"Good, good!" Looking

at An Li so arrogant, the old man smiled angrily, and after saying three times in a row, he said coldly: "A Qi refining cultivator, you dare to despise the refining god so much, don't think that you can be invincible with a few means, you must know that there are people outside the world, today I will let you see how the strength of the refining god is!" An Li

smiled and shook his head with contempt.

The meaning is obvious.

You try.

Such an arrogant attitude, how can the old man not be uncomfortable, snorted angrily at the moment, no longer hesitated, the spirit banner in his hand instantly plunged straight into the ground, and then the whole body spiritual energy was poured into it in an instant, and I saw that under the endless spiritual energy infusion, with the spirit banner as the center, a violent wind suddenly appeared around it.

Mixed with it, it is monstrous ghostly qi.

A palpitating force appeared on the old man's body, as if at this moment, every muscle in the old man's body collapsed a little, but the strength in his body became more and more terrifying, before it was only the cultivation of the mid-stage realm of refining gods, and at this moment, it had faintly reached the level of going straight to the late stage of refining gods.

In the next second, the old man suddenly raised his head, with Senran in his eyes, and looked at An Li.

It seems to be just a gaze, but with the power of the Divine Hidden Knowledge of the cultivator of the Refining God Realm, it is straight towards An Li, and the other party's Divine Hidden Knowledge impact seems to use special power, and in the impact of Divine Hidden Knowledge, there is even a strong ghost qi.

Sure enough, with such a powerful Divine Hidden Knowledge impact, the look in An Li's eyes dimmed in an instant, and the whole person seemed to fall into sluggishness, standing in place dumbly unable to move the slightest.

"Hmph, under the refining god, all are ants!" The

old man smiled viciously, and then rushed straight towards An Li, the spirit banner was still inserted in place, but the monstrous ghost qi had already gathered in the hand grasp, and at this moment rushed towards An Li, bringing up the Senran ghost qi, and grabbed straight towards An Li's heart:

"I really want to know, what does your heart taste like!"

It seemed that he could even think of the picture of himself digging out An Li's heart and eating it little by little.

But at this moment, a voice came:

"This is the strength that refining gods should have?"


old man's heart suddenly tightened, and when he looked at it, he saw that An Li's eyes had recovered his clarity at this moment, and he looked at his palm without any hesitation, and actually grabbed it directly with one hand, without the intention of dodging at all.

"How is it possible, how could you not have received the impact?" the old man was shocked.

An Li just smiled, did not mean to answer at all, one hand instantly grabbed the old man's ghostly palm, golden light flashed out, and the power of the immortal holy body to suppress evil was instantly used.



A sound similar to glass breaking appeared, and I saw that the monstrous ghost qi in the old man's hand was instantly shattered and turned into a black smoke.

Together, there was also one palm of

the old man! "Ah——!"

Under the pain, the old man hurriedly wanted to retreat, but An Li's physical strength was unmatched, and he couldn't break free by half a point, even if he used his power to refine the gods, he still couldn't shake the other party in the slightest, which was like a giant, and he had been suppressed innately.

Without hesitation, many years of combat experience, so that the old man's reaction was extremely fast, and the Divine Hidden Knowledge was used again, and it pierced straight towards An Li's eyebrows.

But this trick was used, but I heard An Liyu say:

"I forgot to tell you."

"For more than a month, I have not been able to cultivate Reiki, so I have been concentrating on hiding the power of Knowledge." In

the next second, a sharp pain suddenly came from the old man's eyebrows.

This is the power of God Hidden Knowledge!

The pain was cracking, caught off guard, the old man did not even have any resistance at all, and the whole person fainted on the spot in front of his eyes.

Before falling into a coma, the old man had only one thought.

"This man... What kind of monster is it?" Unfortunately

, no one can answer this question, in fact, even if An Li answers, he can't hear it, God Hidden Knowledge is indeed very useful, but if it is used as a means of attack, once it is eaten back by someone who is stronger than the power of his own God Hidden Knowledge, that kind of power can be even more terrifying than ordinary attacks.

Looking at the old man who was directly unconscious, An Li shrugged:

"It's really weak." Shaking

his head, he felt out a few silver needles, pierced straight down at the sea of the old man's dantian, grabbed the old man and threw it in a broken room at will, felt out his mobile phone and made a call, and then turned to leave.

It's just that before leaving, An Li threw the old man's spirit banner into the space ring.

This thing is too evil, obviously the old man killed not a few people, so he created such an evil thing, if ordinary people are allowed to come, most of them will be harmed.

After cooking everything, An Li's cleansing plan is still continuing.

During the month of floating island, An Li did not do a few.

Forged the Qiankun Ring, forged the Four-Square Fist Set, upgraded the Immortal Body with money, and also concentrated on conquering the Soul Suppression Bead. I have to admit that the floating island is indeed a cultivation holy place for An Li, and after having the power to follow his words, An Li's cultivation speed is simply beyond imagination.

The most intuitive is the power of Knowledge in God's possession.

In the past, if he wanted to cultivate, he could only use the Soul Zhen Bead to constantly copy the ancient characters on it, squeeze out his Divine Hidden Knowledge, and then wait for it to be restored, so that An Li's Divine Hidden Knowledge could be slowly improved. But on the floating island, having mastered the rules of the floating island, An Que can do a lot.

At the very least, the recovery of this hidden Knowledge can be rapid.

After all, as long as he wanted, he could do anything on the island, and it was natural to open up a place for himself to cultivate, and in this month, An Li's power of Divine Knowledge was even comparable to An Li's three years without eating, drinking, sleeping, or resting in the outside world.

Such a terrifying speed has greatly improved An Li's power in the Divine Hidden Knowledge.

Originally, I thought that when I met a master of the refining period, he might still have some pressure.

But now it seems....

Refining God, it's really just that.

How strong is his Divine Hidden Knowledge, An Li himself is a little uncertain, he only knows that the thousands of ancient characters on the Soul Zhen Bead have now been conquered by two hundred words.

And just two hundred words had already allowed him to crush this old man in the middle stage of refining God on the Divine Hidden Knowledge.

I originally thought that I might have to use all means in this battle, but I didn't expect that in this battle, I didn't even use the four-square boxing sleeve I created.

An Li only had one feeling at the moment.


Really invincible.

At least, this feeling was even stronger when the highest cultivator he had mastered was this old man.

You guys feel free.

I, invincible!

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