The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 44: The formation of the Valkyrie

"I heard that the quality of the alchemy cage Lockhart made himself was not good enough, but during class, the spider broke the cage and ran out"!

"That class was attended by Gryffindor and Slytherin together. It is said that all the Slytherin boys were so scared that they urinated their pants."

Ron said proudly.

"Uh, the first-year boys in Slytherin were scared to pee their pants"?

On the opposite side, Hermione looked behind Ron with wide eyes, but Ron thought Hermione was looking at him.

"Yes, that's what George and Fred told me. They were sent to clean the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom because of their night walks. According to them, there was a stinky and stinky smell, and it was almost impossible to breathe."

"What? You both don't believe it"?

Ron saw Harry and Hermione looking at him in shock, so he asked a little suspiciously.

"I, we don't believe it"...

Hermione stammered, her eyes fixed on Ron's back.

"That, uh, Ron, behind you"...

Harry swallowed and said intermittently.

"So it was George and Fred who said that? Thank you, Ron. I'll go find them both after dinner in the evening."

A slow voice came from behind Ron.

"Good evening, my dear cousin Weasley"~

Zhang Qi, who appeared behind Ron like a ghost, put his hands on Ron's shoulders lightly and patted him twice.

Ron suddenly felt a cool air from his shoulders and down his spine to his tailbone.

"Ah, that, good evening"...

Ron, who spoke ill of people behind his back, swallowed in horror and said intermittently.

"Well, here is Gryffindor's long table"...

Hermione stammered up the courage to remind Zhang Qi.

"It seems that there is no rule that students are not allowed to sit at long tables in other colleges, Miss Granger."

Zhang Qi said and sat down beside Harry generously.

"Hello, Senior Wood."

Zhang Qi greeted Wood, who was facing him.

"I told him to get out of that gorilla who always loves to hack, so you shouldn't mind if I sit on the long table in your academy for a while, right?"

Wood glanced at Zhang Qi suspiciously, and shrugged his shoulders after thinking for a while.

Zhang Qi is a special case of Slytherin students, and his reputation in Gryffindor is quite good.

"Hello, Harry, last time it was a special situation and I didn't have time to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Qi, and there is another English name called Hilbert Zirol."

Zhang Qi stretched out his right hand towards Harry.

"Hello". Harry also stretched out his right hand and held it with Zhang Qi.

After going through the incident on the train, Harry's perception of Zhang Qi changed significantly.

Zhang Qi's image in Harry's mind has changed from a gentle and well-mannered son of a rich family to an absolute hero of justice.

"Maybe you don't know a fact yet, Harry."

Zhang Qi considered his language for a while, then continued to speak to Harry.

"Your mother, Ms. Lily Evans, was my godmother, and my mother and Ms. Evans had a very good relationship during their school days."


Harry's mouth grew in disbelief.

"Well, I actually want to tell you now that if you can trust me when you encounter something unsure about, I will help you find a way."

"After all, you will encounter many such things in the future."

Zhang Qi patted Harry on the shoulder, like a riddleman, said a bunch of inexplicable but meaningful words, then picked up a small metal box that had been in his hand, and handed it to Hermione .

"These are the first three hardcover editions of the Dragon Clan that were promised to you before the start of school, as well as Xia Mi's swimsuit figure. This is a collector's edition with only 300 sets in the world, so be sure to collect it well."

"Ah, thank you"!

Hermione happily accepted the box.

"Please bring a message to your father, Miss Granger. Please ask your father if he is interested in joining the foreign affairs department of the Zirol Company? We can pay up to 4 times the daily salary of an ordinary international security company."

Zhang Qi said with a smile.

"After all, your father retired from the British Special Air Service, and he has excellent training performance every year. He is a 'Seth' with rich practical experience. Qirol mercenary company is currently lacking such talents."

"Well, sorry Mr. Zirol, my father has sworn that unless his own life is threatened, he will never point a gun at anyone with the muzzle of death."

After hearing Zhang Qi's words, Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then said to Zhang Qi very firmly.

"The Naqirol family respects your father's choice."

Zhang Qi nodded, and then lightly patted Harry on the shoulder.

"Remember, bravery is not a stupid charge. No matter what happens, don't be reckless. You must think carefully before making a decision."

"It's your destiny to face that person one day in the future, but whether you can win this match depends on you. So, throw away the halo given by your parents, only your own is your own. ".

After speaking, Zhang Qi smiled at Harry. Then he stood up, left the Gryffindor table, and took his seat.

Only Harry was left brooding in his seat.


Returning to Slytherin's Zhang Qi began to think about the question again - what to use instead of redstone as an energy source?

"Well, some magical biological materials with sufficient magic power are also acceptable, but such things are generally not found. Even on the black market, they are priceless"...

Zhang Qi, who was a little distressed, pulled out an illustrated book of common magical creatures from the bookshelf in Slytherin's common room, and looked at the catalog carefully, trying to find some clues that could enlighten him.

"Dragon blood? Although this is expensive, it is still within the scope of my payment, but this thing cannot be directly converted into energy! There must be some materials to assist, and with that effort, I might as well refine a red what about the stone?" . . .

Zhang Qi, who was a little disturbed, continued to check the directory, and soon turned to the second partition.

"A Guide to Common Black Magic Creatures"?

Zhang Qi, who was aroused a little bit of interest, opened the page. The first block was a humanoid black magic creature.

"Infernal corpse? This is useless at all."

"Werewolf? This is useless at all."

Zhang Qi then turned his attention to the third category.


"Vampires can directly convert the blood of living beings into magic power. The hearts of vampires over 100 years old will crystallize. When the vampires eat, those blood can be stored in the heart to complete the conversion of magic power with higher efficiency, and even if it is out of the body, It can also transform magic power normally"?


Zhang Qi took a deep breath and started searching the room for parchment and pens.

He was going to send a letter to the German Ministry of Magic.


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