After a night of torture...

Yes, it is torture, torture in the literal sense, for short, sling.

After the night, I was totally exhausted. I couldn’t understand why Phoenix and the others would blow their hair instantly when it involved other girls’ topics. Although I knew that this might be related to being jealous, I never expected it. , I was actually in a bottomless vinegar tank. As long as I was negligent, I would be beaten immediately.

The reason for the hanging last night turned out to be that I was very likely to have included a new harem in Dasai City. This Nima is completely imaginary!

But I can't explain it. It's not that I don't want to explain, but that I won't give me the opportunity to explain it at all.

Early the next morning, I woke up wrapped in a thick blanket and hung from the beam of the room. To be honest, I am a bit accustomed to this tragic sleeping position now.

Barbara woke up in a daze and was about to go to the bathroom. She swayed her head against the big quilt, then raised her head blankly, moved her ears, and blinked wry eyes: "Huh? Xiaoyi? Why do you sleep in this strange posture?"

I want to cry without tears: Please, you were also the main participant yesterday, OK!

She was rubbing her eyes with her left hand, and her right fingers were brought together. With a wave of her hand, she heard a soft sound. The rope of the little finger was cut off instantly by her. That gorgeous action was even slippery than most adventurers!

But she is not an adventurer at all, even the talent is not activated.

With a puff, I fell to the ground, rolled twice, freed from the quilt, watched Barbara sway out of the room to go to the toilet, and looked at the rope that was cut by her with a wave of hands. I'm so dumbfounded.

When did she learn this hand?

Before dinner, the lady boss went to the yard for morning exercises as usual. I deliberately leaned over and asked, "Madam boss?"

"Huh? Xiaoyi, what's the matter?" The lady boss stretched her waist and said.

"Madame, I don't know if you believe it or not, I saw a scene that shocked me this morning!"

"Really?" The lady boss said while doing breast enlargement exercises: "Did one of your fiancee touch Barbara's ears?"

"No, oh, what do you think, let me tell you..."

Then, I told the proprietress about Barbara's neat skill and sharp nails.

After hearing this, the lady boss gave a calm expression: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"Barbara is not an adventurer! How can she have such agility?"

The lady boss looked at me contemptuously: "You are Barbara's fiance, don't tell me you don't know?"

I collapsed and said, "How could I know!"

The boss made a cut and said, "You are really unqualified as a fiance."

I was helpless and said with a humble expression: "Yes, yes, what you taught is, please tell me what is going on?"

"You know Barbara is a hybrid of orc race, right?"

"Know" I nodded and said, "She is a mixture of cat and human races."

"Although the number of cats is scarce, every one of them is a natural adventurer. Even if she doesn't activate the talent, she is still stronger than many adventurers. As for nail-cutting rope, it is basically pediatrics."

Huh? There is still such a saying!

I was silent for a while, and said, "Is there some characteristics of Kagali that have not been shown?"

"I don't know about that," the proprietress haha ​​said: "She is your fiancée. Just ask her directly."

Although the boss's wife is right, do I really need to ask her such a boring question?

After all, these are irrelevant topics, so if you can avoid it, you can avoid it.

Thinking like this, I did a few morning exercises and went back to the living room.

After the meal, our group hurried to the dungeon. Although there are not many days before the Wind Contest, and proper team training is needed, in contrast, improving our own strength is even more important. Important, after all strength is the last word. As for the tacit understanding, everyone has been together for such a long time, and the tacit understanding has long been there, and it is not bad for these dozens of days.

Entering the dungeon, to the fifteenth floor, everyone continued to fight Amon.

In fact, I originally intended to take everyone to a deeper level, but as soon as I said this suggestion, Kajiali rejected it all. Her meaning was very clear: there are still people with lower levels in the team now, it is not suitable to go. Excessive level of level spawning monsters will cause dangerous situations.

It makes sense to think about what she said. It is indeed better to be conservative, but you don’t have to look at me with tears, Lily and Lizi. I don’t mean to blame you... Loki, you don’t want to. Pretending to be aggrieved, okay, you are a shooter, look at the archer Lilea next to you, I don’t know where the level is higher than you! Are you still embarrassed? Believe it or not, I slap you to death!

Standing at a certain crossing on the fifteenth floor, watching Amon in front of me screamed and screamed, I habitually drew out my weapon, and Kagali and the others rushed forward. This scene has become our master of Amon. daily.

I remember the time when I was playing alone. I don’t know how many huge Amons I killed. If I follow the online game routine, I will probably be awarded the title of Amon’s Terminator. It’s better to give me blessings. One or two buffs. For example, Amon’s first reaction after seeing me was to run away, or the Amon who was against me would shiver randomly.

Thinking about this situation, it feels exciting, but unfortunately, this is a real world, there is no so-called title, and there is no bonus buff. If it has to be related to something, the magician and the priest are different. This kind of buffing magic should be regarded as a buff, and the various debuffing magic they released should be regarded as a debuff.

Closer to home, our group cracked and beaten up, killing more than a dozen Amons in a row. Only then did we feel a little tired. In the singing of Lizi and Remy, the fatigue of our team was cleared out at a very fast speed. After resting for more than half a minute, I felt refreshed and full of strength.

Then, we continued to rush towards the next Amon.

During the battle, I asked Kagali: "When did the buffs of Remy and Liz become so obvious?"

Kagali said, "You didn't know, Liz and Remy sang to each other every few days when you were away."


Kagali shook her hair and said, "Don't you understand? Remy and Lizi sang due to the sorrow that you were not at home. You are such a wood, you can't even figure out such things. , How did I fall in love with your piece of wood?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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