I looked at the small blackboard in front of the adventurer's base. There were still more than ten minutes before the next competitive match, and the venue was not far from here, so I wandered around and walked towards the arena.

When I was approaching the arena, I saw Renne dressed in a cloak again, and he was also walking in the direction of the arena.

I walked a few steps quickly, came behind him, and called him: "Ren."

Ren's body trembled and turned his head abruptly. He only relaxed when he saw me, "So it was you."

He looked at me up and down several times: "Are you also here to watch the game?"

I nodded: "You too?"

He chuckled and said, "Ask it knowingly."

I grinned: "Actually, I came to the game mainly because I was too boring. I don't know where to pass the time. How about you?"

Ren said: "I want to study more the fighting style and fighting methods of the elf adventurer, so that I will use it later."

"This idea really fits your identity" I laughed.

After seeing no one around, I asked him in a low voice, "How are the results of those elves training?"

"It's still early, I can't see the results now" Ren said: "Cultivating assassins is the same as cultivating fruits. You never know whether it is sour or sweet before it matures."

I nodded my head repeatedly and agreed: "Ah, speaking of it, I'm still looking forward to it~"

Ren said: "I also look forward to their growth."

"Oh, yes" I suddenly remembered something, it was the duel between the two assassins trained by Lilea and Renn, so I asked him: "The elf assassin you trained, right What is the chance of winning the assassin trained by my fiancee?"

Renne was silent for a second, and said: "Assassins who graduated from me will not lose to high-end assassins in any organization."

"That is to win~" I smiled and said: "That's fine, I can rest assured that I can boldly put my pocket money on your side."

Rennes: ...

The arena was full of elves who came to watch the game. It took a lot of time for Ren and I to find two places next to each other in the most inconspicuous place. After sitting side by side, we waited for the start of the game.

However, the game has not yet started, but a ball of paper fell on my lap.

I frowned and looked back again. There were people going back and forth, and I couldn't tell which ball of paper I lost.

Picked up the paper ball, unfolded it, and wrote a few lines of fine print: Someone is watching us.

I was in a daze, when Renn's rough and old left hand was exposed, clenched into a fist, and then slowly stretched out his index finger, shaking it twice.

I know it. He threw this paper ball to me in order to keep me on guard.

I naturally threw the ball of paper into my pocket, leaned back, leaned on the back of the seat, put on a very ordinary expression, and calmly looked at the stadium.

Knowing that after being watched, I don’t panic, lose my mind, don’t feel nervous, or even be on guard. Only in this way can I fool those who watch me.

My expression was indifferent, and I talked and laughed as usual, but my heart had already exploded: Damn it, if it wasn't for Rennes' high alertness, I didn't know that someone was following me! This is really **** fucking, who knows when they started to follow me, maybe from last night, or even longer ago, anyway, no matter when it started, follow me. The thing is certain.

Meowing, I can’t get out of my body for the time being. You’ll change the law to find something for me. When my assassination squad is formed and the combat puppets are all completed, I’ll see if I will catch you one by one and throw them away. The puppet's feet are all crushed to death!

After waiting a while, the game started.

The lineups of the two elf adventurers look very similar. Both are two heavily armed elf warriors at the beginning, three agile warriors are responsible for cutting in, two priests in the middle for mid-range healing, and then two archers, constantly interfering. At the end of the line of sight, there are three magicians, using magic to disrupt the opponent's camp.

At the same time as the opening, the vanguards of the two sides collided with each other at a rapid speed, aiming at their feet, with a light ball attached to them.

Ren turned his head and said, "Do you see the light on the soldier's feet? That is magic to increase speed. This magic is very useful, especially when you need to launch a surprise attack."

Under the blessing of acceleration magic, the two knights rushed in front of each other for a few breaths, then raised the shields in their hands and slammed into them.


The loud noise of the collision of the two sets of shields sounded almost simultaneously, and the harsh sound instantly spread throughout the venue.

In the next second when the shields were holding each other, six agile fighters from the two sides jumped out from behind the heavy armored fighters. The weapons in their hands collided more than a dozen times at the moment of dislocation. After landing smoothly, the six agile fighters did not move forward. , Blasting the back of each other's team, but turned their heads and slashed towards the agile fighters they were facing.

For a time, four fully armed adventurers held a stalemate with their shields, and six agile adventurers held their respective knight swords and started fighting. The scene was very exciting.

I squeezed my chin and asked in a low voice, "Why don't they just go forward and kill each other's rear camps?"

Rehn explained in a low voice: "Because they pride themselves on being a noble race, and the so-called noble race will kill the enemy's rear only after killing the enemy in front of them."

"Although this sounds pretty cool, but to tell the truth, this fighting method is really silly and naive. If you encounter a guy who specializes in the back row, you will be killed almost immediately. ."

Ren shook his head: "According to my investigation, I have concluded that don't underestimate any elf adventurer, they are all masters in melee combat."

I asked Renne in a low voice, "Aren't the elves that I killed before are masters?"

Ryan chuckled: "It turns out that you have always regarded yourself as an ordinary adventurer. Combining your experience with your weird combat skills, your strength is already among the best among the younger generation."

I listened and said in amazement: "Is it so powerful?"

Renn nodded slightly.

I thought for a while and continued to ask: "Aren't you flattering me?"

Renhehe said: "Am I so bored?"

After that, we both continued to watch the game.

In the current situation of the game, the fight of shields and the collision of long swords seemed to have become the main theme of the battle. In the rear, the archer and the magician stood still in place, watching nervously the fight in front of their team.

Only the pastor is the busiest character in the rear. They have to continuously heal the injured and wounded players on the front line, and at the same time give them a specific support state, so that they can fight more persistently.

Seeing this, I can't help but want to complain: What is the contest between the two teams! This is simply a competition between the two pastors!

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