Cecil's expression was serious. He pondered a little and said, "Yes."

He exhaled and said slowly: "When I first visited the Hefeng Continent, what I saw in my eyes was the hierarchy and system; when I visited the Hefeng Continent for the second time, I saw in my eyes What I got here was survival and slavery; when I wandered the Hefeng Continent for the third time, I decided to change the course of walking, deviate from the path that most troubadours took, and search for a few, silent ancestors. The road we have walked; I walked on the corners of the Hefeng Continent, walked on the wasteland that no one paid attention to, walked on the little-known coast, cautiously stepped into the abandoned ancient tomb, and carefully looked at the weathered buildings. , Picking up those forgotten historical documents, caressing the faded relief murals on the wall, since then, I have been attracted and shocked by the forgotten history, I am addicted to it and can't help myself, so I seem to eat The ant beast looks for the breath of ants, sniffing the forgotten words and patterns bit by bit, unraveling the historical truth of this continent bit by bit, until, I found the gold mine, until, I indulged in the tenderness of the girl My skin and fragrance powder, I just stopped."

He sighed and continued: "Although, I no longer have the courage to continue to explore the truth of history, but the truths that I have explored are like words carved on a stone, which are firmly engraved in my mind. , Can never be erased."

"Since you haven't forgotten those words and patterns, and the truth that shocked you, surely you won't forget where you found the historical truth?"

Cecil said: "Yes, I will not forget."

I nodded: "To be honest, I am still very interested in such things as adventure. I think, adventure is like the spice of life. It needs to be added to the ordinary life from time to time. This way Will make my life very delicious, do you agree with me?"

Cecil shook his head: "I don't know, troubadour was once a profession of mine. I never used it as a spice for life, and naturally I can't understand your feelings. But really, explore this. This kind of thing is really not as wonderful as imagined. It is dangerous and difficult to make money. It is not as good as doing business, and it is better to be a powerful adventurer."

"You say I am strong?" I pointed to my nose, smiled and asked him: "Then you are probably blind."

Cecil hehehe said: "Although I am not a competent troubadour, nor a competent businessman, I dare to say that my vision is definitely more precise than any troubadour and businessman. I say you are A powerful adventurer, then you must be a powerful adventurer. This is absolutely not wrong."

I held my chin and looked at him. After a while, I smiled and said, "You are quite confident."

He pointed to his eyes and said: "It's hard to say anything else, these eyes will definitely not be wrong."

"Well, just when you are right, let's continue with the topic just now." I nodded the table with my finger and said slowly: "I need your help to draw a path you took when you were a bard."

Cecil was puzzled: "What do you want that?"

"Didn't I just say that the days when you get home from monsters are sometimes a little boring. I need the flavoring agent in my life."

Cecil pondered a little and said, "I'm afraid your intentions don't stop there."

I chuckled: "You are right, my intention is not limited to this, but it is not convenient for me to say it now, how about? Can you help me with this?"

He frowned and thought for a few seconds, and said: "I can help you draw, but you have to ensure the safety of me and my family, and not let the elves find me."

"It's impossible if you don't find you," I said lightly: "Your whereabouts are always in the hands of the upper elf clan, but due to the laws of the town, there is no chance to act on you.

Cecil panicked: "Could it be that... they already know that I'm in Dasai City?"

"Do you think the elves' informants are really so incompetent? Can't even figure out the whereabouts of a bard?"

"What should I do then?" Cecil looked nervous and said: "Now it is in troubled times, if someday Dasai City is also chaotic, won't I have to flee to other places?"

"No, no," I shook my hand: "I just said, as long as you fully cooperate and tell the truth, I will cover you, but then again, you seem to have known that the elves are targeting you?"

He nodded solemnly: "Yes, I have known it a long time ago, since the third book I published."

"Oh?" I laughed: "Tell me, I love listening to other people's privacy."

Cecil sighed and said, "Shortly after the publication of my third book, I received an anonymous letter, which clearly stated that I should delete all the negative images of the legendary heroes of the elves, otherwise I At my own risk, from that moment on, I knew that I was being targeted by the elves."

"Yeah" I nodded again and again: "The directivity is very clear, and it is indeed very characteristic of the elves. Then, why didn't you stop writing books?"

"Actually..." Cecilton paused and said, "Actually, I don't like to write books or long for the generous rewards. I just want to carry forward the spirit of the troubadour."

"The...spirit of the troubadour?"

"Yes" Cecil said: "Sing the truth, let future generations know, and pass on the flames of history."

I wondered: "You are no longer a troubadour, why do you still believe in this set of things?"

"This is not a matter of a troubadour" Cecil said: "It is a kind of spirit, a kind of inheritance. As long as I have ever had the identity of a troubadour, I will carry forward this spirit and pass it on. ."

"Really a firm believer in the troubadour." I raised my eyebrows and asked him, "Hey, I ask you, do you troubadours have any gods?"

"Yes" Cecil said: "It is the **** of creation."

He crossed his fingers, thought about it, and continued: "The God of Creation is the creator of this world, giving this world light and darkness, giving this world mountains and rivers, giving this world green trees and flowers, giving this world mankind and All things, when everything entered the normal trajectory, he left here, allowing all things to multiply and live freely, and he himself, as a bystander, a guardian, quietly watching everything he created ."

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