more intense violence and killing.

The handguards all over the killing intent, the combat skills were instantly activated, and after hearing a few soft clicks, cracks began to appear where the knight sword was pinched by me.

The crack gradually spread, from the spider silk at the beginning to a vein like a pencil drawing, and then, with a click, it broke into two pieces.

"What did you do!" The headed man no longer had the arrogant arrogance before, and he took a few steps back in horror.

"Weird, monster!" The wretched man also seemed to be frightened, his legs trembling, equally frightened.

The drunk man was so frightened by my appearance, and then sat down on the ground.

The four guards at the door were shocked when they saw this. One of them wanted to take the road and flee. I stepped forward and pulled it back. Then, he stretched out his hand to pull the door and closed it completely.

Reaching out and grabbing the guard's neck, I said lightly: "I'm sorry, this matter can only be known to my own people, and everyone else who knows will have to die."

After all, with a twist, his legs trembled violently, and his crotch was wet with a soft click.

Then, I walked to the other three guards.

After solving the guards, I turned my head and said to Jin Siqi: "The families of these people will arrange them for me. Please tell me how much pension you need."

After that, I lifted my chin and said to the person beside her: "Is it here, or do you solve yourself?"

"What does this have to do with me?" The man looked surprised: "You are killing innocent people. If you do this, you will lose credibility and ruin the guild you founded yourself!"

"No," I smiled and said: "Don't think I don't know. When I was threatened, you were sneering. Don't worry, when you die, your family will receive a good pension, enough for them. Happy life."

"Can I withdraw now?" The man raised his hands, a face of horror, cold sweat, running down his forehead.


As my voice fell, Jin Siqi took out the dagger she carried and cut the man's throat.

I turned my head and looked at the trembling three people in the corner: "You don't even have the courage to fight me. Are you worthy of adventurers? Are you worthy of serving in my guild?"



"Tie the three of them, and those who are disobedient will use their hands and feet. This afternoon, I will use them to stand up."


Harold walked out of the conference room, found a rope, tied all three of them together, and covered their mouths with sackcloth.

After doing all this, I returned to my original position, sat down slowly, and said: "Then now, let's continue the meeting."

This time, except for Rodney, everyone else's eyes changed when they saw me. Apart from the complicated and unidentified feelings, they were also a little strange.

"I just said that today's things can only be known to my own people" I smiled and said: "Congratulations to you all, you are all your own, since you are all your own, I will just pick out some things, let us It's a guild, not a gang. There is no need to bully and fear tough gangsters. What is needed are warriors who really dare to draw their swords."

With that said, I turned to Jin Siqi. Jin Siqi instantly lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, this is my negligence... I just want to increase the number of people in the guild..."

"A group of mobs will never compare to a few elites. This is a fact. At this point, you are indeed improper, but it is not dereliction of duty." At this point, I sighed and lowered my head: "Here, I apologize to everyone, because my restrictions on the guild’s funds have caused you to find some mobs to expand your staff. At this point, I am sorry everyone."

Everyone in the room looked at each other, seemingly unable to imagine that I could apologize publicly.

Looking up, I smiled and said, "So, from today, you will negotiate and customize the development funds of the guild, and report to me after the amount is determined. As long as it is reasonable, no matter how many gold coins, I can satisfy you."

"An Xiaoyi..." Jin Siqi only said my name, and then she closed her mouth and said no more words.

Seeing her hesitating to say something, I asked, "If you have anything, just say it."

She hesitated for a long time, and finally seemed to have made a lot of determination, saying: "The guild... now needs funds urgently."

"How much?" I asked.

"Two hundred thousand gold coins... is the price of buying a batch of stainless steel weapons..." Jin Siqi's voice became smaller and smaller, until the end, even the person sitting next to me couldn't hear it. .

After Jin Siqi's words, other people turned their heads to look at me, especially Harold, their eyes gleaming, full of expectation.

I took out the call crystal and connected to Dewey in front of them: "It's me, Xiao Yi."

Dewey: "It turned out to be Xiao Yi, I am very busy now, so please tell me if you have something.

"I need a sum of money."

Dewey: "How much?"

"Two million gold coins."

"Two million gold coins are looking for me directly?" Dewey said angrily: "Didn't you tell me! Find my secretary for funds in units of one million or less!"

I am sorry......"

"Huh, forget it, don't blame you, I hit a wall on the road of studying runes today, and I am not in a good mood" Dewey paused, and suddenly said: "When will you marry my group of daughter-in-laws! I still Waiting to hug grandchildren!"

"This...cough cough, so what, the signal is not good, I'll hang up first."

After all, I hung up the call awkwardly.

Looking around, everyone's expressions are dumbfounded.

After a long time, Rodney said: "Xiaoyi, Master Dewey... is it your father?"

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