"Transfiguration has three main principles: precision, directness, and speed. You must concentrate on the operation, so that what is about to be transformed is completely integrated with the picture in your mind."

"Attention! The transformation of any living thing is very difficult, of which it is easiest to turn a dead thing into a living thing, and it is much more difficult to turn a living thing into a dead thing."

"Transfiguration is the most dangerous item in Transfiguration. It has caused countless accidents in history. There will always be some so disobedient students in Hogwarts who are sent to school for mishandling in Transfiguration class. Hospitals. Most were lucky and recovered with Madam Pomfrey's medical skills, but some students were less fortunate, and their end was usually tragic."

"Many well-known creatures of dark magic were created by Transfiguration mistakes, such as the infamous Pentapod, and a blood-borne curse that I won't go into here. Your Defence Against the Dark Arts class You'll learn these things."

When Professor McGonagall said this, she deliberately avoided Arito's direction.

Arito lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"Then you can start the operation now. There is a match on the table in front of you. The task is to turn these matches into needles before get out of class ends. I will give extra points to the excellent students."

The freshmen picked up their wands one after another, chanted mantras, and poked the matches in front of them again and again.

"Nice transformation, Mr. Greenglass." Alito turned the match in front of him into a smooth silver needle with just a flick.

"Two points for Slytherin, but I believe you can do better, right?" Professor McGonagall said in an encouraging tone.

Alito thought for a long time with his wand this time, and then waved it again.

This time, a very delicate pattern appeared on the surface of the silver needle. Looking closely, it seemed like a rose flower.

"Not bad, one more point for Slytherin." Mag nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Zhang Qi.

(As I mentioned earlier, Professor McGonagall has a good relationship with Astoria, and even took the initiative to turn into a cat to make her happy when she was ill when she was a child, so there is absolutely no need to question why a first-year freshman is so Powerful Transfiguration skills)

"Mr. Zirol? I believe you must have the ability to turn matches into needles, so why don't you try your limit?"

Zhang Qi, who was in a daze, was stunned for a moment, then thought about it seriously, and lit the match in front of him with the golden nanmu wand in his hand.

With a clear sound like a balloon leaking, the shape of the match in front of him gradually distorted and became larger, and the last silver shiny object appeared in front of several people.

"This is a Muggle gun"? Professor McGonagall asked with a frown.

Zhang Qi smiled without saying a word, then grabbed the Colt revolver.

"Crack, clap"!

With Zhang Qin's very neat operation, the pistol was directly removed by him.

Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows in surprise, sighing that this child is really talented. Because although she can do better herself, she can even turn a match into an alarm clock, and then disassemble the alarm clock back to its parts state. But that's something she can only do in her 40s, and the child in front of her is only 11 years old.

But it's not over yet.

Zhang Qi reached out and spread all the parts on his table, and then picked up the handle of the revolver first.

"Crack, clang"!

Before everyone could react, the pile of parts on the table was reassembled into a pistol.

"I underestimated you, Mr. Zirol, and Slytherin adds five points"!

Professor McGonagall, who finally recovered, looked at Zhang Qi with hot eyes. Over the years, her students finally have a shape-shifting genius who can match her!

Zhang Qi was a little embarrassed to avoid Professor McGonagall's sight.

In addition to requiring the skill of the caster, Transfiguration requires a very deep and clear understanding of what it wants to become. Any one defect will affect the quality of the deformation.

About guns? But no one is more familiar with this thing than Zhang Qi.

If it wasn't for the fear of being suspected, the transformed protagonist would be replaced by a Colt revolver with a Type 64 small smasher that Zhang Qi is more familiar with.


The Transfiguration class was over soon, and only two Slytherin students, Zhang Qi and Yalito, had completed the class tasks, but the good Ravenclaw students who attended the class with them were indeed talented and intelligent. , 5 people have successfully completed the rough deformation, but compared with these two people, they immediately become eclipsed.

Today, Slytherin only has two courses, Potions and Transfiguration, which can be regarded as a buffer for students on the first day of school.

Soon it was time for dinner, and people began to come and go again in the originally empty auditorium. New delicacies appeared on the table. Everyone grabbed the food in front of them to fill their stomachs. Just glanced at the long Slytherin table.

Zhang Qi added 10 points to Slytherin today, and Arito also added seven shining emeralds to Slytherin's hourglass. Not to mention that Zhang Qi showed a superb ability in the morning duel, knocking down a Ravenclaw's bad-mouthed seventh grader.

And the lunch at noon was too rushed, and no one had time to pay attention to the two of them, so this time, the two of them deservedly became the focus of the audience at the dinner party.

"I'm stuffed". Zhang Qi, who finally couldn't bear the gazes of others, let out a long sigh, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and then picked up the napkin beside him and wiped his mouth gracefully. He stood up and walked out of the auditorium, then walked down the stairs towards the kitchen on the basement level.

Today is Zhang Qi's birthday, but he doesn't plan to share this news with others because he is not too familiar with others. However, since he is not full at night, Zhang Qi finally decides to go to the kitchen to make a custom-made one. Small cake.

When I go back, I can share it with my very interesting roommate.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhang Qi's mouth hung a slight smile without him knowing it.

First, passing by Hufflepuff's bedroom, after carefully bypassing a pile of flammable and explosive vinegar vats on the ground, Zhang Qi successfully found a portrait.

The main body of the portrait is a silver bowl full of fruit, the top of which is a green pear.

"That should be here." Zhang Qi said to himself, then stretched out his right hand and scratched lightly on the pear.

Pear began to squirm, and a smiley face like a stick figure appeared on it. The green pear giggled, then suddenly turned into a green doorknob.

It's a very hidden and convenient mechanism, but if you keep scratching like this, aren't you afraid of scratching your words?

Full of doubts, Zhang Qi pressed down on the door handle, and then opened the door.

Behind the door is a large room, which is slightly smaller than the auditorium. There are many gleaming copper pots and basins stacked next to the gray stone wall, and further inside is a clean and tidy stove, and a sink with clean water. The innermost is a large brick fireplace, which is burning with red charcoal fire, which makes people feel extremely warm.

"Oh, a student at Hogwarts"!

There was a shrill scream not far away, and a small thing ran over quickly.

"A student of Slytherin! What a noble blood!" The thing screamed, with excitement and respect in its tone.

"Is there anything I can help you with, sir?"

Zhang Qi, who had just been taken aback by surprise, had just recovered and had time to take a closer look at this thing.

Big bat-like ears, baseball-like green eyes, wrinkled flesh-colored skin, and a little sparse hair on top of his head. A house elf that looks like this is really weird, and it's no wonder that he was taken aback just now.

No wonder Hekmedia insisted not to keep this thing in his family's manor. If anyone encountered it at night, he would be scared and incontinent.

"Uh, I want to make a cake myself"...

Before Zhang Qi could finish speaking, the house elf started screaming again.

"Oh, it's your birthday today! How can you do this kind of thing yourself? We'll make you a big five-layer cake right away!"

Before Zhang Qi, who was stunned, could continue to speak, there were already noisy and disturbing voices in the kitchen.

"That"... Just as Zhang Qi was about to speak tactfully, he saw that they had poured the prepared egg mixture, fruit and yogurt into the mold, and then threw it into the oven and started baking.

Ah this...

Zhang Qi slapped his mouth and felt that he was not full at night because of the problem of face, so if he shared this big cake with his roommate, there shouldn't be any waste~www.readwn.com~Kacha"!

With the crisp sound, plump hazelnuts floated into the air from the basket in which they were placed, and then the outer shell cracked, and the **** and plump hazelnuts broke into pieces by themselves, and then evenly Sprinkle on top of cake base already covered with chocolate cream.

And then topped with cream, and fresh cherry and strawberry jam.

It took less than 5 minutes before and after, and a big cake that could be placed on the wedding in Zhang Qi's previous life was ready.

"Well, thank you."

Zhang Qi looked at the huge cake in front of him and said incoherently.

"Serving the students of Hogwarts is our mission"! The elf screamed and almost cried.

Zhang Qi was so frightened that he carried the cake and walked out of the kitchen without looking back.

"Student Hilbert"? Just when Zhang Qi let out a long breath in the corridor, he was about to move this heavy big cake back to the bedroom in one go. Suddenly, a surprised female voice came from behind him.

"Sister Farley"! Zhang Qi, who had clearly seen who was coming, nodded slightly to show his respect.

Well, actually, he couldn't bend down while holding this big cake.

"Can you help me put a floating spell? I haven't learned this spell yet."

Zhang Qi said a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, okay."

Farley's voice and expression showed a hint of eccentricity, but Zhang Qi, who was busy carrying cakes, didn't think too much. Now he just wanted to quickly move this dead thing to the bedroom.

Then, with the help of Farley, Zhang Qi successfully moved the cake into the Slytherin common room.


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