"Then are you ready now?" Xia Mi suddenly stopped comforting and asked in a low voice as she approached Astoria's ear.

"Ready for what"? Just after crying, Astoria, who had a stuffy nose, asked suspiciously.

Xia Mi smiled, then snapped her fingers.

With a whirlwind, the world that had been stationary returned to normal again.

Of course, Astoria felt that it would be better if she could keep her feet on the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"!

When a person is in a state of weightlessness (Astoria, who did not go to high school in China, does not understand this), the otolith in the vestibular organ will no longer be in contact with the surrounding nerve cells due to weightlessness, thus losing the orientation function . Once the vestibular organ closely related to the human autonomic nervous system fails, it will lead to great nausea and dizziness and other adverse reactions. But when people are in free fall, the central nervous system will show an abnormal state of excitement (nonsense, scared), and the excitement of the central nervous system will force you to wake up and let you clearly feel the discomfort of all this. But can't stop.

To put it simply, free fall is really exciting and exciting. You can try it yourself if you have the conditions. Those who have money can buy bungee ropes, and those who have no money can also buy a large amount of life insurance.

Oh, yes, just a reminder. Insurance companies may refuse to pay for personal injury or death caused by dangerous sports such as bungee jumping.

Astoria, who stepped on the empty foot, tried to grab the half of the remaining railing, but it was empty. The face-down free fall is really exciting, and the blood in the whole body seems to have rushed to the forehead. Under the action of human conditioning, Astoria waved her limbs frantically, trying to grab something to fix her body, but at high altitude, she could only grab the air.

Astoria recalled the romance novel she once dug out under her sister's mattress. The scene in which the heroine jumped off a cliff to die for love after the hero's death was so poignant and beautiful, full of calm and relief, it was nothing like now My nose is so snot and my tears are flowing~

Fart! Sure enough, the novels are all lies.

The high-speed flow of cold air irritated the fragile nasal cavity and eye mucous membranes, and tears and snot smeared on the face. Astoria has completely lost control of her body, and just kept screaming weakly.


"Which unlucky **** fell from above"?

Zhang Qi saw someone falling from the Slytherin stand in the corner of his eye, but he believed in the strength of the professors in the academy, and the boy would be able to land unscathed.

According to the free fall formula, it takes about 10 seconds for the square root to fall from a height of 50 meters, which is a little more than three seconds.

In the first second, Dumbledore, who had reacted, fired a floating spell and passed the figure with regret.

In the second second, the four principals pulled out their wands one after another, shot their own levitating spell, and performed a standard human stroke on the figure with white hair.

Congratulations on winning the title, Master of Body Stroke.

Wait, white hair?

Zhang Qi, who just didn't notice this because he was too focused on eating melons and watching a play, finally reacted, and immediately locked the figure with his perverted vision.

It's you.jpg

"It really is a bad boy." Zhang Qi complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to stop the movements in his hands.


"There are many obstacles"!

First, a powerful explosion spell hit the sand at the feet of Ibrahimovic Bane, and the huge shock wave generated by the explosion sent the idiot flying out. Then there is another decisive obstacle spell, the reason for the heavy use of obstacles is that Zhang Qi is not familiar with the ballistics of the wand (even if he did learn ballistics in his previous life). In this case, using an area-wide obstacle spell can minimize Arito's kinetic energy in order to save his life.

Well, Zhang Qi admits that the floating spell is the only spell he has practiced since childhood but still can't learn, otherwise he wouldn't be talking nonsense.

Yan Ling-Mirror pupil

Yan Ling turned on, Zhang Qi's brain began to frantically consume oxygen and glucose in the blood, electrical and chemical signals flowed between neurons, and the brain and bones that were being slowly remodeled by dragon blood quickly came to a conclusion.

It can be hard-connected, but it must be fractured.

But now there is no time for him to think so much. The kinetic energy of 13,500 joules is completely lost through a single collision, which is enough to kill a person on the spot. The life of his arm and his roommate must be chosen.

"I TM"... Zhang Qi cursed in his mouth, but he rushed over without hesitation, stretched out his hands and planned to absorb some of the kinetic energy through the knee and shoulder joints.

The brown pupil of the right eye is lit like a high-wattage searchlight, followed by the sea-blue iris of the left eye. The hot dragon blood boiled in his veins, sending endless power along the blood vessels to every cell in his body.

The White King's blood is both poison and holy water for the hybrids, granting them more powerful abilities in addition to greatly increasing the risk of loss of control, even though it usually makes the hybrids die faster.

Ten meters, five meters, two meters!

It's now!

Bend your arms, lean your head back, and arch your back to a certain arc while your toes are close to the ground. This is the most standard action to catch a jumper, which can minimize the impact, but it is only suitable for lower Floors or jumpers weigh less.

Fortunately, Zhang Qi estimated that his roommate was less than 30 kilograms, and it was a fracture rather than a comminuted fracture.


"Ah ah ah ah ah"! Astoria was still screaming feebly in midair.

"Stop, stop, stop screaming, my eardrums hurt." Xia Mi's helpless voice came from her ears, "How could I, the king of the earth and the mountain, fall to my death on the ground~www.readwn.com~ I'm not the fool of Norton who can be stabbed to death by his own knife" .

A certain extreme fluctuation spread from Astoria's body, and a low chant lingered in her mind. A terrifying field unfolded in the space. Professor Snape, who tried to run over here, only felt that his lungs seemed to be completely blocked, and the enormous pressure had made him unable to breathe.

Dirt and rock are being killed by the ultimate rules, and then given a new will, from the will of the king.

There was a tingling pain in his mind, and in a trance, Snape seemed to have seen some kind of weird scene. His goddaughter Astoria, wearing a gold crown, stood in front of a huge bronze pillar with tears in her eyes, while her godson Zhang Qi was bound by a thick iron chain. Gungnir, the spear of eternity made from the branches of the World Tree, pierced and pinned him there. The luxurious robe was torn, blood flowed from the eyes that had become two blood holes, and dripped down the scarred cheeks on the marble steps soaked with blood in the ages. On both sides of the steps stood silently dragon-shaped humans in armor, guarding here like sculptures.


With the crisp sound of his arm being broken, Zhang Qi, who gritted his teeth, hugged his roommate Arito and rolled together on the ground in an embarrassing manner.

Zhang Qi's back was severely scratched by the wood stubble on the ground during the tumbling process. The blood immediately flowed on the ground, and immediately began to corrode the sand on the ground, making a screeching sound.

"Oh right, what I said just now was actually a lie to you. Those things will only happen if he can't catch you." Xia Mi added with a smile.

Alito (Astoria): ?????????


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