
The lung tissue destroyed by the cigarette tried to scavenge oxygen from the air, expel urea and carbon dioxide that had been stagnant for a long time, and made a hoarse sound like a beehive. The handmade suits worth tens of thousands of dollars have been soaked in the rain, and the expensive and delicate crocodile leather shoes have also stepped on the mud pits, but the owner of the clothes has no intention of caring about these, just desperately ran towards a large ship docked in the port.

During his study in Germany, his body was hollowed out by tobacco, alcohol and beauty, and he could no longer carry out such intense exercise, but he had no choice but to run away desperately. Because he knew that once he was caught up by those Qianlong security guards behind him, what awaited him would be cordial greetings from the "motherland" China.

But as long as he gets on the ship of the Zirore company, he can exchange the confidential information on himself for French nationality and permanent residence there.

But the premise is that he can get on the ship alive.


There was a slight noise about 100 meters behind him. A 7.62mm pistol shot from a Type 85 micro-sound pistol wiped his skin and hit the container beside him. There was a slight pain, and "Yang Dong" was already on his cheek. There was a scar that was oozing blood.

Qianlong Security Company is one of the white gloves that China exports weapons and equipment to the third world. But today, Shenzhou wants to make these white gloves black with the blood of traitors.

"Damn it, why should I know it now?" "Yang Dong" cursed inwardly.

Wo Weihan, a German student sent by the Shenzhou government, who was not wealthy at the time, was instigated by his own roommate in Bay Island to provide the United States with Shenzhou's economic and military information.

Just a few days ago, he returned to China to attend his relative's wedding, but unexpectedly found out that one of his distant relatives was actually a missile designer! The other party is a layman who covets material pleasures, and he bought it with just a Swiss watch. After careful discussion, the two decided to do a big vote-stealing the core information of df31.

However, Wovihan lost contact with his distant relative surnamed Guo as soon as he returned to Austria, which made him a little suspicious, but considering the degree of control of Shenzhou Customs, he did not have much doubts about this matter.

Until the day before yesterday, I received the core data sent by my distant relative.

And the news that China had shot Guo Wanjun, a traitor for leaking secrets.

Knowing that the situation was not good, Wavihan kept an eye on the contact person. Before the contact, he climbed the roof of the department store and observed the street with binoculars.

Sure enough, as soon as his connector appeared, he was controlled by several people.

The security personnel in Shenzhou were so impatient that there was a flaw in the intelligence, which allowed Wo Weihan to temporarily save his life.

At the critical moment when he was hunted down by Shenzhou, Vauvihan got a promise from the French company Chirol - as long as he could board a passenger ship in the port alive with confidential information, then France would give it the protection it deserved. .

"Puff puff"!

The moment he left the pedal and jumped into the passenger ship, the Qianlong security guards behind him didn't seem to want him to leave so smoothly. With a precise three-shot from the 56C assault rifle with a silencer, Wovihan's right knee burst into dark red blood and pale bone stubble instantly under the pale light.

"help me"!

Warvihan, who had escaped from death, immediately began to cry out for help, and the security personnel who had been prepared in the cabin immediately put it on a stretcher and carefully carried it into the cabin. Seeing that their target was thrown into another country's ship, the Shenzhou security personnel outside reluctantly fired two shots and left in the car.

"Damn, let this **** run away!" A rookie who just retired from the Chinese wolf tooth special forces and "transferred" angrily punched the steering wheel with his fist~www.readwn.com~ The pale-haired group leader just smiled, and slammed it out of the inner pocket of his clothes. He took out a wrinkled cigarette, lit it in his mouth, took a deep breath and exhaled a pleasant ring of smoke.

"Don't worry, this mission is a success."

"But, but the traitor clearly ran away"! The newcomer said anxiously.

"The remaining tasks are none of our business." The person in charge threw the cigarette **** out of the window, and the majestic rain immediately drowned out the remaining tobacco.

"Go back." The person in charge motioned the newcomers to drive quickly, "The rest of the tasks are none of our business."


"thanks, thanks". Woweihan kept thanking the mercenaries who bandaged him, "Where is your person in charge?"

"She's coming soon." A seasoned white mercenary named Rem Blake fitted him with splints for immobilization.


"Yes, please allow me to introduce our boss to you." Rem Blake raised his arm proudly and pointed to a petite white woman in a white suit who was already standing at the door.

"Hekmedia Zirol, the head of Zirol's mercenary and arms company, an arms dealer in war-torn areas, and"...

"Thank you for your hard work, Blake. I'll fill in the rest." Hekmedia leaned closer and said something to Wovihan that made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

"And the Black Gloves of China".

There was an inaudible scream of terror on the calm sea.


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