Chatting with the driver all the way, the atmosphere has always been very good along the way. Of course, the main thing was the driver talking, and An Li listened on the side, not very talkative, but he was in a good mood, because this time he finally met a Goryeo who had no prejudice against Xia Guo.

In the country of Goryeo, An Que has been here many times in his previous life, some to travel, and some to travel.

This country is actually very contradictory, and it gives An Que a different feeling every time. Sometimes, you will find that this country is a good country, everyone is friendly, and the citizens are of high quality; But sometimes you find that the country is simply terrible, not at all friendly from top to bottom, even very arrogant and arrogant.

Before Ahn Oak crossed, almost 50% of South Koreans welcomed the countrymen, even if they didn't like the countrymen, they would definitely not show it in person.

And for now, this value can actually be 10%, which is not bad.

This has a big reason for the country's economy, the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Korea only began in the nineties of the last century, when many domestic excellent film and television works flowed into Goryeo, but because the domestic economy in that period was not yet developing rapidly, many Goryeo people had the impression of the country as poor, broken, dirty and poor.

Moreover, even in terms of national education, they have always shown disdain for Xia Guo.

This has also led to the fact that many Goryeo people have prejudices against the Xia people, and even unconsciously have an arrogant posture of superiority.

This situation will change a lot in the next decade.

Because at that time, the country of Xia was enough to compete with the country, and Goryeo needed to rely on the economic leadership of the country of Xia, which also made many Korean people face up to the existence of the country of Xia.

Of course, that is after all.

At least now, in fact, many Goryeo people look down on Xia Guo people, so being able to meet a driver who has no prejudice against Xia Guo is indeed a little unexpected for An Li.

Arriving at the gate of Capital University, An Li deliberately left the driver's phone.

After all, I came alone alone, and it is always not a bad thing to know more people.

Looking at the school gate in front of him, An Li licked his lips slightly.

Although I chatted with the driver all the way, most of them were some non-nutritious topics, but at least An Li also had the latest information.

Domestic exchange students!

According to his previous plan, this time An Li actually intends to use the tactic of throwing money to win DN's F, after all, NEOPLE is not actually a well-known game company, saying that it is a company, in fact, it is more like a small workshop, otherwise it will not invest in a horizontal 2D low-pixel game when 2.5D is rampant.

The real rise of NEOPLE was based on their acquisition of DNF and the rivalry between Tencent's two tigers to expand its popularity, and then it was acquired by the famous Nexon company.

Before that, NEOPLE was actually quite miserable.

As long as he throws money, An Li is 70% sure that he can win DNF, and the reason why he is not 100% sure is because he is not sure whether several young people who make DNF are willing to sell the game they created to a foreigner, and they are Xia Guo people who the whole country does not like.

Although the Goryeo people have always been revered as sticks in China, in fact, the Goryeo people have reached a feverish level in terms of patriotism.

There was very little information about the production team, and even when An Li didn't meet the game producers in person, he wasn't sure if they would be willing to sell.

But now, hearing the news of the exchange students, An Li had a new idea.

Although it is simple and straightforward, it basically means that there are few opportunities for maneuver, since there are domestic exchange students arriving, so why not borrow it?

You know, it is always easier for a student's identity to communicate with students than other identities.

Thinking of this, An Li finally did not enter the Capital University, but turned around and went to a nearby star hotel, spending 350,000 won to open a room, the room structure is good, swimming pool gym and so on, and equipped with shuttle service.

When you enter the room, the first thing you see is a few small cards on the floor.

Everyone who understands understands that, as in China, there is a picture of a sexy hot girl on it, and the note has a pink phone number, which makes An Li can't help but shake his head for a while. At least hotels of this level in China will definitely not appear such small cards, it seems that Goryeo still needs to improve in this regard.

Put the luggage away, take out the computer, and An Li directly operated next to the work.

He first searched for some exchange students' related news, and sure enough, the first thing that came to his eye was that this year's new batch of exchange students will arrive in Seoul tomorrow, this group of exchange students is mainly from the imperial capital, and there are many universities jointly selected, and this time several professors who have a lot of popularity in China are dispatched.

Although the news did not mention the matter of Goryeo indiscriminately recognizing his ancestors, in fact, from the resumes of several professors and the emphasis on student transfer, An Li can still see it.

For this time when Goryeo recognized its ancestors, the country was obviously also concerned.

After confirming the accuracy of the message, An Li put his hands on the keyboard, his ten fingers danced quickly like elves, and the tapping sound of the keyboard became a wonderful piece of music at this moment, and it took ten minutes for An Li to finally stop the movement of his hands and smile.

On the computer screen, a table appears.



】【School:Qinghua University】From

now on, he has become one of these exchange students, and he is a temporary student.

With An Que's hacking ability, it is not difficult to get these, after all, although the number of exchange students is limited, in fact, when this Korean drama has not yet attracted a large number of brain-dead fans, there are not many people who come to study in Koryo, and for many international students, they are more willing to go to the Western empire.

As for whether it will be recognized, An Li has nothing to worry about.

Qinghua is so big, and the exchange student who came this time is alone, and it is really hell to be able to recognize that he is a counterfeit.

After everything was done, An Li couldn't help but stretch a lazy waist.


Go to bed!


And when An Li was sleeping soundly, at this time, in China, in a hotel near the imperial capital, a group of people were having a serious meeting at this time.

"This time, I'm sure you all already know something." Pei Hong, the leader mentor, swept his gaze over the surrounding people at this time, and his eyes were full of seriousness.

Facing his gaze, everyone participating in the meeting frowned.

The seriousness of the situation was clear to them in the previous meeting, and they naturally nodded their heads at this time.

Pei Hong nodded slightly:

"Let me sum up, this trip to Koryo, we must reflect our great country style."

"As for the controversy of Shixian Li Bai, it is also something we must fight to the end!"

"This time, we must not let this group of Goryeo people succeed!"


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