It was a gloomy night with a slight rain, and Argus Filch, the Keeper of Hogwarts, was gloomy again, walking reluctantly around the castle with a quick-cleaning rag he had just bought from the store. On the dark corridor.

Damn rainy days, those energetic stinky boys brought piles of mud footprints from outside the castle on the first day of school.

An unbearable sting came from under the exposed wool gloves, Filch lowered his head again and glanced at his fingers.

His hands had been broken into countless stubble decades ago, and then healed without treatment, eventually leading to a Jewish doctor who sympathized with him had to break the bones of his hands again, Connect it in the correct way.

So the hands still look twisted and out of shape, and make him suffer from arthritis in the wind and rain.

He was used to covering up his ugly hands with the woolen gloves he started with; he used the loose outline and old age to hide the passion and courage under his appearance, because his heart was still young.

What secret did Mr. Filch use to keep himself so young at heart? Is it a yearning for life?

is revenge.

Many years ago there was a well-reputed professor of Eastern European literature and folklore, a Jew named Abraham Serazian. He went to many places, Warsaw, Budapest, even the killing camps of the German Empire...

Filch was actually lucky to be lucky, because when he was standing in front of the corpse pit that had been dug, the German lieutenant with the Iron Cross stuck a pistol to the back of his head, a 7.62mm caliber. The Soviet-made Bobosha bullet took the lead and pierced the German lieutenant's chest.

Thanks to those Soviets who captured the extermination camp just before he was about to be executed, rescued all the prisoners inside, let them take off their paper striped prison uniforms symbolizing death, and rescued innocent children from the gas chambers.

So on the night of December 26, 1991, Filch took a bottle of vodka that cost a lot of money, faced east, and fell drunk on the observatory, praying for the country that had saved his life. cry.

"Mrs. Loris"!

Filch finally wiped the mud from the ground with his swollen fingers, then called out to his cat.


There was a cat meow not far away, and a dirty Maine Coon cat trotted over and rubbed his trouser legs kindly.

"Have you seen any disobedient bad students today?"

Filch rubbed the cat's head affectionately, talking to the cat softly as if talking to his lover.

This is the cat she raised with her back then. It is estimated that it may be the bloodline of some magical animal with longevity. Mrs. Norris is 46 years old this year.

And Filch is 90 years old.

I have to admit that he is old, like the steam exhaled by people in winter. Although it looks very rich, it will dissipate in the air in a short time.

But he still can't fall, at least not before revenge.

Absolutely not.

But he also had to admit that his physical condition did not allow him to run around like he did when he was young.

Filch, who returned to his office, took off his heavy coat, sat on his seat and ate the dinner that the elf had just brought over. By the way, he picked up the Daily Prophet and read it while eating.

"Ms. Umbridge Drafts Act on Restraining Werewolf Behaviour".

"Large-scale protest march broke out in Ukraine".

"Germany Kills Wandering Wild Vampire".

"The Malfoy family announced the termination of the marriage contract with the Greenglass family"


etc? vampire?

Filch, who seemed a little old at first, suddenly changed his temperament. His fingers, which had been deformed due to trauma, were extremely calm at this moment. He picked up the newspaper and began to read it carefully.

"Three days ago, a wild vampire attacked a wizard in the lower city of Berlin, and the vampire was killed on the spot. After investigation, the vampire's full name was Thomas Avont, a notorious attacker who committed There are no less than 30 homicides.”  …


The delicate silver dinner plate was knocked over and fell from the dilapidated writing desk to the ground. The chicken soup in the bowl was spilled on the floor and then seeped into the carpet.

"Finally, finally"...

Filch knelt on the ground and howled, tears streaming from the gaps between his fingers, covering his face with his deformed hands.

For 45 years, he has never forgotten the demon in human skin, the vampire who used the concentration camp as a cafeteria.

Filch still remembered that day, when it was raining heavily, when he had just returned to the hut, he fell heavily on the chair, held his head with his blood-stained hands, and waited for the sunset.

Or waiting for his wife to return.

She returned to him in the rain, trying to get her husband's blood with the gift of the devil.

He had no other choice, he raised the silver sword in his hand and cut off his lover's head.

Because the love of his life has been transformed into a crazy dirty monster at that moment, he can only do what he thinks is At the moment of swinging the silver sword, he is crying softly, even I thought about surrendering to vampires in despair and going to **** with my wife who had been turned into a corpse.

But he didn't, he ended up crying and killing his lover, then sitting on a chair in the room in a daze, until the sun rose from the east.

The wife's body turned to ashes in the sun. It was after that, Filch began to hunt down the vampire.

In those more than 10 years, he has traveled all over Europe and America.

Filch was lucky and unfortunate.

Because several times his silver sword scratched the vampire's throat, but never once cut off his arteries that flowed white blood.

Later, Filch, who was very old, lost the trace of the vampire, and he had already lost all his family wealth in pursuit of him, and in the end he could only sleep on the street.

Just when he was about to starve to death on the street, Dumbledore, who had just succeeded the headmaster, found him and promised him the position of the castle administrator, 20 Galleons a month, including accommodation and three meals.

The requirement is to covertly protect the safety of the students.

He agreed.

Years have passed, and his silver sword is still hidden in a platinum-headed oak cane. Only when he is free will he take it out and polish it to ensure that the alchemical matrix engraved on it will not be changed by time. been destroyed.

"See, Mrs. Norris? The love of my life, you can rest in peace."

As he spoke, he knelt on the ground and cried.

The cat next to him looked at him with great puzzlement, wagging his tail, and rubbing his deformed fingers with his furry cheeks, comforting the injured man.


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