
"What's wrong? Minerva"... The old man took off his glasses, rubbed his already sore eyes, and put the quill in his hand back into the ink bottle.

"Have you finished writing the admission letter for this year's freshmen?" Professor McGonagall glanced at the cockroach-shaped candy still being held by the old man, and frowned.

"Do you want one?" The old man blinked mischievously, but seeing the disgusting expression on Professor McGonagall's face, he put down the sanguine candy again.

"This year's admission letter is basically finished."


"Uh, there's one more. How should I put it, this student is quite special, do you still have any impressions of Hekmedia?"

"Hekmedia? You mean"...Professor McGonagall's mind flashed an image of a girl with white hair and blue eyes. Thinking of this, she couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, this letter is for her son, whose name is Zhang Qi. So please call Severus. He may be asked to help with this admissions counseling."


"I heard that you were looking for me Dumbledore." A thin man in his thirties with long greasy hair pushed open the carved door of the principal's room, his black eyes as deep as an abyss.

"You're here, Severus." Dumbledore handed over a piece of parchment, "Can you write it like this?"

Taking the parchment, Snape didn't look at it immediately, but picked up the envelope.

"Paris, Chinese Embassy in France, the fourth guest room on the left of the conference room on the third floor, Mr. Zhang Qi in front of the writing desk."

"I feel like Hekmedia will kill you, my dear Headmaster Dumbledore." Snape's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

"Yeah, we all know that Hekmedia is the most annoying for others to peep at her privacy." Dumbledore spread his hands helplessly, "But this child's grandmother is a saint, and Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are He will never be hired. Besides, a lady surnamed Bai who lives next to the West Lake has written me a kind and friendly threatening letter, saying that if Hogwarts doesn't accept him, she will bring someone to settle me. Principal room".

"What about Ilvermorny?"

"Grindelwald almost demolished the Magic Congress back then, and this child's grandfather"...

"His grandfather had a festival with the Magic Congress"? Snape asked curiously.

"More than a festival," Dumbledore smiled bitterly. "In 1950, American Muggles went to war with China, and a large number of wizards and their relatives and friends died in the war."

"In retaliation from China, Zhang Qi's grandfather, Zhang Yan, led the commandos to attack Nurmengard. The soldiers, full of rage, killed all the American Aurors present and burned all the defense facilities."

"I asked Getler afterwards, but he didn't tell me anything." Dumbledore shook his head and said dejectedly.

"But I remember that you and Hekmedia had a good relationship when they were students, so I hope you can visit them with me in a while."

"I understand". Snape nodded, "I hope that when we meet later, Hekmedia will not directly send you to meet the **** of death with the Death-Slaying Curse."


"Please send this envelope to Loch Lomond Orphanage in Scotland", Zhang Qi put a stamp on the envelope with the words "Chinese Embassy in France", and wrote "Elena – Kaslana". "This is my donation this year, totaling 150,000 francs, and this check should cover their expenses this year."

"It's easy to get sick if you eat game all the time"...

After sending off the French government personnel in the embassy area who were responsible for mailing matters, Zhang Qi returned to his room and lay on the wicker chair on the balcony. On the small table beside him, five large gilded black books glowed golden in the sunlight.

"DragenRaja" - Qizhang

"As a traverser, Gong Duo must do it." Zhang Qi muttered to himself while holding a glass of ice juice.

Yes, when Zhang Qi knew that his grandmother's name was Vida-Chirol, and that he had a Chinese cousin named Zhang Qiu in the UK, he knew what kind of ghost place he had traveled to.

Then he burned the half-finished "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", and turned his attention to the Jiangnan thief.

Two years later, "Shanghai Fortress" has exploded in magazines, and "Dawn of the Dragon One Fire" has been a big hit after its publication. Now on the table are the English versions of the second and third sample books, produced by French Publishing House Chirol. . Hekmedia believes that this set of books will usher in more than three times the profit of Qirol's annual income for Zhang Qi.

And the countless blades sent in by readers.

So Zhang Qi decided to revise the ending of the second and third generations by himself. He didn't want to be shot in the free world because of the knife...

Zirol Company, France's largest mercenary and arms company, one of the world's five largest arms dealers. Zhang Qi's mother, Hekmedia, is the owner of the company. She is of German-French descent and holds dual nationalities of France and China.

(The Chinese government and the Chinese Metaphysics Association recognize that people in the occult field hold dual nationalities—Article 3, Paragraph 5, of the 1978 Edition of the Basic Law of the Chinese Metaphysics Field)

As the only child of Hekmedia, Zhang Qi also has dual nationality~www.readwn.com~ but his secular file is of Chinese nationality. Therefore, as a Chinese expatriate with a special status, Zhang Qi has a room of his own in the embassy.

"The world line changes, get 20 Destiny Points".

A line of large green characters suddenly appeared in the center of the field of vision. Zhang Qi's right hand trembled, and the glass containing the juice fell to the ground and shattered.

"Warning! It is detected that the world's cutting-edge combat power is approaching, please select the initial state as soon as possible."

"Warning! It is detected that the world's cutting-edge combat power is approaching, please select the initial state as soon as possible."

"Warning! It is detected that the world's cutting-edge combat power is approaching, please select the initial state as soon as possible."

What the hell?

Zhang Qi was dumbfounded.

"If you haven't operated for a long time, turn on the automatic mode."

"Twenty fate points have been consumed."

"Getting the initial bloodline and dual initial words".

"Get the initial bloodline, rank A".

"The No. 1 Word Spirit is being activated."

"Warning, the serial number of the initial word spirit No. 1 is too high, and the current bloodline level is unbearable."

"For the time being, only the No. 2 Word Spirit will be activated."

"Initial Word Spirit - Mirror Pupil has been activated."

"I'm about to enter a state of spiritual vision."

"Please ask for more blessings."

? ? ? ?

Zhang Qi slowly typed out several question marks, and then the severe pain caused his mind to burst suddenly. The severe pain caused Zhang Qi to faint as soon as his eyes darkened, and he was lying on the rattan chair behind him.

With the breeze blowing, the two armed policemen standing guard at the gate of the embassy glanced upstairs. After finding that Zhang Qi was "sleeping" on the rattan chair, the two looked at each other and smiled helplessly. Then they clenched the gun in their hands and stood there straight, watching the street vigilantly.


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