In the early morning of September 1, the huge Gulfstream passenger plane once again pierced the British night sky. Zhang Qi, who had not woken up in a daze, stepped off the passenger plane with Hekmedia and carried a huge marching bag. Got into a taxi to King's Cross platform.

There was a little traffic jam around the train station today, so they arrived at the station at 9 am.

"Your godfather has already bought the extra stuff for you, and he'll put it in Slytherin's dorm for you. Don't forget to thank them when the time comes, it's not too bad for Severus to go out shopping with a dead face. easy."

Zhang Qi tried hard to imagine the scene where the expressionless Snape and Mrs. Malkin were bargaining for a robe, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The two continued to walk towards the train station.

"This side is the 9th platform, there is the 10th platform, the meaning of 9 3/4 should refer to the load-bearing column." After speaking, Hekmedia raised his hand and pointed to a stone pillar not far away.

"I remember that the French have always been bad at mathematics"? Zhang Qi glanced at Hekmedia vigilantly, thinking that I don't want to hit a thousand peach blossoms on the pillar.

"Your mother and I came back to France after graduating from primary school in Fengtian Military Region." Hekmedia raised his foot and gave Zhang Qi's **** a little lightly. "What are you talking about? Hurry up and go inside."

Zhang Qi looked at the hard stone pillar in the distance with a bitter look on his face.


"Light of Life". The silver-white wand released a soft light, and the bump on the head began to swell.

Put the wand back into his waist. Hekmedia and Zhang Qi stared at each other for a long time, and finally Zhang Qi couldn't help speaking.

"Didn't you say you're good at math"?

"I counted backwards"...

"Then are you sure you're referring to the right thing this time?"

"I'm not too sure." Hekmedia walked to the other pillar and reached out to touch it. A wonderful thing happened. Her hand seemed to sink into the wall, and she couldn't see any falsehood at all.

"Okay, this time I'm sure, this is it." Hekmedia turned to look at Zhang Qi, "Let's go."

In the end, Hekmedia dragged Zhang Qi, who didn't want to move forward, through the load-bearing column.

The thick smoke of the steam locomotive wafted over the chattering crowd, and cats and owls of various colors were scurrying around on the platform. A crying little fat man was chasing after a fast jumping toad, and disappeared into the crowd before Zhang Qi could greet him.

There were already quite a few students in the first few carriages, and most of them were talking to their parents through the window.

"Morning, Hekmedia-senpai." A voice came from behind, and the two looked back at Lucius.

"Thank you for what happened yesterday." Lucius pulled Draco in front of him. "This is my son Draco. Yesterday was too rushed to introduce you."

"Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy." A little boy with platinum blonde hair held out his hand slightly arrogantly.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Qi." Zhang Qi politely reached out and shook his hand.

"Let the children chat for a while." Hekmedia said to Lucius with a smile.

"Because I happened to be looking for you for something."

So Hekmedia and Lucius walked towards a hidden corner in the distance.

"Do you have anything to do with me? Hekmedia"?

"I saw it that day." Hekmedia's voice suddenly turned cold. "What did you put in that red-haired girl's schoolbag?"


Lucius opened his mouth to defend something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Hekmedia.

"It seems that you are still holding on to the disgusting glory of pure blood. I am afraid that in your pure blood's eyes, we are pure blood scum that is better than the Weasleys"?

Hekmedia's tone was not good.

"I definitely don't mean that"! Lucius was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. "You once saved my life, I, how dare I do this to you?"

"It's good to know". Hekmedia snorted coldly, and then his tone became much kinder.

"I figured it out, the stupid thing you did this time won't have any serious consequences. At least it won't cause casualties because of it. But people always pay for what they do, don't they?" ?

"Yes, people should pay for the wrong things they do." Lucius, who breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and continued: "Then what price do you think I should pay"?

"I heard that the Malfoy family and the Greenglass family have a marriage contract"? Hekmelia said casually.

"Draco and the second daughter of the Greenglass family, Astoria, are engaged." Although Lucius felt a little strange, he answered truthfully.

"I once met Astoria, a very weak and kind girl." Hekmedia seemed to be stuck in memory. "This kind of girl needs someone to take care of, and Draco, who has been spoiled by you, should not be very good at taking care of others."

"Then what do you mean"? Lucius breathed a sigh of relief. The Greengrass family was not a necessary target for the marriage. Even if the marriage contract was terminated, it would not have any negative impact on the Malfoy family, which was obviously more cost-effective than paying a large amount of compensation.

"My son Zhang Qi is a person with no future." Hekmedia sighed and continued. "If I had to use a metaphor, he was like a shell that had been fired, with no other goal than to blow himself and his enemy to pieces when he reached the finish line. I don't want my son to give his The only way for a father to live with revenge is for a girl to hold him back and let him understand that after revenge he still has a reason to live in the world."

After all, nothing can stop a man from advancing, except the girl he loves." Hekmedia muttered to himself.

In a trance, Hekmedia returned to that rainy morning. He knelt down on the soft lawn of the cemetery with his slightly bulging belly upright and hissed bitterly. In front of him is a tombstone decorated with red stars, and behind him are full of sad and angry soldiers.

Hekmedia, who had just regained his thoughts, raised his hand to straighten the tie of his white suit and continued to speak to Lucius.

"Put away your pure-blooded nobleness, and future pure-bloods will have a hard time. By the way, why don't your son think about Hermione? I think this little girl might become Minister of Magic in the future." .

"let me consider it". Lucius' face froze, and then he showed a thoughtful expression.

Lucius had a good relationship with Hekmedia when he was in school, so there must be something about her.

In addition to that strange power, Hekmedia has the gift of prophecy, and none of the things she prophesied so far have a huge deviation from reality. Then Hekmedia's prediction that Hermione might become Minister of Magic is likely to be true. Even if Hermione didn't become Minister of Magic in the future, she would definitely become a high-ranking official similar to the Attorney General.

It does seem to require careful consideration. Lucius thought to himself.

"correct". Lucius seemed to remember something, and immediately said to Hekmedia. "The second daughter of the Greengrass family has inherited the curse of the bloodline. She may not live to adulthood. You are sure, senpai"...

"I know that you made this marriage contract for your son just to embezzle the property of the Greengrass family." Hekmedia snorted coldly, "Although the prediction I made has a certain scope, the fate of who my son will marry cannot be faked."

"It is also possible to change from a wife to a mistress." Lucius muttered in a low voice, but Hekmedia did not hear it.

"Okay, okay, the train is leaving soon. Go back and see the children off." Hekmedier patted Lucius on the shoulder hard, and the two walked back to the station.

"Remember, Lucius." Hekmedia said in a low voice.

"There is an old saying in Shenzhou. The way of heaven is reincarnated, and harming others will eventually harm oneself."

"After this school year, let's have a good meal with your children. Compared with those inexplicable benefits and honors, family is more important."

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