Just in an instant, An Li's complexion changed slightly.

God hides Knowledge!

This is true and true Knowledge in God, and unlike ordinary people, this person's Knowledge is very powerful, and it will not be as powerful as Marburgo, but it cannot be used, because Angel clearly perceives that this person is looking at the cards in the dealer's hand with Hidden Knowledge!

Use Knowledge to peek at hole cards and win every bet?

This made An Li narrow his eyes slightly.

However, what made An Li relieved was that although he had discovered this man's Divine Hidden Knowledge, the other party seemed to be completely unaware of his Divine Hidden Knowledge, and even glanced at it casually just now, and quickly withdrew his gaze and did not pay too much attention to himself.

Did you say....

He can't discover my hidden Knowledge?

An Li thought to himself, paced towards the man for a few points, and then began to test.

He also used his own Divine Hidden Knowledge, only a trace of it, slowly approached the other party's Divine Hidden Knowledge to check, and found that the other party was completely unaware of his small movements, or even did not notice it at all.

And getting closer, An Li also found a problem.

Although the other party also has the existence of Divine Knowledge and can use it flexibly, the other party's Divine Knowledge is not very rich, it is just similar to before he obtained the mysterious bead.

Could it be that Knowledge in God is also strong and weak?

An Li began to think.

This kind of thing is very mysterious to say, but in fact, if you explain it in layman's terms, it is actually like a breath of energy, or a breath, colorless and formless, and can change into various forms with the manipulator's mind, and can penetrate all matter.

At least, for the moment Ann Oak has not discovered anything that cannot penetrate Hidden Knowledge.

However, when encountering other people's Hidden Knowledge, one's own Hidden Knowledge will feel a little sluggish, and even more Hidden Knowledge will need to be consumed.

It stands to reason that since you can detect the other party's hidden knowledge, then the other party should also feel it.

But unexpectedly, everything was very normal on the other side's expression, whether it was an expression or a look, and he obviously did not notice the existence of his own Hidden Knowledge.

"It seems that there is also a distinction between strength and weakness in the aspect of Knowledge in God's Hidden Knowledge."

"The weak seem to be unable to perceive the strong at all, while the strong can easily detect the weak."

An Li pondered, and gradually guessed in his heart.

Even now, for the use of Knowledge in God's Hidden Knowledge, An Li is still in the stage of groping on his own, and many things are not clear at all, and everything can only be crossed by feeling the stones himself.

"Huh! What is it? Because

the man was not aware of his observations, Ann Li's Divine Knowledge became more and more unscrupulous, after all, this was the only person he had seen so far who possessed Divine Knowledge and could use it, and he naturally wanted to investigate it more closely.

Unexpectedly, such an investigation really made him notice something unusual.

In the man, he found a special power, that power was different from any form of energy that An Li had ever seen, as if gathering between heaven and earth, and then traveling around along the eight veins of the body, without passing through one place, it could subtly enhance the strength of the other party.

And under such circumstances, An Li found that this man's physical fitness was actually comparable to Qin Feng.

What is it?

An Li's brows furrowed slightly, but his heart looked carefully as if he had opened the door to a new world, fortunately, God Hidden Knowledge did not keep staring at people with his eyes, otherwise it was estimated that An Li would be treated as a pervert.

After carefully observing for a while, An Li gradually became aware.

That energy starts from an inch below the opponent's navel, where there is a huge mass of energy, and these energies are not only gathering in that place, but constantly operating in the body, traveling according to an extremely constant route.

"This is certainly not Knowledge in God, so what is it?"

"The legendary Dantian Qi Sea?"


Instantly, An Li had a guess.

After all, whether it is a liar or a TV, or a novel, as long as it is a cultivator, it will basically gather spiritual energy in the so-called dantian qi sea, although it felt that this thing was all before, but after discovering this completely special energy at this time, An Li already had a guess.

This person is probably a legendary cultivator!

Sensing this, An Li immediately concentrated all his Divine Hidden Knowledge on the other party's navel to focus on observing, his system skill tree, there was also the option of Qi Sea Dantian, but at that time An Li did not choose, now that someone has this power, he naturally hopes to observe more carefully and understand more thoroughly.

But alas, just for a moment, An Li was disappointed.

Because the Divine Hidden Knowledge, which should have been completely omnipotent, when it converged on the other party's Qi Sea Dantian, it seemed to have entered the fog, and there were no clues and trajectories at all, as if some force was blocking An Li's exploration.

Although An Li was a little surprised by this, he was understandable.

"It seems that this kind of power, like the Divine Hidden Knowledge, is a mysterious power, which cannot be investigated, cannot be peeped into, but I don't know if I still can't know the source of this power after I have this ability in the future?"

An Li muttered and continued to probe.

Since the Qi Sea Dantian cannot detect it, but the operation mode of these energies in the other party's body can still be understood, after all, although it is impossible to carefully investigate this power, since it can be felt, it is always right to remember the walking route of the other party's power.

"This should be the legendary exercise, right?"

As a person who has read the novel and watched the TV series, this thing is so good that it is self-taught, and at this time, he is using his own God Hidden Knowledge to start stealing the master.

After observing for a while, until An Li felt that his Divine Hidden Knowledge had almost been consumed, An Li finally withdrew his probe.

However, even after the end of the probe, An Li was still a little strange.

"These forces have walked thirty-six major acupuncture points in the body, including the dangerous place of the death cave, and there is no great law at all."

"Does it work like this?"

An Li was a little curious, and his heart was strange.

With his already in medicine, the major acupuncture points in the human body are naturally as precious as a few family treasures, in fact, An Li can detect the route of this force just by casually sweeping for a while, but just to understand, An Li can't help but be curious.

Because the operation of this power does not seem to have too many conditions for the major acupuncture points.

Whether it is a living cave or a dead cave, it seems to be able to make this force work.

What made An Li even more incomprehensible was that every time this force reached an acupuncture point, it seemed that his physical fitness would strengthen a little, but the energy reserves in the Qi Sea Dantian did not increase significantly.

Just to get fit?


But when An Li was curious, in the earphones brought to his ears, Qin Feng's voice came at this time:

"Five minutes later, meet in the VIP box on the third floor!"

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