The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 18: The speeding train (below)

Harry has been feeling bad these days.

First being kicked out of the house by my uncle after being attacked by a rambunctious house-elf, then being forced to chat for an hour last night with the inexplicably rambunctious Ginny, and then... ..

After that, he and Ron stood on the platform with their heads covered with a big bag and grinned. The owl Hedwig in the cage screamed with dissatisfaction.

"We're going to miss the car"! Harry screamed in despair and kicked the pillar hard.

"Cars! We can drive to Hogwarts"! Ron's eyes lit up beside him, "Let's go, Harry."

"I strongly recommend that you don't do this, Mr. Weasley. Molly will hang you up and spank you if she hears about it, just like she did to Arthur." A woman's voice came from behind them.

"Aunt Hekmedia"?!! Hearing this voice, Ron turned his head in surprise. "There was something wrong with the entrance to platform 9 3/4, we couldn't get in"! "I see," Hekmedia tapped the pillar with the tip of his wand. "Stop the curse".

"There was a little problem with the identification magic. The entrance to the station was closed ahead of schedule. Now you should be able to pass smoothly."

Harry and Ron quickly thanked and strode towards the train.

Finally, just before the train started, the two of them successfully threw all the packages onto the train, and then jumped on it themselves.

"Finally caught up." Exhausted, the two lay together on the pile of luggage, panting.

"Where did you go just now?" An anxious Hermione spotted the two of them and immediately walked towards them.

"Something went wrong at the entrance to the platform, which blocked us from the outside." Ron, who was relieved, explained.

Hearing this, Hermione raised her eyebrows and prepared to start her usual lecturing mode. But at this moment, Ron's brother Percy was rushing forward from the last carriage. Then, while passing by, he accidentally tripped over the pile of luggage and fell to the ground with his face on the ground.

"Clean up."

"Return as before".

"What's wrong with you? Percy". After helping his brother clean the dust on his face, Ron said with some dissatisfaction. "What makes you walk without looking at the floor? Besides, Penello from Ravenclaw is clearly in the carriage behind us."

Percy stood up and wiped his face, then ran to the car in front without looking back, shouting as he ran:

"Slytherin's Marcus Flint bullied the freshman, Gryffindor classmates come with me"!

The carriage in front was quiet for a while, and then a more intense sound broke out.

"Fuck him"!

"This, is this the Percy I know?" Ron rubbed his eyes in disbelief and muttered to himself in disbelief.

"Sister Penello"! Hermione saw Ravenclaw's Penello and a group of Ravenclaw seniors also hurriedly walking towards the front carriage, and quickly waved and said hello. "May I ask what happened before?"

"Marcus Flint, the rainforest gorilla, insulted Ravenclaw's younger sister Zhang Qiu"! Penello said angrily. "Today the eagle must blind the snake's eyes"!

"Slytherin's Marcus Flint bullied Cedric's girlfriend! Fuck him"! The usually friendly little badgers in the front car paused for half a second after hearing that Hufflepuff's good-looking girlfriend was being bullied, and then let out a roar that could almost lift the roof of the car.

"Marcus Flint was miserable today". Harry and Ron thought happily.

Marcus Flint often played tricks on other players during the game. He has long caused public anger at Hogwarts. Everyone likes the matter of beating the underdogs.

"Fa, Sister Farley"? This time it was Hermione's turn to rub her eyes. A group of Slytherin senior girls headed by Gemma Farley, the prefect of Slytherin girls, actually flew towards the front carriage with their robes on?

"Marcus Flint's smelly orangutan dared to bully our best friend Daphne's little brother"! Gemma Farley carried her robes like a ball gown to prevent tripping over her robes. "Can this be tolerated"?

"I can't bear it"! ? A group of senior girls in Slytherin let out a thunderous roar.

Gryffindor's three children only watched the flow of people drifting away, and only felt that the worldview they had developed this year was shattered.

When did the four academies become so united?

"Should we be dreaming?" Ron made a sound of collapse.

"I think we should take a look." Harry said excitedly.

The three looked at each other, then followed the crowd and ran towards the carriage in front.


Marcus Flint roared and rushed towards Zhang Qi, his face full of cruelty and madness.

With the power of the Flint family, killing an Asian Mudblood should not have any effect on him at all.

Three meters, two meters, one meter!

At this very close juncture, Marcus Flint saw Zhang Qi's lips move slightly, as if saying something to him.

At that moment, Flint seemed to have some kind of illusion. The first-year freshman on the opposite side doesn't seem to be talking to himself, but rather like a fire dragon breathing dragon's breath at him!

At the moment when Marcus Flint was stunned, Zhang Qi, who was opposite him, disappeared into the air as if dissolved.

Word Spirit · Maze

In the original Dragon Clan novel, the spirit of Jiu De Mai can completely disappear into the air by refracting light, leaving only an inconspicuous black smoke.

A word spirit that is very suitable for covert assassination.

Marcus Flint, who lost his target, threw himself in the air, because he didn't have time to close his feet, so he fell to the ground with a thud.

The holder of Maze is completely invisible to others, but not to the holder himself.

Zhang Qi, who had just obtained this word spirit and was not very good at using it, quit the word spirit directly, and when he became visible again, he punched Flint on the right shoulder. With a soft click, Flint screamed, and his shoulder blades were shattered into several pieces.

Due to the effect of dragon blood, 11-year-old Zhang Qi has reached 1.5 meters in height and 80 kilograms in weight, and his current muscle density is 4 times that of ordinary people!

Zhang Qi grabbed Flint's left arm again. With a disgusting muffled sound, Flint's left arm showed a weird twist shape and collapsed on his body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah"!

Flint made a scream like killing a It's too noisy, it's a nuisance." Zhang Qi looked at Marcus, who was rolling on the ground, and said in a flat tone. At the same time, he took out a handful of Japanese short sword.

That's a slap in the face.

Zhang Qi roughly grabbed his hair and lifted Marcus' head. He stabbed the hilt of Bodu Yusoul into his mouth, and then stirred it hard!

Marcus Flint heard the sound of his mouth full of broken teeth through bone conduction, the pain exploded in his mind, his stomach was already cramping, and a big mouthful of stomach acid was sprayed out through the esophagus, spraying on the **** broken mouth. on the teeth. The unbearable pain made the human-shaped gorilla roll his eyes and finally fainted.

"Who else wants to come up?" Zhang Qi raised his head and looked blankly around Marcus' friends.

"He is only one person"! Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

"Go on, avenge Flint"! Several people swallowed their saliva, tried to ignore the **** scene, and drew out their wands and aimed them at Zhang Qi.

"It's them who bully the freshmen"!

"It's the school girl who bullied Ravenclaw"!

"It's their girlfriend who bullied Cedric"!

"It's them who ruined our Slytherin's reputation"!

Those few people looked back in horror, and saw that the whole car of senior students had already vaguely surrounded them, and the leader was actually the prefect of their own college.

"Go on! Fuck him!" . The senior students rushed up in a rush.

"The vast ocean of people's war"... Zhang Qi found a seat and sat down, quietly eating melons and watching the play.

"Comrade librarians do not deceive me."


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