What will be the future of cultivators?

Lu Dongyuan's question asked everyone's curiosity and asked everyone's doubts.

At this time, facing everyone's gaze, An Li was a little surprised.

When he was in the Dongli Hongzong before, he also briefly said about the future planning, but everyone in the Dongli Hongzong did not show much interest, An Li thought that they didn't care, but he didn't expect that this group of people suddenly all changed their minds.

An Li naturally didn't know that that vacuum bomb had shattered the confidence of all cultivators.

However, although he didn't understand what happened, An Li was very clear about the future planning, and smiled slightly at this time: "It's very simple, the cultivator is still a human after all, or has a nationality, instead of hiding it, this time I intend to make the existence of the cultivator public."

Lu Dongyuan nodded, An Li had said this before, there was nothing strange.

"Since it has a nationality, since it is to be made public, it is necessary to let cultivators and ordinary people live in harmony, and a place like the Cultivator Association has its value for existence, and in the future, the Cultivator Association is a place specially opened for cultivators."

"Register the information of all cultivators and apply for a membership card of the Cultivators Association, which is equivalent to a resident ID card."

Practitioner Association Membership Card?

Identity card?


Everyone feels that something is wrong, what is this for?

An Li did not stop and continued to speak:

"With a member of the Cultivator Association, you become a formal and legal cultivator, in addition to not being able to commit adultery in the future, what you used to do now can do, and you don't have to hide your identity as a cultivator, and enjoy all the treatment of Xia Guo cultivators."

"In terms of treatment, we are still discussing at present, but there will definitely be certain preferential treatment, such as cultivation resources, such as real estate such as excellent cave mansions, and even some treasure lands containing spiritual energy, and if there are any contradictions and the like, you can also report to the Cultivator Association and coordinate from it."

"Similarly, cultivators also have their own obligations, such as protecting the Xia Kingdom and maintaining order."

"To put it bluntly, it is to open the existence of cultivators, thoroughly regularize, legalize, and normalize cultivators, and then carry out corresponding subdivisions, maintain order, contribute to the development of the motherland, and strive to improve their cultivation and strength."

"Of course, this knowledge is the most basic, and we have also opened up a new route for the future employment of cultivator members, such as some similar to reward orders, recruitment orders, etc...."

An Li was still talking, but the people of the Dongli Hongzong had already been collectively petrified.

They all knew the words An Li said.

But combined, many people feel that there is a feeling that they are in the clouds and foggy, and they have a feeling that they don't understand it at all.

What the heck?

Completely push the practitioner in front of the eyes of the people, and then register and become a law-abiding citizen?

Is this serious?

Everyone looked confused, looking at An Li with some brain crash.

"What's wrong?"

An Li noticed everyone's consternation and asked a little strangely.

Lu Dongyuan's cheek muscles twitched: "Lord An really has great aspirations, and what you said is something that I and others could not have imagined." "


An Li smiled: "Sect Master Lu is also good at swatting, hahaha, it's good to say, this is not a great aspiration, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter, not as exaggerated as you say." Looking

at An Li's embarrassed face to accept the praise, Lu Dongyuan had another toothache.

I'm saying the opposite, can't you hear it?

Are you really praising you?

Shaking his head, Lu Dongyuan said embarrassed: "Lord Kean, there are many problems here, just whether the major sect families are willing to report their identity information is a problem, and in addition to the sect family, there are also many scattered cultivators, and all cultivators are absolutely unwilling to be controlled regardless of their personality."

"In the past, of course, it was fine, but this rule must be followed in the future."

An Li shook his head: "The sect family you said is not a problem, we are trying to persuade, although there are many sect families, but there should be many people like Sect Master Lu, I believe our persuasion should be very useful, and it is not difficult to do this." Lu

Dongyuan's teeth hurt again.

Sense things yourself?

This is obviously deterred by An Li's force, and he had to pinch his nose and admit it, is it okay, how can this become a clear matter, history is really in the hands of people with rights....

"As for scattered people, it is better to solve, scattered people have no strength, compared to the resources of large sects and families, scattered people are naturally weak, if there is a place for them to better develop themselves and earn more resources, they will definitely rush in."

"After all, as I said before, in addition to supervising the violations of law and discipline by cultivators, the Cultivators Association also gives cultivators rights and opportunities, especially the bounty program we opened, which will inevitably become the best channel for many cultivators to earn spirit stones and resources in the future."

"You think, you don't need to steal, you don't need to rob, you don't have to kill people and cross goods, you don't need to offend people, you can obtain a large number of cultivation resources, these three people are not allowed to sharpen their heads and squeeze inside?"

An Li's words made Lu Dongyuan stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really possible that in the cultivator world before, many sects will also release some tasks to come out, and many scattered people are rushing to grab it, if this thing is made public, it will be gospel for many scattered people.

"And if you think about it, the normalization of cultivators is also of great benefit to the major sect holy lands."

"Fame is a little, the more powerful sect families, the more people know."

"With fame, there will be more fresh blood, the family may not care about this, but the sect needs it, as far as I know, many cultivator sects are worried about finding people with superior qualifications, and they used to go around looking for good seedlings, but if cultivators are normalized and ordinary people know the existence of cultivators, then do you say that many people will want to become cultivators?"

"In this way, for the sect, there are fewer things they need to do, but they can easily select the disciples they need, which is a vigorous and positive development direction."

"And what about the family, normalization is not without benefits for them."

"The normalization of cultivators is not only normalized for ordinary people, but also for the major cultivation circles of major sects, and there will no longer be any obstacles to communication in the cultivation world, which means that more cooperation and more opportunities will also appear."

"No matter how you think about it, this is a good thing that benefits and does no harm."


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