Good boss?

An Li couldn't help but touch his face, and then shook his head and smiled.

If I remember correctly, in my previous life, I was called King Yan Luo, and everyone in the company at that time was most afraid of myself, because the punishment I gave was always the heaviest, although this life has changed, but in fact, my essence has not changed.

To be honest, these benefits mentioned by An Li before can only be regarded as the basic benefits of some regular companies in the future.

Don't talk about the holidays, if there are such great achievements in the future life, let alone only three days of vacation, even if it is a week's vacation, it will still be given, what singing to go and other team building, it is basically the basic operation that must be had every month.

As for public travel, not to mention, companies with a little size basically have these benefits.

But these benefits have now become a blessing?

I have to say that the current workers are really miserable.

But to say that it is so miserable, at least there is no popular 996 blessing yet, so if you calculate it, which one is better is also a matter of opinion.

Shaking his head, An Li put away his thoughts and put his hand on the keyboard again:

"Of course, while enjoying these benefits, there are two things that need to be done."

The boss spoke, and the group suddenly quieted down.

This is the art of speaking, An Li first knocks the employees to avoid too much inflation, and then gives them benefits, so that all employees are grateful, at this time, for the boss's words, it is absolutely regarded as a holy decree.

"Our success is coveted by other companies, we always need some corresponding means to maintain our position, you need only two things you need to do."

"First of all, I ask you to add a little thing to all the cracked games in the forum."

"It's not very demanding, as long as the virus can be transmitted when it is transmitted three times."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on here?

Adding a virus to a game you cracked?

Even Li Xueling was at a loss, and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, is it necessary, our community can attract so many players and downloads, because our game is safe and clean, if we implant a virus in it..."

If this is really the case, isn't that smashing your own signboard?

An Li smiled and typed a line on the keyboard: "The game release on the multi-play community is allowed to be downloaded by anyone, since we have attracted attention, we always have to guard against a little, if other platforms directly take our results to publish on their own websites, don't you say we are thankless?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood.

Boss This is... Anti-theft how!

Moreover, he is not just anti-theft, but intends to pit people, after all, if it is just simple anti-theft, as long as the document is encrypted, but he wants to get the virus to appear after three transmissions, that means that other thieves take it, this game is not a problem, but once they are sent to their respective websites, once the user downloads, the virus will immediately invade!


It's so ruthless!

A simple example, we release pirated copies, you can download without any problems, but if you download this pirated game and upload and download again, the pirated file will explode directly, and the virus will immediately invade your computer.

If someone really wants to steal these pirated resources for nothing, the website that steals the resources will immediately be boycotted and abused by countless netizens.

However, there is a problem here.

"Boss, we can't make such a virus?"

"Yes, it's not difficult to set up three outbreaks, just change the things in the read, write and download it, and even install something to get something, but if we do this, the other party will definitely prevent it, and it will be difficult to write this virus."

"Not to mention the other party's technicians, just the antivirus software on the market now is estimated to be able to kill the virus."

"Boss, we don't have that ability!"


immediately cried out.

Not all IT men can casually make a virus out, not all technicians can be a hacker master, they may have a very good set in server maintenance, product operation, but it is really not easy to let them make a virus out.

An Li had already prepared for these, and smiled at this time:

"Don't worry, the virus, I will send you the documents in the mailbox before work tomorrow morning."

At this moment, everyone had no worries, An Li continued:

"The second thing, since we have been targeted by other companies, other companies will definitely find a way to copy a voice software, so in addition to the relevant technical means, I want you to submit a patent, in addition, you need to do one thing."

"Kill all the voice software that pops up on the market!"

This time, An Li did not tell them the corresponding means, did not formulate a perfect strategic plan for them, just a seemingly empty slogan.

In exchange for ordinary people and a company, there will definitely be all kinds of complaints.

But this time, no one in the entire working group of the Happy Gathering era would raise any objections, on the contrary, everyone was full of confidence.

"The power of capital is strong, but we are not covered either."

"The boss rest assured, really think that we have occupied the market share in advance is vegetarian, these people are definitely not our opponents."

"Yes, they will definitely not be our opponents!"

"Let's kill one by one!"


are confident in their products from start to finish.

Since it is already known that a strong opponent is coming, then simply omit those wall words at this time.

Just do it, it's over!

Looking at the reaction of everyone in the group, An Li nodded slightly, he can't always deal with the big and small things in those companies, although the boss is the decision-maker, but in fact, the current boss of the company is always Li Xueling, his work should be completed by Li Xueling.

This time, it was a test of the water of An Que.

He wanted to see if Li Xueling was a competent decision-maker and a person worth entrusting.

In fact, for the follow-up of other companies, An Li has no fear at all, perhaps other companies have money than the Huanju era, have connections in the Huanju era, and have a foothold longer than the Huanju era.

But, so what?

There is no shortage of money, and he can make another investment at any time.

Connections, the current gathering era has won the identity of the first game portal and the first game voice, and such an identity brings countless connections.

As for the long time of standing....

That's complete nonsense, all history, not to mention a few years of enterprises, even those decades of enterprises have a day of death, time is never the standard for testing a company, a product.

"I look forward to the autonomous operation of the Happy Gathering Era."

"I also look forward to it, Li Xueling, to be able to give me a satisfactory answer!"


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