"The freshmen of the first year are here"! The burly man Hagrid shouted to the little wizards who had just gotten out of the car.

"I'm Hagrid, the key keeper and gamekeeper at Hogwarts. Are there any freshmen who haven't followed?"

All the freshmen looked at each other, and all the friends they knew in the car were there.

"Okay, first-year freshmen come with me. But remember to pay attention to your feet"! Hagrid grabbed a little wizard who was about to fall because he slipped on the muddy ground and let him stand firmly on the ground again.

Through this incident, Hagrid left a good sense to everyone.

Hagrid held a dim lantern high and led everyone down a rough path. It seems that it has just finished raining here, and the road is extremely muddy and slippery.

"Be careful with your feet"!

Zhang Qi's reminder was still a step too late. "Alito", who accidentally stepped on a slippery mud pit, let out a painful exclamation, and then fell face down and fell into the mud pit.

"Are you OK"? Zhang Qi quickly grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up, only to hear a more painful sound.

"I, my foot is sprained."

The supple silver-white hair is now covered with mud, and the delicate face has also turned into a big flowery face. Painful tears flowed from his eyes, washing away the mud, revealing the pale skin below.

"Close your eyes." Zhang Qi said.

Some "Alito" who didn't react still closed their eyes according to the words.

"Light of Life"!

A dazzling white light suddenly burst out from the top of the golden wand, making the people around them almost unable to open their eyes. Immediately afterwards, the white light swept in all directions like a spreading shock wave, penetrating everyone's body. Pure energy attaches to every cell, repairing damaged and aging organelles. Those who were illuminated by that ray of light felt incomparably warm and comfortable.

The injured ankle started to swell quickly, and the warmth and comfort of being placed in hot water drove away the pain. The excess tissue fluid is quickly absorbed by the soft tissue, and the swollen ankle regains the ability to walk.

"This time it should be almost the same." Zhang Qi retracted the conspicuous wand and nodded with satisfaction.

"impressive"! Hagrid, who originally wanted to walk with the injured freshman on his back, let out a heartfelt admiration, and then met Zhang Qi's blue left eye without reservation.

"Hekmedia"? Hagrid let out an exclamation.

"You know my mother"? Zhang Qi slowly picked up Arito on the ground and asked Hagrid.

"Well, this..." Brother Hai scratched his head and said hesitantly.

"Your mother always liked to wrestle with me back then, and Harry's father would always have some, er, conflicts with Hekmedia. Then your mother would beat him up and throw him into the Black Lake."

"Almost every time I have to go down and pick up the unconscious James who has been beaten, so I'll be very familiar with your mother."

"This is her style." Zhang Qi rubbed his temples with a headache. "She has always advocated using violent means to solve problems, which is not elegant at all."

"Fluorescent Flickering"! Hagrid held up his pink umbrella, and a bright white blob of light appeared at the tip of the slightly skewed umbrella, illuminating the rough mountain road ahead and the small pier at the end of the road.

"The front is Hogwarts"! Hagrid announced loudly to the freshmen.

At the end of the road is the water that looks a little sparkling in the moonlight, and a towering castle stands on the high hillside on the other side of the lake. The spires of the castle are lined with bright lights. Gives a warm and sacred feeling.

The freshmen fell into amazement one after another.

"Alright, alright, each boat has a maximum of 4 people, hurry up and get on the boat!"

The freshmen got on the boats that swayed up and down in the lake.

"We seem to be the last two." Zhang Qi looked around helplessly, and found that everyone else had already boarded the boat in groups of 4, except for himself and Arito, who had just recovered but couldn't walk fast.

So the two of them got into a small boat alone.

The moment the two of them got on the boat, the boat immediately rowed across the mirror-like lake and started to move forward.

He grabbed Arito, who lost his balance and almost fell into the lake, and pulled him back to the boat. Zhang Qi reclined on the bow to watch this beautiful night scene, and let the cool evening wind blow on his cheeks to dilute the sudden suddenness. The aroma of Longjing tea becomes strong.

Now Zhang Qi can see the complete infrared thermal imaging spectrum in the dark night like a snake, and he can naturally see that the face of the person sitting opposite him has changed from yellow to red.

The boat carried them through the ivy vines that covered the cliffs to the hidden underground pier.

Walking across the gravel and pebbled ground, and then climbing a few flights of stone steps, a huge oak door appeared before them.

Hagrid stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Are all the freshmen this year ready?" A middle-aged woman in an emerald green robe opened the door.

"It's all here, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you Hagrid, leave the rest to me."

Professor McGonagall glanced at the first-year freshman, looking for an Asian boy with heterochromatic pupils.

Marcus Flint has been sent to the infirmary, and Snape, the head of Slytherin, is treating him personally. Principal Dumbledore, who learned of this, also expressed concern and went to the infirmary to fight Snape.

So even if he was sitting in the auditorium just now, Professor McGonagall, who was sensitive to hearing, could hear Marcus Flint's scream.

Even the righteous Professor Mike tolerated Snape's excessive behavior when he heard that Marcus Fretter was bullying Astoria on the train, letting the Slytherin The screams of the orangutan hit his eardrums again and again.

Professor McGonagall knew that Snape regarded his goddaughter as his own daughter.

Not to mention that Snape had just received a bucket of ghost pepper extract from France two days ago. Adding it to the wound potion will not interfere with normal functions, but it will definitely leave a deep impression on the user. impression.

As for who sent it from France, guess what?

A generation of prophets has fallen to this point.

Taking back his thoughts, Professor McGonagall saw Zhang Qi who was chatting with a white-haired "juvenile" next to him.

It fits...

Professor McGonagall shook his head vigorously, expelling that inexplicable idea, and then said to the freshmen:

"I'm Professor McGonagall at Hogwarts. Please form a line and follow me."

The freshmen lined up through the oak gates and into a stately hall. Four long tables live in groups on both sides of the hall, leaving a wide path for the freshmen. In the front is the long table on the rostrum, on which sits all kinds of teachers.

On the four long tables, hundreds of senior students are watching them eagerly.

In front of the rostrum is a 4-corner stool with a top-notch wizard hat on the stool, which looks a few years old. Because the hat was not only badly damaged, but also had a layer of pulp.

Suddenly the hat opened and sang a strange self-composed song in a hoarse voice.

The Song of True Saya

Zhang Qi would like to call it a sanctuary song from Lalaiye.

After several minutes of torment, the hat finally shut up.

Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whose name I call now will put on a hat and sit on a stool and wait for the sorting. Do you understand?"

"Han... I'm sorry I got it wrong, this is from last year." The professor picked up another roll of parchment, slightly embarrassed.

"Colin Creevey"!

The little boy holding the camera sat nervously on the stool and put on the hat.

"Ha! Let me see. Muggle-born, not bad at heart...hardcore Harry Potter fan? Well, then"...


"Luna Lovegood"! A slightly confused little girl slowly sat on the stool, looking at everything around her curiously with her white-blond hair on.

Yes, it was the color Lin Nian didn't like the most.

"Fantastic idea. Ravenclaw"!


"Alito Greengrass"!

Alito trotted nervously to the stool, sat down and put on his hat.

"Want to stay with your sister"? The Sorting Hat asked in a low voice, but Zhang Qi, who was not far away, could hear clearly with his perverted hearing.


Arito took off his hat and trotted to the Slytherin table.


"Hilbert Zirol! Or Mr. Zhang Qi"! The hat shouted enthusiastically, "Come on!"

Hilbert Zirol, this is the name Zhang Qi used in France.

Zhang Qiluo reluctantly walked to the stool quickly and put on the dirty hat.

"Well, I can't see anything." Hat whispered, "Then do as the headmaster wants, Griffin"...

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Qi grabbed the slit on the hat and covered his mouth.

"Would you like to think about it carefully?" Zhang Qi whispered to the dirty hat in his mind, "I have washing powder from Lishui Wuqi Chemical Factory in my suitcase. Maybe you want to take a good bath"?

"Let go! No one can do this to the old hat"... The Sorting Hat made its own protest.

Zhang Qi let go of his hand.

"Well then~www.readwn.com~Azkaban". Hat said in a low voice, but Professor McGonagall next to him heard it clearly, and immediately a pile of staves hung on the face of the older catgirl.

"I'll give you a good rub."

"No no no, Azkaban really isn't for you." The Sorting Hat hurriedly said, "Azkaban can't accommodate your ideals and talents, then"...

"Numengard"! The Sorting Hat shouted out with the loudest voice, and Old Deng on the rostrum suddenly turned black.

"Ceramic Washboard". Zhang Qi had a Heshan smile on his face, reminding him kindly, but he was panicking in his heart.

Damn broken hat, when I have a chance, I must take 84 to disinfect you first! Zhang Qi roared in his heart.

"Where is Nurmengard? Why haven't I heard of it"?

"I haven't heard of it either."

There were discussions from the students all around. Due to the lack of historical education in the magic world, many people present did not even know the name of a generation of Dark Lords, let alone where he was imprisoned.


A roar from the Sorting Hat pulled everyone back from the heated discussion. There was silence at first, and then violent applause broke out from the Slytherin table.

Slytherin's parents basically did not know the legendary Hekmedia-senpai. Although many people still hold prejudice against Hekmedia, the great power of the Zirol family is something they dare not provoke.

If you don't dare to provoke it, you will naturally have to please.

"You got an incredible student, Severus." Dumbledore smiled and congratulated Snape.

Snape, who always wore a dead face all the time, actually showed a smile at this time.


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