The voice fell, and the adventurers began to move around.

"The current New Heroic Guild can be compared with two words, whether it is the configuration of the personnel, the morale of the personnel, or the consciousness of the personnel-bad" I swept the angry and surprised expressions of everyone, and said in a flat tone: " Yes, it's bad."

"For me, the new Valiant Guild now only has the exterior decoration that is more in line with my aesthetics and preferences, and everything else is terrible."

The discussion of the adventurers rose in an instant, like a swarm of buzzing bees.


As I uttered this emphasized word, the tumultuous crowd fell silent for another moment.

I looked around and nodded in satisfaction: "As the saying goes, there are no really bad adventurers, only adventurers who become bad because they don’t work hard. The reason I say you are bad now is precisely because you don’t work hard. Of course, not everyone is not working hard, some have worked hard, and some have struggled, but these are just a small part of you, just as a drop in the sea cannot change the entire sky, only a small Part of the members who worked hard could not save the entire guild."

Breathing out softly, I continued: "I just asked Harold to pass on my words to you, and all of you who have stayed hope that the New Heroic Guild can develop well, grow rapidly, and become a sign that you can be proud of. But, if you just hope, there is no way to change the status quo. You need to work hard, you need to become stronger, and you need to do what you can to create the future for the guild together!"

"Perhaps many of you will think this way. We have worked hard, struggled, and paid, but unfortunately, our ability is limited, our equipment is limited, we can only stop here, even if we push and pull, we It’s hard to go further, I guess, right?"

Eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one, some people lowered their heads involuntarily, and some showed disdain.

"It is because of the possibility that the problem I mentioned above may occur, so I am here."

I walked slowly in front of them, raised my arms, and aired the clothes on my body: "As you can see, my dress is very ordinary. It can even be expressed as shabby, just an ordinary jacket and a Looks very old and dirty cowhide pants, and a pair of dusty cowhide shoes. They look the most valuable. Maybe it is my pair of scratched handguards. Poor, dirty, ordinary, this These three words should be the best interpretation of my current state, but these are just appearances, and do not mean how much my real inherent assets will be. You can’t guess how much money I will have, and neither will I. Tell you the exact amount, because this is privacy, and I don’t know how much money I have, but one thing, I’m sure, not to mention that this is just one guild, even if it’s the top five guilds, I can still support it. Affordable."

"There will be many of you who don’t believe me. It’s okay. I don’t need you to believe me at all. You only need to believe in your president, in your leader, in the future changes in the guild, in your own eyes and Intuition, this is enough."

I turned my head and winked at Jin Siqi. Jin Siqi nodded and walked out of the hall quickly. A few minutes later, she struggling to walk in with a bulging leather suitcase, dragging the suitcase to my money, she sighed softly: "Good weight."

"This is the weight of money" I whispered with a chuckle.

Stepping forward, he unzipped the zipper of the box, only to hear a loud noise, piles of gold coins rushed out of the box, like a dam that broke a bank.

In an instant, the adventurers in the conference room held their breaths and opened their eyes wide, each one of them seemed to be beaten up with blood, and instantly became energetic.

Sure enough, if you want to boost morale, you still have to come up with something substantial.

"This is four hundred thousand gold coins" I smiled and said: "This is used to build equipment and improve your strength. Originally, these gold coins should be directly turned into weapons and equipment and delivered to you, but I think I will show them to you. It can increase your confidence and morale."

I grabbed a handful of gold coins, and let them drip from my fingers one by one, into the pile of gold coins. I looked at the greedy and fanatical eyes of the adventurers in front of me and felt very satisfied.

People only become stronger when they are full of desires, and at the same time, they become obedient because of desires.

Greed is also desire, which is exactly what I need.

When the last gold coin fell into the pile of gold coins, I stood up and walked in front of them again. This time, everyone’s eyes were on me, and their eyes were full of meanings, but most of them, Still fanaticism and worship.

I understand that it is not me that they admire, but the huge funds I have, but this is enough.

This is like believers pursuing their own beliefs, they are pursuing my money.

Like a savior, I accepted the gazes of your worship, and slowly said: "This is my innovation. I will invest funds in the New Heroic Guild. A lot of funds are used to make you stronger, but I only Can create the most superior environment for you in terms of equipment and salary. As for the strength, morale, etc., it depends on your own. I will design a reward system with Jin Siqi. Anything that meets our requirements Adventurers will be rewarded. There is no doubt that the prize is gold coins, a lot of real gold coins!"

When all the adventurers heard the "gold coin", they instantly boiled.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, I slowly walked towards the three big men with fear, struggle, pain and greed in their eyes, picked them up and threw them in front of everyone.

I said indifferently: "These three people, they insulted your guild leader, and at the same time they insulted me. They think they are the most powerful and powerful people in this guild. They ignore the rules of this guild and don’t want to innovate. Seeing the future prospects of the guild, in my opinion, the three of them are the worms of the guild, but I don’t want to execute them directly. I want everyone, everyone, to announce your verdict. If you decide to release After three people, I will untie their ropes, return them to you, and let you reunite, but correspondingly, you will also lose me and all the senior leaders of the guild. I will take them out of here and take this guild. I leave here with my so-called innovation and hope. I will keep these 400,000 gold coins. At the same time, I will leave the entire guild’s pavilions to you. Okay, choose them. Or choose innovation?"

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