The topic of a drone instantly narrowed the distance between the two.

It can be seen that Wei Chen really has a crazy passion for drones, and when he is sure that An Li also has an understanding of this aspect, the whole person admires An Li, and in minutes he has changed from a fanatical little fan to a super brain-dead fan, and one professional question after another continues to appear from his mouth.

He even ran back to his room and took a notebook out to take notes.

These, An Que to the point of does not matter, talk a lot in this regard.

"Awesome, amazing, it's really nice to chat with you, the last time I chatted with people like this, I still chatted with that friend on the forum." Wei Chen looked at the notebook full of ten pages, and his face was already full of satisfied smiles.

"You said earlier about that friend on the forum, is that person also a drone enthusiast?" An Li asked.

"Hey, that's not just a hobbyist."

Wei Chen shook his head and smiled, his eyes were a little hot and adoring: "That friend is doing this as a lifelong career, this is completely different, as far as I know, he himself opened a company in the deep city, the main focus is drone technology, our hover technology is still proposed by him."

Hearing this, An Li raised his eyebrows: "What's the name of that friend of yours?" "

Wang Dao!" Wei Chen said with a smile.

An Li couldn't help but gasp and asked, "DJI? "


This time it was Wei Chen's turn to be stunned, looked at An Li strangely for a while, and said curiously: "Do you know DJI? Last time he also told me that his company is now unable to mix and ready to go bankrupt, and now even Mule you know, does that mean that their company is very hot now? "

It is definitely not hot now, but in the future this is the No.1 in the field of UAVs!"

DJI drones, how many people do not know?

And it is the world's first, occupying 100% of the US drone market super company, may not be comparable to some businessmen in terms of wealth, but it is also an absolutely great technology company, and even has become the world's first drone overlord, becoming a well-deserved pride of Xia Guo.

However, for the time being, DJI is only a small company that may not be able to support at any time.

"No, I also heard about it, and there is also a person named Wang Dao who is studying drone hovering technology, so I can't help but remember when I hear you say." An Li explained casually.

"That is, the current hovering technology of drones is not very mature, and it is particularly vulnerable to environmental influences." Wei Chen had no doubt about him, smiled and continued: "But this Wang Dao is actually very interesting, he will talk to someone whenever he has a whimsical idea in this regard, and he called me several times at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night before, and I plan to go to him when I graduate."

"Don't you all say that although his company may go bankrupt at any time, he dares to go to it?" An Li couldn't help but laugh.

Wei Chen smiled and said indifferently: "Hey, it's not easy to do a job you like this year, besides, Wang Dao has not been defeated, as his good friend, can I still retreat, it's a big deal to work for three years in vain, poverty for three years, and a good man in the future."

An Li smiled slightly at these words and didn't say anything more.

Students are easy to get hot, but no one knows whether they can do it, he did not express any opinion, but the idea of incorporating DJI into his territory was born at this moment.

Of course, there is no need to rush now.

Any successful enterprise is not smooth sailing to grow, the number of falls is enough, in order to continue to accumulate experience, the current DJI still needs to continue to temper, let Wang Dao hit the south wall again.

The most important thing now is DNF.

After chatting for a while, Wei Chen finally left, and An Li was not idle, and after cleaning up a little, he walked out of the room directly. This is a dormitory specially arranged by Capital University, one per person, although it is not waiting to see Xia Guoren, especially not to see An Li, but at least the surface work must be in place, and the accommodation is quite good.

Leaving the dormitory area, An Li walked directly towards the back door of the school.

There, there is a place of great fame.

Arena Room!

The so-called competition, naturally cannot be a real PK, but practice and competition in the game, or to put it another way, this is an Internet café, known as a PC room in Koryo.

However, the difference is that this Internet café does not charge, only accepts students from this school to enter, although there is a time limit, but in this Internet café, computer configuration and performance, are absolutely the highest.

This situation has been repeated several times around the world, and only some schools in Korea have it.

This is inseparable from Koryo's esports culture.

In 1997, the financial turmoil swept across Asia, although Goryeo told the development for nearly two decades, but the strength is limited after all, Goryeo was not even a developed country at that time, and because Goryeo's economy was mainly export-oriented, it became one of the three hardest hit areas of the Asian financial crisis.

Under the blow of the financial storm, countless capital has withdrawn, unemployment has become the norm, and from middle age in forties and fifties to students who have just graduated, it has become extremely difficult to find a job.

In this context, a large number of Goryeo people who have lost their jobs have gained more free time while being depressed. The best way to pass the time is obviously to find something for yourself to do, and their eyes are attracted by video games.

At this time, "StarCraft" was born, this game once appeared, immediately attracted the attention of all players, and Korea TV also keenly smelled the business opportunity, began to produce a large number of "StarCraft" related programs, originally just to test the water, did not expect to really win super high ratings.

The cost of the show produced in StarCraft was quite low, and many industries in Korea were short of money at the time. Soon, the capitalists' profit-seeking eyes were set on this cake. With the injection of capital, the esports industry in Korea quickly grew from small to large and gradually flourished.

After that, in 1999, Korea officially launched the broadband acceleration program, making Korea the fastest country in one fell swoop, so the development of the esports industry in Korea accelerated again.

Three years ago, the value of Koryo's game industry chain has surpassed the automotive industry!

Koryo's strategy for e-sports has largely saved Koryo's economy, and at the same time, the e-sports industry chain has become one of the supporting economies, and some e-sports players are even almost comparable to film and television stars. In this regard, the support of the Korean government is crucial, and even for the development of the esports industry, the service policy has been relaxed.

Esports players can postpone their military service!

Do not underestimate this policy, before that, military service was mandatory, and without special contributions, there was no possibility of cancellation by anyone.

As soon as this policy came out, Goryeo completely sat on the position of e-sports supremacy.

Even, major colleges and universities will specially set up such an arena room, until the emergence of e-sports majors in universities, the arena slowly disappeared.

Now, the arena is the cradle of the Korean game industry.

Even, many of the world-renowned high-level technical personnel of world-renowned game manufacturers have entered the arena room.

As an exchange student, An Li naturally also has the qualifications to enter the arena room.

His goal is only one!


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