Listening to the steward’s hearty laughter and feeling the steward’s praise, my heart collapsed.

I knew that President Aoli could drink so well, I won't fight with him anymore!

The suffering of a hangover can only be experienced by the hangover. Now I feel sore and weak, especially my head, which has been swelling and painful, as if the brain fluid flowing in it suddenly ebbs, and I want to burst my brain.

I walked towards the guild gate in a swaying manner, and the steward immediately rushed forward, using my sturdy shoulders as my handrails, and said with concern: "Xiaoyi, where are you going?"

"Back to the Guild", my voice was so firm and steady, completely opposite to my walking state.

"If you're not busy, take a rest here first" the steward worried: "I see your walking state. If you go out for no more than five steps, you will have to fall."

"Look at what you said, it's exaggerated...Ah!"

The moment I stepped out of the threshold, my right foot was not raised high enough, so the next second, I fell face-down heavily on the ground.

My forehead touched the ground first. At the moment when my forehead touched the ground, my ears only heard a muffled sound of bang. Then, countless shining stars appeared around my eyes, and those stars ran around in front of my eyes. I turned and refused to stop for a moment, and then my nose was stuck on the floor tiles because of inertia.

This sudden tumble caused my brain to crash instantly, and I didn't feel any pain at all. Hey, there was only an indescribable numbness.

I don't know how long it took, my brain finally started to work. At the same time, I felt that my arm was being pulled vigorously and my body was also lifted up.

Turning his head, the manager looked at me worriedly: "Xiaoyi, how are you? Are you okay?"

I shook my head blankly, but didn't want to say a word.

It's gone again...I don't know how long it took, my brain finally woke up, and at the same time I was sober, there was soreness in the forehead and the bridge of the nose at the same time, uh... This kind of soreness is always uncomfortable.

After being sane, I almost understood why I only felt sore and numb just now instead of the soreness-I fell into a daze.

While helping me to get up, the manager turned on the nagging mode: "Xiao Yi, I think you should rest here for a while, you can trip over the threshold when you go out, how can you tell me to let you go back? what......"

I exhaled and smelled of alcohol: "It's okay. It was just a mistake. Don't worry, I can go back. Don't worry, if you are really worried, you can send me back."

Seeing that I didn't listen to persuasion, the manager insisted on leaving, and it was difficult to stop him, so he greeted a few strong dwarves and escorted me back to the New Heroic Guild along the way.

After returning to the New Heroic Guild, the guard at the door helped me in.

All members of the New Heroic Guild have participated in my meeting yesterday. Everyone knows me a little bit more or less. Even if they don’t know anything, they are at least familiar. As long as they meet me, they will be sure There will be an idea in my heart: This is the big boss of our guild, a rich man!

I was helped all the way to Jin Siqi's office and knocked on the door. Jin Siqi was taken aback by my hangover and exclaimed: "Xiaoyi, much alcohol did you drink?"

I was supported by the lean Jin Siqi, and I felt like a thick tree is leaning on a stick. I sat on the chair in front of her desk. I kneaded the bridge of my nose and felt thirsty in my throat. Does not work: "Water."

Soon, Jin Siqi handed over a cup of hot tea. Although the hot tea is not easy to swallow, the burning sensation in her throat is even more difficult. So she raised her head, and I slurped a large cup of hot tea: "Cool! "

After taking a breath, I felt more energetic, cleared my throat, and looked at Jin Siqi who was staring at me: "I didn't drink today. This is a sequelae of drinking yesterday."

"How much wine did you drink yesterday?" Jin Siqi asked with a little concern.

"Yesterday...I can't remember either." He shook his head vigorously: "Anyway, many, many, it is said that the branch presidents of the Dwarf Guild were all overwhelmed by me, haha."

"Dwarf Guild..." Jin Siqi whispered, frowned, and asked me: "You went to the Dwarf Guild yesterday?"

"Yes" I nodded, "Didn't I say that before, I'll take care of the Dwarf Guild."

"You mean..." There was a light in her eyes, which was full of hope.

"Yes, it's settled." I continued to nod. "They agreed to become our guild of friends."

"Great!" Jin Siqi's slightly serious expression turned into joy in an instant, she made a fist with her small hand and waved in the void.

I was overjoyed to see her. I didn't want to be disturbed, but if I didn't ask this question in my heart, I would feel very uncomfortable. After thinking about it for a while, I still chose to speak: "How are the discussions at the Iron Wolf Guild?"

Sure enough, after hearing this question, Jin Siqi's whole body was slightly stiff. She hesitated for a while and said: "Iron Wolf Guild did not reply directly, but called us back to wait for the news."

"The eight achievements are out of play" I shrugged: "It's okay, it's enough to have the support of the Dwarf Guild."

"That's right." Jin Siqi actually agreed with me: "As long as there is a dwarf guild as our friend guild, even the Iron Wolf Guild, the Golden Flame Guild, the Silver Wing Guild, and even the native Rose Legion, dare not look down upon us. Up."

"Huh? Listening to you, the Dwarf Guild looks very awkward?"

"The Dwarf Guild is very famous and prestigious" Jin Siqi said: "It's mainly because their combat effectiveness is the strongest of the five guilds."

After listening, I wondered: "Aren't the five major guilds tied for ranking?"

"No" Jin Siqi said: "There is no such thing as a tie-in ranking in this world. They are all made up by adventurers according to their own minds. In fact, many years ago, the five major guilds had a private contest."

"Privately?" I smiled: "How come you feel like a date?"

"It's about the same as an appointment."

I tightened my nose: "How did you know?"

Jin Siqi said: "When the Rose Legion took office as the commander of the Erri City sub-unit, I was fortunate to read some materials that were not allowed to be shown, and there was a record of this incident."

"So that's it, what does it say?"

Jin Siqi thought for a while and said: "There is no detailed explanation above, but that the dwarf guild has crushed the other three guilds with absolute advantage. Only the Rose Legion can fight against him."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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