Overnight, Xiangjiang changed sky.

Early the next morning, all the mainstream media and newspapers of all parties reported the earth-shattering events that happened last night, and even the news was broadcasting relevant information, which caused the whole Xiangjiang River to shake for a while:

"In the early morning of tonight, a large-scale gang brawl occurred at the Banshan Villa in Shamshui Bay, killing and injuring more than 20 people, and dozens of others were injured, most of them were the remnants of Xiangjiang Xinyi'an. After receiving the tip, the police immediately rushed to the scene, and finally engaged in a violent exchange of fire with the remaining members of Sun Ngee On, the casualties have not yet been counted, and the specific situation needs to be followed up for investigation.

"The arrest of members this time includes Xiang Huabo, the leader of Xinyi An, Xiang Huaqiang of Xiang Film and Television, and Xiang Laojiu of Xiang Group."

"In addition to this gang fight, these three will also face various criminal cases in front of the three of them."

"Xiang Huabo, the second brother of the Xiang family, is suspected of raping women and children, forcing Liang into prostitution, maliciously killing others, committing armed murders, and injuring police officers."

"Xiang Huaqiang, the sixth brother of the Xiang family, is suspected of threatening and coercing its actors, rape and assault, intentional homicide... Wait a minute. "



The moment the sky was slightly bright, this fragrant river was completely shaken.

Who would have thought that the terrifying family that had ruled the underground world of Xiangjiang for more than half a century would be destroyed overnight, and things came too quickly, and people couldn't even react.

"Ma yes, this is too exciting, isn't it?"

"At first, I thought it was fake news, but I didn't expect it to be true, and the Xiang family fell like this?"

"I feel that it should be the police to close the net, I didn't see that the police have reported, in addition to last night's gang fight, several other people are also suspected of their own cases, although they did not say it explicitly, but they must have already mastered the evidence, and now they are arrested, and it is estimated that they will be in it in this life."

"Gee, nice job, give a thumbs up to the Xiangjiang police!"

"Such a family should not have existed for a long time, they have done all their bad things, and now they can be regarded as retribution!"

"It's beautiful, but there seems to be a cat in it, what kind of gang fight, no matter how hot it is, it is impossible to run to the Xiang family's mansion, this is to destroy the door!"

"I heard that there were no gangs, only one went there."

"Upstairs is crazy, still stupid, a person calling Banxin Yi'an, you seem to be making me laugh."

"Whatever the inside story is, it's a good thing!"


people of Xiangjiang applauded.

In the last century, the Xiangjiang gang was like a reasonable and legal existence, even the police could not manage it, and even many times the most important thing young people need to do after graduation is to join a gangster as a horse boy, it seems that the sword and shadow hormones soared, but the people who really experienced that era knew.

Gangsters are the most hateful thing in the world.

And the existence of Xinyi'an is the most hated thing in Xiangjiang's life, they have no lower limit for their actions, to put it bluntly, they will do everything without conscience, but helplessly you have no way to deal with them.

Well, now, the police have struck hard, swept away the remaining gangsters in Xiangjiang, and returned Xiangjiang to a real breath.

When such a good thing appears, no one will stare at those doubts to grasp, in their opinion, the Xiang family has fallen, and Xinyi has fallen, which is a great thing for everyone to celebrate.

For a time, countless pennants and letters of thanks were sent to the Xiangjiang Police Station, thanking these public servants of the people for returning the world to a good life.

Especially as the many crimes of the brothers of the Xiang family were exposed more and more, the public's attention suddenly rose to the first floor, and even some people raised banners to show gratitude, which even attracted great attention from the world.

But when ordinary people were excited, the upper strata of the Xiangjiang River were startled one by one.

The powerful Xiang family is down.

Some people know the cat greasy inside, and some people don't know the cat greasy inside, but everyone knows that this time the Xiang family is kicked on the iron plate, and they know that this time the Xiang family has offended people who can't be offended.

After all, they are not fools.

The mighty actions of the Xiang family a few days ago all indicate that all this is unusual.

But what is inside, no one will want to delve into it.

Because they know.

The Xiang family, it's over.

Heungjiang Kowloon Bay Central Hospital.

At this time, a special ward has been surrounded by police.

Because it is inhabited by a person suspected of multiple cases of coercion, rape, extortion and murder, and is also a member of the Xiang family with the highest attention in Xiangjiang.

Xiang Zhanwei.

That night, when it was time for the shift change, two police officers carried a supper and changed shifts with their brothers.

"Brothers, be careful, now the mood of the people is high, and I don't know who said that Xiang Zhanwei lives here, today there have been many waves of people coming to the hospital to kill Xiang Zhanwei, you should pay attention to a little, don't let Xiang Zhanwei have an accident."

"Bah." A police officer said disdainfully: "This kind of person dies and deserves it, I don't understand what the above thinks, obviously a person who should be cut by a thousand cuts, and he deserves to die too, why should he occupy our rest time to protect him." No

one refuted this.

The police are also people, they also have their own joys, sorrows and sorrows, there are too many things that happened in a day today, and a series of evil deeds of the Xiang family are constantly exposed, even if they are all full of hostility towards the Xiang family.

"Forget it, even if the crime is extremely heinous, it should be handed over to the judge for trial in the end, not to mention..."

A police officer suddenly laughed: "In other words, we really don't understand the ideas of these rich second-generation black second-generation, and they scrapped their man's guys for no reason, this hobby, a little unique, just like he is now, even if he survives, this life is over."

"Haha, that's right."


laughter of several police officers was not deliberately concealed, and it was clearly transmitted to the ward.

On the hospital bed, Xiang Zhanwei's face was livid, but he couldn't do anything, today's day was like a thunder on the ground for Xiangjiang, but for him, it was no less than a nuclear weapon explosion, and he couldn't understand why things had developed to this extent.

It was clear that just three days ago, he was still the young master of the invincible Xiang family.

But in the blink of an eye, everything changed.

Listening to the ridicule of the police officers outside, Xiang Zhanwei had hatred in his heart, but more than that, he couldn't do anything, he didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, a breeze blew in, carrying a little chill.

As if sensed something, Xiang Zhanwei turned his head and saw that by the originally empty window, a figure had appeared at this time, it was the figure engraved in his bones.

Oak aper!

In an instant, Xiang Zhanwei's face changed greatly, he wanted to struggle, he wanted to roar, but before these emotions broke out, he saw the figure by the window showing a smile.

That smile....

It was as if death was smiling.

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