This is the second largest master of the Yuxuan Sect, and his strength is even more terrifying, but such a master has become a corpse so quietly.

In the outside world, it will inevitably set off a stormy wave.

But now, he died so quietly, he didn't even splash the water, and then he looked back, the elders and disciples who were still in the same room with him before were now ten out of ten, and many who survived the first time could not escape the second time.

The only one who is still alive is a monk with slightly better luck.

However, even if they survive, most of them are already injured, and even the more serious ones can only collapse on the ground at this time and continue to wail for help.

Zuo You's heart was shocked.

It's terrible!

Are mortal weapons also so terrible?

Why haven't you heard of it before?

At the same time of being horrified, Zuo You's heart couldn't help but be furious, he already understood that this was really a sudden attack by the official, and this was really to annihilate his own Yuxuan Sect!

If we say the first time, it may be that the official blow was wrong and there was an accident.

That second time, he definitely wanted to completely kill the Yuxuan Sect!

These damn mortals, how dare they!

Zuo You was furious, his great aspirations, his grand ideals, were directly beaten to ashes at the planning stage, and he went to the Yin Cao Di Mansion completely with the group of disciples.

In the rage of the left and right, the third round of bombing came.

Zuo You looked at the desperate gazes of the disciples behind him, his heart was cold, he gritted his teeth, without any hesitation, the cultivation of the Returning to the Ruins Realm burst out in an instant, and quickly rushed towards the periphery of the sect.

He knew, the disciples who had escaped the first two bombardments.

It is absolutely impossible to escape the third bombing.

Because this time, both in number and speed, it is more ferocious than before.

From this moment on, there will be no more Xuanzong in this world!

The whole body aura poured down as if it didn't want money, the strength of the ruins realm has been exerted to the peak state, at this moment, Zuo You, although still running on the ground, but the whole person already seems to be flying, between a few ups and downs, the whole person has arrived at the periphery of the sect.


Just when Zuo Yu had just stepped into the outer range of the sect, there was a terrifying explosion suddenly behind him, and with a slight glance back, the entire Yuxuan Sect had been completely buried in the explosion of fireworks.

Gritting his teeth, Zuo You's gaze looked in the direction where the missile flew from, with gloom and resentment.

He wants revenge!

He wanted to let those cultivators who he had never seen in his eyes know that they were just ants, and they could only be ants, and ants could just become their own blood food, and they could become the nourishment of their own cultivation, and they even dared to resist, and even dared to attack themselves!


No longer hesitating, Zuo Yu quickly rushed in the direction where the missile flew from, and he had to take revenge.

And when Zuo You took action, on the other side, An Li was looking at the picture transmitted back by the drone on the computer monitor, next to An Li, a group of people also held their breath and watched, the atmosphere did not dare to take a mouthful, especially the people of the Dongli Hongzong, they were even more afraid in their hearts.

It's terrible!

To be fair, if the official did this to the Dongli Hongzong before, the current Dongli Hongzong is afraid that it has completely disappeared.

Even Lu Dongyuan did not think that he could survive.

The unmanned picture is actually very blurry, after all, such a strong explosion, the environment can be called bad, the picture is intermittent, and even many pictures just flash and disappear directly.

But even so, everyone present still understood how bleak the scene was.

Fortunately, An Li has made a lot of preparations for this operation, in addition to the drone detector in the sky, there is a circle of drones working on the periphery of the Youxuan Sect, which can also ensure the spread of the picture.

At this moment, An Li cut the camera lens, and suddenly a gloomy picture of Zuo You's eyes appeared.

Several people present immediately fried the pan:

"Oops, Zuo Yu escaped!"

"Look at the direction, he is heading towards the launch position, he is a strong person in the ruins realm, if he is allowed to escape today, our next pressure will be very great, such a master, can destroy everything!"

"What to do, what now?"

"It's over!"

Everyone immediately panicked, especially the people of the Dongli Hongzong, they were cultivators, and they were naturally afraid of the powerhouses of the Returning Ruins Realm, and at this moment, seeing that under such a dense artillery bombardment, Zuo You was still able to escape, which cast a shadow in the hearts of everyone present.

If such a master does not die, then absolutely everyone's heart is sick.

Even if it was official, if Zuo You knew that the Dongli Hongzong also participated in this operation, then you can think that the entire Dongli Hongzong may be completely penetrated by Zuo Yu alone!

"This is the Sect Master of the Yuxuan Sect?"

"It looks a bit stupid!"

Just when everyone was in a panic, they heard An Li's mocking laughter coming from, and everyone looked sideways and saw that An Li still had confidence on his face, as if he didn't have any worries.

"Stupid?" Lu Dongyuan felt bitter in his heart.

Can the powerhouse of the Ruins Realm be described as stupid?

"He's not stupid, what?" An Li smiled and shook his head: "But if you know the range of this cruise missile, you won't be stupid enough to want to pursue it according to the direction of the cruise missile, such a long distance, even if he can fly, it's useless." "


That said, it's also true.

A long-range strike of nearly two thousand kilometers is not something that a cultivator can catch up with with his legs.

"But just let him run, it's still a scourge, returning to the ruins realm thinking, and even has reached the level of returning to the basics, even if you want to die, it's not so easy, now let him run, and then it's very difficult to kill in the next step." Lu Dongyuan couldn't help but remind.

An Li was still confident, and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, he can't run away." "

Can't run away?

Lu Dongyuan was stunned, looking at Zuo You, who had completely left the scope of the Yuxuan Sect in the picture, and felt strange in his heart.

Seeing that, Zuo You was about to leave the outer range of the Eastern Fence Hongzong.

Further on, it is the endless jungle, and when the time comes, it will become extremely difficult to pursue.

Obviously, Zuo You also guessed this, at this time there was no hesitation in action, the footsteps were fast, and between a few ups and downs, he had completely approached the dense forest, entering the dense forest, it would become very difficult to pursue, and once he left the dense forest, it was a town of tens of thousands of people.

Could it be that An Li planned to pull the people of these small towns for funeral?

Lu Dongyuan couldn't help but snort, he didn't doubt that this terrifying young man would make such a choice.

But it was clear that his judgment of An Li was wrong.

At the moment when he just stepped into the dense forest, An Li said faintly:

"It's over."


Lu Dongyuan didn't know, so his heart said that this was planning to give up?

But before these words were spoken, there was an explosion, suddenly from the video, the explosion sound was very strong, and with it, the ground under the feet was shaking rapidly at this moment, no need to go through the screen, everyone can still clearly see that in a certain direction ten kilometers away, a mushroom cloud is forming at this moment!

This is not an ordinary cruise missile.

This is....

World nuclear level!

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