Neumengard Prison was transformed into a prison after the defeat of Germany. It adopted a rotating security system, and was guarded by elite forces from Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union in turn, for a period of one year.

In 1951, Numengard was at the end of the American rotation, and the next rotation was the Soviet Union.

Nurmengard Wizarding Prison, 1951

"Tick, tick"...

Outside the castle, the storm was violent. The rain eroded through the cracks of the masonry and into the disrepaired attic of the castle, even though the castle was once the residence of the famous Dark Lord Grindelwald, of course, now it is the prison of his sins. Those magic circles that were once densely covered on the walls have long been eroded by nature or destroyed by man. After all, people in the Magical Congress of the United States don't know whether these alchemy platforms are harmful, and obviously no one is willing to take this risk.

A drop of water fell on the old man's body and slipped down the neckline. Grindelwald shivered violently, and wrapped the worn trench coat on his body - the one he had been wearing since he was at the Father Shelley Cemetery in France. It was already winter, and the rain was particularly cold. Grindelwald found a drier place and curled up there, just enough to rest his head in a big hole in the wall that had been blown by a spell.

Big pit...

Grindelwald can still clearly recall the scene at that time. When he sneered and said the name "Ariana", Dumbledore's blasting spell flew straight towards him, he dodged, and then The spell hit the wall. The magic anti-moonite blessed by three alchemy platforms was as crisp as a biscuit in front of the spell. When Grindelwald recovered, his elder wand was already in the opponent's hand, and it glowed with green light. The tip of his staff was already on his forehead. The big pit on the wall behind you and the three alchemy alchemy tables smoking acrid black smoke prove that this is not a nightmare......

So he was abandoned in this corner of the world, no one cared, and even the bread was mixed with sand twice a day, those North American Auror Operations just wanted to humiliate him, after all, the Dark Lord, who once made the world tremble, is now Just a prisoner.

The dragon with broken wings is now just a lizard in the eyes of everyone.

"It's so quiet..." Grindelwald muttered to himself, Nurmengard is like this, except for the occasional punches and kicks of the jailer when delivering meals, it's as quiet as the end of the world, lonely, lonely, forgetful... …


"Bang, bang, bang bang!"

Maybe God thought it was really too quiet here, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the courtyard!

Even though the top floor of Nurmengard was 120 meters above the ground, Grindelwald could still hear the loud noise from the courtyard. The orange-red light instantly filled the entire room, followed by the sound of M1 American Thomson submachine guns and PPSH-1 Bobosha submachine guns, which could be called locusts crossing the border.

Grindelwald stuck out half of his head from the window (there was an electric shock array outside the window, it would be miserable if the neck was stretched), at this time the courtyard was filled with cross flames, and a team of American elite Aurors hit by fragments flew into the air. After landing, the body rolled lifelessly on the ground like a broken pocket - these former "black death gods" can't even cast a spell under this wave of metal and fire.

The huge alchemy platform used for emergency help was blown to pieces by a bundle of wooden-handled grenades that were suddenly thrown by the enemy. The valuable parts were scattered all over the place, and there was some unlucky egg on it. 's brain.

Just as Grindelwald was stunned, a Soviet-made RPG-2 individual anti-tank rocket roared from a distant firepower point to the gate of the castle, and then the armor-piercing warhead slammed on the mountain. on the gate made of copper.


The huge vibration caused the former Dark Lord to squat down, covering his eight-lobed buttocks, and the nearly seventy-year-old old man stood up with a grin and muttered swear words in German.

His withered hands groped under the bed and drew out a silver knife. Ironically, the only weapon he can use for self-defense is not a wand, and his enemies sound like Muggles...


As soon as he remembered this word, Grindelwald shook his head with a wry smile. As a guest of the Führer, he had been to the battlefield of Sud in person. Those steel creations roaring forward on the icefield left him a lot of psychological shadows.

It's one thing to see them in the smoke of prophecy, but it's quite another to see the real Father-2's crawler swooping at you with minced meat and intestines hanging from its tracks...

Grindelwald still clearly remembers the shrill screams of a Tiger car crew who was still laughing with him at the time when they were trapped in a deflagrating tank and were burned at the stake.

Thinking of this, Grindelwald shook his head vigorously, trying to drive the disgusting scream out of his head.

But the scream was getting closer and closer, because it wasn't an illusion at all. The person who invaded the castle was using gasoline bottles to clear the room where the Aurors might be ambushed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Several burning human figures squeezed out of the narrow window, illuminating the night with their own lives, and then turned into a blur of organic matter on the ground under the tower.

Nonsense, it's more than 80 meters off the ground.


The gunshots were getting closer, Grindelwald tried to straighten his back, and the severe pain when the lumbar disc was reset almost sent him away. He stretched out the folds of the windbreaker with his hands, and then patted off the dust on it. The long-term malnutrition had slowed down his movements a lot.

The winning smile hung on his face again, and the Dark Lord, who once terrified the world, was back.

And he came back with his protruding waist disc...


A bullet penetrated the wooden door made of oak with a speed of 300 meters per second, rubbing the cheeks with temperature and sawdust, feeling hot. The smile that had just been squeezed out of his face instantly Between imposing and saving his life, Grindelwald chose to lie down without hesitation.

The sound of people dragging heavy objects came from the corridor, approached little by little, and then stopped in front of the door.

Grindelwald, who was lying on the ground, clenched the knife in his hand.

The door was opened, and the blood-soaked soldiers stood outside the door with expressionless faces, surrounded by a young officer.

"it's me". The young Asian man said softly.

"You are Zhang Yan"? Grindelwald rubbed his eyes and asked incredulously.

"Do you mind if I come in and sit for a while?" Zhang Yan picked up a man who was lying on the ground and moaned with one hand, and threw it towards the wall fiercely.

Grindelwald knew that person, that was the director of the foreign affairs department of the United States Auror Operations Division, who had won the championship of duel competitions many times. But now he was slumped to the ground like a dead dog.

"Killing Curse".

The tip of the wand in Zhang Yan's hand suddenly burst out with a beam of pale green light, and then the people on the ground stopped moving.

"Come in, my friend." Grindelwald glanced at the man on the ground who had mixed rat **** in his bread, then said with a smile.

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