"The files of Quzhou First City Hospital were hacked in the early hours of tonight, and some of the doctor's information was stolen!"

What An Li received was just a message that was extremely simple.

But it made An Li couldn't help but bring a smile on his face.

That's his plan.

Since the group of blood roses are looking for experts in malignant fibroblastic tissue cancer, the best way is no longer to look for blood roses like a needle in a haystack.

It is not realistic to find it this way.

People who can't be found by the state apparatus, even if An Li has god-level hacking skills, to be honest, he is not sure.

So, the best thing to do is not to look for it yourself, but to ...

Wait for the rabbit!

Since you can't find blood rose tissue, it's not a problem to find experts in malignant fibroblast tissue cancer, right?

Therefore, An Que began to investigate other experts in this field, and finally found that there were many experts in malignant fibrous tissue cell carcinoma, but in fact, there were not many doctors who really had surgical experience, and there were not many doctors who completed difficult operations, and most of them had failed experience.

Coincidentally, in the First Hospital of Quzhou, there is a doctor who just completed an extremely difficult resection of malignant fibroblastic carcinoma last month.

This matter was also publicized by Quzhou City Hospital, and it was also a sensation in China.

However, it is only at home.

Whether it is the surgical report or the paper submitted by the doctor who should complete the operation, it is not too bright in the entire field of malignant fibroblastic carcinoma.

Therefore, the news that is still hot in China is not very noticeable in the world.

But that's it, let An Li see an opportunity.

He took the initiative to act as a troll, using his hacking skills to publicize the operation in relevant medical forums around the world, and strive to build this doctor into a world-renowned famous doctor.

It turns out to be very useful.

In these years, regardless of the technology and strength, as long as the reputation is beaten, it can always be shaped into a generation of famous doctors, especially in this era when people have not yet been led by various public opinions and water armies, this effect is surprisingly good.

It is estimated that even the doctor himself did not expect that his operation would not cause much reaction, but in half a month after the end of the operation, it was completely spread all over the world.

For a time, countless hospitals were invited, countless professionals contacted and communicated with themselves, and even medical universities specially hired themselves to be professors.

The scenery is endless!

Truly beautiful.

And Quzhou City Hospital, is even more excited, as a hospital side, everyone hopes that their hospital will be famous, everyone wants their hospital to be known all over the world, for a while the doctor is almost regarded as an ancestor, originally an expert number, now it is ranked to the expert level among experts.

Of course, there are also doubts abroad.

Some people feel that luck played a huge role in the success of the operation.

Some people also feel that the doctor's qualifications are not high, and the research in this field is actually not very good.

But even if there are such doubts, they are still no match for the world's medical industry, and all of them look at this famous doctor in Xia Guoquzhou.

No one expected that this time the propaganda turned out to be someone fishing in it.

That's right, fishing.

What An Li did was to push the boat along the water to spread the news around the world, and what he had to do was wait, wait for the fish to take the bait, and wait for the blood rose to appear.

Of course, this plan is not seamless.

Does that doctor really have the technology?

To be honest, An Li checked the relevant information literature, and also looked at the doctor's surgical records, and finally found that the doctor did have some abilities, but to say how powerful the world is, it is a bit exaggerated. In terms of medical treatment, there is still a big gap between domestic and foreign countries.

In fact, as long as you compare these in the professional field, you can see that this doctor may have some reputation, but there is also a lot of water, and even can only be regarded as a flower rack.

However, in this regard, An Li is actually very confident.

Just look at the doctors who are targeted by Blood Rose, all of them are the top personnel in the industry, both in terms of technology and experience.

But the result?

Still failed!

In this case, it is enough to prove how bad the other party's situation is, in such a situation, An Li is sure that the other party will come to try it, no matter what the result of this attempt is, but it will always not be worse than the current result.

Those who fall into the water will desperately grasp the straw in front of them.

It's not because they're stupid enough to hope that the straw will save their lives.

It's because there's nothing they can do....

When all hope is dashed one after another, either completely resign themselves to their fate, or try to grasp the last straw that appeared in front of them.


Even if Blood Rose sensed that this doctor had some moisture, when there was no hope, they could only come and try to grasp this straw, because this was the last chance, and no one would let go of this opportunity.

Of course, there is a bigger problem here.

That is....

Are the sick still alive?

This point, even An Que is not sure.

Malignant fibrous histiocarcinoma can indeed be cured by surgery, and even can improve survival rates through adjuvant chemotherapy and drugs, but this disease is still cancer after all.

How long do cancer patients live?

No one can say clearly, but since it needs to be seen by the world's top doctors, and the disease is still untreatable in the end, it means that the other party's condition may not be optimistic, at such a time, whether the other party is still alive, to be honest, An Li is not sure.

After all, it has been a year since it was disbanded from Blood Rose.

This year is enough time for a cancer patient to die.

Fortunately, An Que bet right.

The other party is as black as the archives department of Quzhou City Hospital, and in the list of doctors who leaked information, there is the doctor who is internationally famous.

To ordinary people, this seems to be a simple minor accident.

It may even be a hacker beginner idle and bored to try to play it.

But An Li, who had been waiting for the fish to take the bait, understood that the other party had already set his eyes on this doctor, and this group of people, 90% of the possibility, is Blood Rose!


It's one thing for a fish to take the bait.

But whether you can catch the fish directly is another matter.

After all, no matter how high the fishing skills are, there is no guarantee that the fish will not get hooked in the water, and they dare not guarantee that the other party will come to a fish dead net to break.

So, next, the big thing!

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