Carrying fifteen books of Cecil's novels, I hurried towards home. When I was approaching the door, I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a repeated Cecil novel at home, so I turned back and planned to return. Returned the extra book, but just a few steps away, I could not hear someone calling me from "Brother Xiaoyi" and "Brother Xiaoyi". As soon as they turned their heads, Lily and Lemi and Lizisan Little Lolita ran towards me riding Xiao Zhi.

"Huh? Why are you all here?"

Lily said: "Brother Xiaoyi, Sister Barbara said that today's mood is only suitable for eating white fish, and asked you to buy some white fish back."

Me: this a question of mood? It seems to be just her excuse...

I said ‘um’ and said to the three little loli: "You go back first, I will go back soon after I bought the white fish."

Unexpectedly, the three little loli did not leave, but followed me closely.

I stopped and turned around: "Anything else for you?"

"Hee hee~" Remy flew over my head.

Lizi hid behind Lily without speaking. Lily blinked her innocently big eyes and said to me, "Brother Xiaoyi, we want to eat magic honey."

I wondered: "Didn't your sister Lilea say that you want to buy it for you yesterday?"

Lily said earnestly: "Sister Lilea just said,'Look for your brother Xiaoyi for candy'."

I sweat...

I was thinking about refusing, when I saw the three little Lori opened their eyes to the fullest, their eyes gleamed with full of expectation and pitiful light.

I was defeated by the light in their three eyes, so I had to cover my eyes and sighed deeply: "Well, it's so dazzling, don't look at me with this kind of eyes anymore, I know, I will buy it for you, buy it for you It’s the head office."

In this way, before I bought the white fish, I bought three boxes of magic honey for a big price, and after I scraped the money for the white fish, the private money in my pocket has been completely zero.

Holding my empty pockets, I could hardly cry without tears.

When I was approaching the door of my house again, I suddenly remembered that the book I bought more hasn't returned yet... it's meowing!

After eating, Barbara excitedly pulled out a new story book I bought and asked me to read it to her. Seeing that it was still early, I sat on the sofa and started to read it vividly.

This time, my listeners were not only Barbara, Princess Analita, and the three little loli, but most of the members of the Fearless Guild, including Emily who was sitting on the sidelines drinking tea.

Cecil’s story is not long, but not short. It has been nearly three hours after reading a book. After three hours of talking, I really have a dry mouth and smoke. After pouring seven or eight cups of water in succession, his throat was moisturized.

On the way to send Emily home, Emily said, "So you know how to read stories."

I curled my lips: "It's okay, mainly because the story is well made."

Emily shook her head and said, "I don't think these stories are made up."

"How do you know it's not?"

Emily said lightly: "I have read Cecil's book in the palace. Although some sections seem exaggerated, compared with historical documents, you will find that many events are actually real."

"It really exists?" I thought for a while and said, "Could it be a story made up by Cecil based on historical documents?"

"Here is the crux of the problem," Emily said: "The historical document I read is a secret document that only senior elves are qualified to read."

I was startled: "Is there anything else?"

Emily nodded: "These stories written by Cecil and the person Cecil have always received the attention of our elves. It is only due to the laws of the city of Ai and Cecil's own reputation. We Moonlight City do not It is suitable to go directly to catch people. Not long ago, there was a chaos in the city of Ery. We originally thought that the opportunity had come. We planned to send the local elves to bring him to Moonlight City. Because of the bad impact of this incident, the senior management had to temporarily shift their focus and put Cecil aside. When the senior management had the energy to target Cecil again, they found that he had been successfully placed in Dasai City."

After hearing Emily's words, I instantly remembered the incident of Achilles massacring foreigners and Cecil's worried expression.

Could it be said that Cecil knew that he would be targeted by the elves before, so that he would become so worried during the chaos of Eri City?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked Emily: "Have your senior management revealed the news of the arrest of Cecil?"

Emily shook her head and said, "No, this is news that only high-level officials know."

I nodded blankly.

Emily said again: "What I said to you just now, you are not allowed to talk about it with anyone else. This is the secret of the high-level elves."

I nodded and promised: "I swear I will never mention it."

Sending Emily back home, I walked alone on the street, thinking about Emily’s words just now, the conversation Cecil had said to me, and the loneliness and loneliness he inadvertently revealed. Knot.

When these seemingly unrelated things are connected together, I just realized that Cecil is by no means a simple guy.

With so many bards walking in the world, why can he happen to find a huge gold mine?

Now that the ownership of the gold mine belongs to the town, how did he occupy this giant gold mine as his private assets?

These problems are like mosquitoes in a mosquito net, flying around me, unceasingly, causing me a headache.

It seemed that it was time to meet this mysterious troubadour and talk about life.

He Feng Ji, 4114, June, 20th.

I took the airship and flew to Dasai City.

This trip, I am going to meet a person, a person who was almost ignored by me, a person who is likely to have a lot of truth.

This person is called Cecil.

Sitting by the window, looking at Moonlight City, which had not disappeared, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh: It was dangerous, this trip was almost not my journey alone.

I raised my head and looked at the blue sky, thinking back to the night scene two days ago.

Phoenix blinked big innocent eyes, but held a small leather whip in his hand, Barbara showed his claws, Kagali twisted her wrist, Lilea wiped the small crossbow, Yula wielded magic The stick, even Remy, hovered over my head with a big pillow.

Under their gaze, I still screamed out ‘forgive me, this time I’m going to see a man, not a woman. Please be merciful to the female heroes’ words like this!

Yes, this is not a begging for mercy, but a courageous cry from the heart!

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