"God, what is this?"

"Oh my God, falling thunder, this is the wrath of thunder, this is God's punishment!"

"It's over, Mom, I don't want to die, I want to live!"

"Why is that?"


an instant, the camp that was originally relaxed and comfortable turned into a miserable hell in an instant, and everyone screamed in horror, even if it was a person with a strong body and no matter how brave he was, it was absolutely difficult to keep calm when he saw this scene in front of him.

I saw that in the eyes of everyone, one after another lightning and thunder, as if they wanted to destroy the world, quickly slashed towards the ground, looked up, I don't know when, an extremely terrifying thundercloud had formed on that area.

What is even more frightening is that the thunderclouds are floating towards the location where everyone is!

Look at the terrible disaster like the arrival of the god of thunder, everyone was terrified, and when the six gods were masterless, the beard had already shouted again:

"What are you still stunned for, run, run north!"

To the north, is the depths of Death Valley!

But at this time, everyone did not have a chance to think at all, the road they came has been completely covered by thunder, no one will dare to go the road when they come, the words of the beard, like a switch, let everyone present get up and rush towards the north at the first time.

At this time, it was no longer time to consider how much danger there was in Death Valley, they had to escape, otherwise they might become scorched black corpses in the next second.

The crowd was in chaos in an instant, and everyone ran wildly.

At this time, people can only worry about themselves, even the couple who came by car with An Li before, at this moment, they have already run their own way, completely ignoring the meaning of the people around them, almost certain that even if someone falls, the other person will probably not come to the rescue.

And when the scene was completely messed up into a pot of porridge, An Li only frowned slightly, and did not rush to run.

Seeing that Cai Peng was also about to rush towards the north, An Li grabbed him.

"What are you doing, run, if you don't run, you'll die!" Cai Peng was obviously frightened and had no idea, seeing An Li holding himself, and even a little resentful, but An Li shook his head slightly: "Going north, it will only die faster, there are strange things in that place." "


Cai Peng was startled and looked north.

But at least in his opinion, the first few people who rushed out were still running well at this time, but I don't know why, looking at An Li's still calm expression at the moment, there was no reason why he had some trust in this young man who felt familiar at the first meeting.

Sometimes trusting this kind of thing is so inexplicable, even if Cai Peng feels that this idea is crazy, but the ghost makes the god worse, he still asks:

"Do you have a way?"

"Yes." An Li did not hesitate, and directly spoke at this time: "If you are willing to believe me, just go with me, don't run around, I can keep you okay."


Cai Peng hesitated a little, looked at the thunderclouds that were slowly floating behind him, and looked at a few foreigners who had run out at least five hundred meters over there, and gritted his teeth: "Mad, anyway, going inside is also death, waiting here is also death, what do you say, I will follow you!"

Being so decisive is not only because of the sixth sense, but more importantly, because of An Que's attitude.

This person who is obviously many years younger than himself, Cai Peng saw indifference, more self-confidence, although he frowned in the market, but still gave people a very calm feeling, such calmness, for no reason Cai Peng made this crazy decision.

As it turned out, his decision saved his life.

Seeing that Cai Peng agreed, An Li didn't say much, and after explaining that he was following him, An Li took the lead in getting up and walked towards the thunder.

At this moment, Cai Peng only felt that his scalp was numb.

Since he had already decided, gritting his teeth or following An Li.

The bearded man over there obviously noticed the actions of the two, and shouted at the moment: "Are you two looking for death, this is the minefall area, and if you run over there, you two will definitely die, don't hurry up and follow us!"

But to the shouts of the beard, An Que completely treated it as air and ignored it.

Cai Peng was a little hesitant, but finally followed behind An Li.

Seeing this, a little gloomy and cold flashed in the bearded eyes, and he seemed to hesitate, but after a moment, he could only curse a bad breath, turned around and chased towards the north, completely giving up An Li and the two.

Soon, the two approached the thunder area, just close, but the overflowing thunder and lightning still made the scalps of several people numb, and the sweat hairs on the whole body were even more rooted, and even the paralysis caused by the current passing through the body could be vaguely felt.

"What do we do next?"

In fact, at this time, Cai Peng has already regretted a little, after all, how to look at this is all looking for death, but now he can't even regret it, the falling thunder has caught up, he missed the best time to escape, even if he turns around and runs now, but he can't run the terrible thundercloud, the only hope is that An Li really has a way.

But such a desperate bet soon made his mentality almost jump, because An Li had only one answer to his inquiry:



Wait for what?

Waiting to die?

Cai Peng felt bitter in his heart, and even wanted to directly scold, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the thundercloud had already floated over, and the thunder fell in unison, as if he wanted to destroy everything around, Cai Peng couldn't help but close his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

Perhaps the only thing to be thankful for is that thunder kills people, often only for a short moment, which can at least reduce some pain.

But I closed my eyes and waited for a long time, but there was no imaginary pain.

Can't help it, Cai Peng opened his eyes, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a thunder suddenly coming towards him, the speed was extremely fast, so that Cai Peng couldn't even make any preparations at all, but in the next second, a completely unrecognized picture appeared, and he saw a hand suddenly stretched out, and the thunder and lightning seemed to be attracted, and immediately slashed towards that hand.

"Boom ——!"

A loud noise came out, and Cai Peng hurriedly looked towards An Li.

But a scene that subverted his world view appeared, and I saw An Li, who was obviously struck by lightning, still standing in place at this moment, completely nothing.

This is struck by lightning!

Is this all right?

Cai Peng's face was full of confusion, completely unable to understand the scene in front of him, at this moment, An Li smiled: "There is one more of you, so occasionally there will be overflowing thunder and lightning, but fortunately, this power is still within the bearing range, if there are two more people, I can't guarantee comprehensiveness." "


What did you say?

Cai Peng was a little nagged, literally understood, but to fully understand this sentence, Cai Peng felt very difficult, at this moment he looked at An Li with wide eyes, completely unable to understand, why this person was struck by lightning and still had nothing.

But soon, Cai Peng made a new discovery.

The position where An Li is standing is actually like a large net with a gap, they just stand in the gap of the net hole, although there is thunder around, but he will not actually affect them, even if occasionally Thunder is attracted by the divine bodies of the two, but they are all attracted by An Li.

In this way, an absolutely safe vacuum position was formed around him.

Discovering this, Cai Peng looked at An Li's eyes again, as if looking at a ghost.

How is this done?

This...... Go against the sky!

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