"Mr. Driver, can't we leave yet?"

An Li's words, directly made the driver feel that the whole person sweated upside down, back cold sweat, scared atmosphere did not dare to breathe, he can hear An Li's voice, but also can hear that An Li is now using not English, but the Spanish he spoke before!

He understands his own words!


Looking at the van parked next to his taxi without any movement, and then thinking that the owner of this call should have been his companion Tiger, the driver had already understood.

The other party not only understood his own words, but also solved the problem!

"What's wrong, or are you going to smoke another cigarette?"

It seems that because he didn't answer for a long time, An Li's voice came from the other end of the phone, but such words made the driver frightened again.

Know you're smoking!

How can it be?

Can't help it, the driver looked left and right, there was no one around at all.

"I'm behind you!"

At this moment, An Li's voice came from the phone again, and the driver was shocked, couldn't help swallowing, forced to endure the fear in his heart, turned his head and looked behind him.

Sure enough, I saw An Li, who should still be in the taxi, or had been pulled to a secret place by the van, at this time sitting on the chair behind him with Erlang's legs up, holding his companion's mobile phone in his hand, seeing his gaze, An Li even smiled slightly and waved at him.

At this moment, the driver only felt that his scalp was numb, but in the face of An Li's gaze, his legs seemed to be poured with lead, and he couldn't take a step no matter what, so he could only bite the bullet and show an ugly smile at An Li that was uglier than crying:

"This... This friend, you... There you are?

"It's weird and boring to wait in the car, so I want to come down and breathe, by the way, I'm still in a hurry, can you send me away quickly?" An Li spoke indifferently, whether it was the tone of his words or the demeanor on his face, it was completely impossible to see that he was even half strange.

Even, if it weren't for him holding his companion's mobile phone in his hand, the driver would have suspected that this young man from Xia Guo really didn't know anything.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you still have any questions?"

Just when the driver was a little unsure of An Li's thoughts, he saw that An Li had frowned slightly and asked, hearing this question, the driver nodded repeatedly:

"No, no problem, I... Let's go. "

To be reasonable, the only thing the driver wants to do at this time is to turn around and run, how could he want to carry An Que."

But now in this situation, he does not dare to run!

It was really difficult for him to understand what this young man had done to his companion, let alone why his companion was still silent until now, and even the mobile phone was held in the hands of this Xia Guo kid, the more unknown this was, the more the fear in his heart was infinitely amplified.

In desperation, the driver can only hold on, pretending that nothing has happened.

The two left the convenience store and returned to the taxi neighborhood.

The driver walked in front, only feeling that there was a ghost staring at him behind him, and when he walked to the van, the driver finally couldn't help but glance sideways inside.

But this look made the driver's face full of shock.

Inside the car, his two companions were leaning on the seat at this time, and they didn't know what was happening, silently, and there was no movement at all.

Can't help it, a thought came to the driver's mind that made him even more afraid.

They're not going to die, are they?

"Don't worry, they're not dead."

As if knowing his thoughts, An Li behind him opened his mouth faintly at this time, but did not wait for the driver to speak, but heard An Li add again:

"But I estimate that they may have to lie down for about half a month."

These words almost made the driver bite his tongue in fright, and the whole person stood in place with a pale face, for fear that he would become the next person lying on the ground.

In this regard, An Li looked at it in his eyes and smiled slightly:

"What's wrong, do you want to accompany them?"

"No... Don't..." The driver hurriedly shook his head, turned his head and looked at An Li pleadingly: "Please don't hurt me

, I..." "No, you're not interested, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

An Li smiled, pulled the car door and took the lead in the back seat.

His actions made the driver more and more confused, look at the van next to him, and look at the taxi in front of him, and finally under the strong fear, he couldn't help but open the driver's door and squeeze in.

Ignition, departure.

The movements that I used to have been accustomed to have become extremely stiff at this moment.

Along the way, the driver thought that An Li would say something, but strangely, An Li never spoke, and the driver naturally dared not speak, so he could only close his mouth, and in this extremely strange and dull atmosphere, An Li was sent to the gate of Stanford School.

"First... Sir, we have arrived. Stop

the car, the driver spoke with a trill, he deliberately found a place with many people when he stopped just now, it is difficult to imagine, when he first started to carry An Oak, he was full of thoughts to find a route with fewer people and fewer cars, but now he wants to find this kind of place with many people.

I have to say, it's quite ironic.

But the words fell, and after a long time, there was still no answer, which made the driver feel a little strange.

Looking back, I saw a few bills on the back seat, which seemed to be the fare this time, and the Xia Guo man who was originally sitting behind him, where was there still half a shadow at this time?

Glancing around, he also found no trace of An Li.

This scene made the driver feel relieved and numb at the same time.

He...... How exactly is it done?

Easily solved his accomplices, and quietly left the car, without even noticing the driver himself?

In the next second, the driver no longer thought much, hurriedly ignited the car, accompanied by a roar, under the surprised eyes of others, the driver quickly fled.

No matter how An Li did it, he didn't want to stay in this place longer in his life.

The driver at the moment has only one thought in his mind.

Stay away from the Xia people!

It's just terrible!

After driving all the way away from three blocks, looking back behind him again, and still not showing the young man, the driver finally couldn't help but stop the car, gasping for breath, while smoking a cigarette for himself, his pants were a little cold because of the dampness.

That's scary to pee.

"Snap... But

at this time, even the terrifying young man of Xia Guo had long disappeared, but the strong fear still made the driver unable to light a cigarette no matter what.

Finally, angrily throwing away the cigarette, the driver reacted, and his companion was still at the gas station.

Back at the gas station again, more than ten minutes had passed, and God knows how scared he was along the way, and he almost rubbed a Lamborghini. Back at the gas station, the driver looked left and right, jumped out of the taxi and rushed towards the van.

But as soon as the car door was opened, the alarm bell instantly sounded.

"Get off!"

"Hands on your head!"


group of police officers had already surrounded this place, and when they came, they just got into each other's pockets.

This scene, which should have been extremely frightening, made the driver feel a burst of happiness at this time.

It's that Xia Guo!

He didn't do it to himself, but just chose to let the police deal with it, although this is not a good result for himself, but compared to facing the picture of the nightmare Xia Guo, the driver is more willing to be arrested by the police and accept the punishment of the law....

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