"Hello, can you show me this watch?"

In front of the counter, An Li pointed to a male watch with a price tag of 800,000 and asked.

Unfortunately, I don't know if a few salespeople can't understand An Que's Chinese, or they are not willing to take An Oak at all, no one paid attention to An Que at all, only one or two turned their heads to take a look, and then quickly withdrew their gaze, such a brutal attitude, in exchange for ordinary people are estimated to turn around and leave.

But An Que, still no.

As if he couldn't feel this embarrassment, he took out the mobile phone in his arms and dialed a number to go out: "Hello, I don't understand Cantonese, I'm shopping, but the communication is not smooth, can you please come over and help me as an interpreter?" "

Doesn't An Li understand Cantonese?

Of course not, in fact, in his previous life, An Li practiced Cantonese for a period of time, and after having the rebirth wealth system, he was even more proficient in language, how could he not understand Cantonese.

When he did this, he naturally had his own purpose, and after making the call, An Li directly leaned on the chair in the store and waited quietly.

An Li's calm and relaxed appearance made several salesmen in the store a little unclear:

"Does he have Xiangjiang friends?"

"I guess yes, I just heard that he seems to have asked people to communicate with us in Cantonese."

"What now?"

"What to do, being a mainland boy is the biggest original sin, what to do is what to do, could it be that he knows one or two Xiangjiang people are Xiangjiang people?"


everyone was waiting, in less than ten minutes, a beautiful figure appeared at the door.

Being able to work in such a high-end luxury store has high requirements for body shape and appearance, in fact, they are also extremely confident in their appearance. But now, when they saw this figure at the door, they couldn't keep calm.

So beautiful!

If they can score 80 points, then the woman in front of them can definitely score 90 points!

And more importantly, the girl also has an identity tag on her, which is printed with the logo of the Oriental Hotel, which is extremely eye-catching.

Oriental Hotel is absolutely unknown to everyone in Xiangjiang.

And to be able to work in the Oriental Hotel, in Xiangjiang is definitely an honor, because this global hotel, both treatment and benefits are the highest in the industry, more importantly, as long as you can enter such a place to work, it is almost a person, but also the best recognition of strength.

Because Oriental Hotel has the highest selection criteria for employees, whether it is appearance, image, or temperament, including dealing with others and responding to unexpected situations.

The service industry is also divided into three, six and nine.

If the average waiter can only be regarded as the lowest level, then these luxury clerks are definitely medium, and they can completely look down on the low-level waiters. But in the same way, the high-level top waiters can completely overlook these middle-level waiters.

And the staff of the Oriental Hotel, just like that!

At this time, seeing the girl arrive at the store, several employees in the store hurriedly rushed up: "Hello, do you need any help?"

Unfortunately, for their words, the girl completely ignored them, a pair of beautiful eyes swept the audience, when she saw An Li sitting in the lounge reading a magazine, her eyes suddenly bloomed with brilliance, trotting all the way to

An Li, bowed deeply: "Hello Mr. An Li, I'm sorry I'm late."

This scene suddenly made people dumbfounded.

The character he envied and needed to look up to, but now he bowed and apologized to this kid who everyone looked down on just now?

"It's okay, don't be so polite."

An Li put away the magazine and showed a gentle smile: "I'm going to buy something today, but my Cantonese is not very good, I can barely understand it, but it is a little difficult to say it, so please help me act as an interpreter next." "

It is my honor to serve Mr. An." The girl smiled.

This girl is the housekeeper of An Li's presidential suite.

The value-added service of the presidential suite is always something that many people can't imagine, in addition to the shuttle service, the life housekeeper can do a lot, and even when necessary, the life butler also needs to be a tour guide, as for the interpreter This kind of thing is even more.

Hearing the conversation between the two, several clerks changed their faces.

This girl they need to look up to, at this time, they actually need to serve the continent boy in front of them who they all looked down on before, and listening to the tone, they simply regard this kid as a god!

That means that the continent in front of him is staying in the Oriental Hotel, and it is not an ordinary room, after all, the ordinary room does not have this kind of thing with translation. That is to say, this continent is staying in, at least an executive suite and the like, that price, but not cheap at all, at least 10,000 yuan a day.

And what made several people's faces change even more was that the mainland boy in front of him could understand Cantonese, did that mean that what several people said before, this mainland boy heard?

Can't help it, a few people are a snort.

However, as if he hadn't seen the change in the expressions of several people, An Li walked directly to the surface of the man he fancy before and pointed out:

"Take out this watch for me to see."

Some clerks hurriedly wanted to take out their watches when they heard this, but other clerks on the side hurriedly stopped them, pretending not to understand.

Before, they pretended not to understand An Li's words, but now people have even called an interpreter, if they understand again all of a sudden, doesn't that prove that they deliberately did not accept it? No way, they can only go one way to the dark now, pretending that they don't understand at all.

Several clerks waited until the housekeeper translated before taking out their watches from the cabinet.

Next, An Li successively selected several watches, all of which were him talking, the housekeeper translating, and then the clerk reacting, at least at this time, the female clerks seemed very natural.

In their opinion, what they said just now, An Li probably didn't hear it, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Putting this down, the clerks couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts.

After all, in any case, now this continent boy in front of him has selected a lot of things, and the value has already exceeded several million, if this single is sold, even if they are divided equally, the commission will definitely be a lot.

This is the God of Wealth!

Finally, after half an hour of selection, An Li chose a total of eight watches, there are men's and women's models, anyway, which one looks good and takes it directly, and even doesn't even look at the price, these watches except for his own piece, one piece each from his parents and Qi Wei, and the rest of An Li plans to put it in the collection, or the company annual meeting lottery.

As for the value, it is directly as high as five million!

Not a mist knife, of course.

"Mr. An, we have a consignment service here, do you think these are our side to help you mail back to the mainland, or do you take them yourself?" In front of the cash register, the manager asked.

When An Li picked the third watch, the manager had already rushed to the scene.

Such a large customer must be personally received by the manager, and even a few clerks dare not hide it. To the relief of several people, An Li did not talk to the manager about the unpleasant things before.

"I will take these two pieces now, and you will send the others back for me, and I will write you the address now." An Quercus spoke.

Next, the normal card payment to get the invoice and pledge policy.

After solving everything, the manager handed An Li's bank card back with both hands, with a gentle smile: "Thank you Mr. An for your support and trust in our store, if you need anything in the future, although I drink you, we will also mail you new pictures every year." "

Being able to buy so many things in one go basically dooms An Que to become a super big customer of this store.

Such customers are well maintained and are super financial owners.

But what the manager didn't expect was that An Li, who heard this, shook his head and smiled: "It's enough to buy once, I don't want to be in Xia Country, and as a result, I need to find someone to translate when buying things, I say more, I like the brand of your store, but this clerk may need to be improved, at least there should be one or two clerks who can Chinese, right?"

After saying that, An Li picked up his things, turned around and left.

And hearing this, the clerks who had already opened their mouths and smiled and waited for Yang changed their faces one after another...

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