After entering the state of violent blood, Zhang Qi's body sensory functions have been expanded again, which allows him to clearly smell the pungent stench mixed with the smell of blood in the air.

Zhang Qi's location is the side corridor of this building. The light here is very dim. Only the shining neon lights of the main corridor in front provide some pink-purple light here.

In addition to the perfume in the air, the smell of blood mixed with the stench, Zhang Qi also smelled some pungent odors, which seemed to come from the basement below.

According to the undercover agent here in Sicily, the 2nd and 3rd floors here are mainly for flesh business, the first floor is the living area, and the underground is a huge illegal market, where all kinds of dirty and dirty transactions are carried out.

Organ trafficking, slave trade, illegal drugs...

As a philosopher said: Capital came to this world, blood and dirty things bleed from head to toe. Those capitalists fear no profit and too little profit, just as nature fears a vacuum. Once there is an appropriate profit, the capitalists will be bold.

If there is 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, it will be active; if there is 50% profit, he will dare to take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample the world All laws; if there is a 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, and even sells the rope used to hang itself.

Resisting the nausea caused by these shocking smells, Zhang Qi quietly walked up the stairs and touched the second floor.

Quietly touched the second floor in the dark, the light here has begun to gradually brighten. A thug stood at the entrance of the stairs, turning his back to Zhang Qi's direction to light the cigarette in his mouth.

Against the filthy walls, the strand of black smoke produced by Zhang Qi's meditating was so inconspicuous that in this light and environment, it was impossible for anyone to spot him.

Quietly walked around the guard, happened to have a door next to it that was falsely closed, and there was a sound of "uuuuu" inside, it seemed that someone was gagged and was screaming in pain.

Zhang Qi, who was invisible in the darkness, frowned, and an ominous premonition flashed in his heart. Then he gently pushed the door open a gap with his fingertips and glanced inside.

After only one glance at Zhang Qi, he turned his head, and the muscles in his right hand that were clasping the Black Meteorite Army thorn in his hand were shaking uncontrollably.

Wine bottles, white powder scattered on the table, girls covered in scars...

Zhang Qi turned around and walked towards the thug at the entrance of the stairs.

He changed his mind. Today, none of the adult males in this building want to go out alive.


Just when the thug standing at the entrance of the stairs took a deep breath of the cigarette and was about to slowly exhale the smoke from his lungs, he found that he couldn't do it.

A small white hand grabbed his Adam's apple and squeezed it hard.


Zhang Qi's hand grabbed the opponent's neck with five fingers to the center, and with a disgusting muffled sound, the thug collapsed to the ground weakly with horrified eyes, and at the same time spit out blood and bone fragments.

In his last sight before dying, those dazzling eyes like melted gold burned his sinful soul.

Zhang Qi gently raised his left foot to catch the corpse's head to prevent the sound of the head hitting the ground from alarming others. Then he quickly pulled himself out from under the corpse and bent down to take away the one in the corpse's suit pocket. handkerchief. Then he walked towards the room just now at a fast pace without making any sound, and quietly pushed open the dilapidated wooden door.

The man in the room was so devoted, he didn't even notice that someone had appeared behind him.


Zhang Qi raised his hand and threw the white handkerchief he had just taken from the corpse towards the girl's face, just covering her eyes.

The man finally realized that something was wrong, and his fat body turned around in a hurry. When he saw Zhang Qi, his face was full of horror. Just when he stepped back in horror and opened his mouth as if to scream, Zhang Qi was already there. An arrow rushed in front of him.

The first knife, cut from the throat, perfectly avoided all major blood vessels. The arc of the military thorn made Zhang Qi easily cut the man's vocal cord muscles to ensure that he would not emit any in the later process. scream.

In the second knife, the dark blade pierced into the left and right upper arms respectively, and cut the ligaments and tendons inside to prevent the person from using his hands to fight back or escape.

With the third knife, Zhang Qi circled behind the fat man, a perfect side lunge accompanied by the rotation of the upper body, the sharp blade slashed through his two back knee sockets, cutting off anything that blocked the blade's advance. At this time, due to mechanical structural damage, the legs could no longer support the weight of the obese body. The severed bones were rubbing violently. The nerve-rich periosteum and marrow were sending pain information that was beyond the tolerance limit to the scum’s brain. The man wanted to scream, but the air flowed out of the wound on his neck. He tried his best but could only make a hoarse "bonbon" sound.

A hand knife knocked the poor girl out on the bed. Zhang Qi expressionlessly picked up a used needle on the table and poked it into the man's eye.

"I think even if I make a big noise, people outside will probably just think you're having a good time."

Zhang Qi firmly held the barrel of the syringe and let the needle stir vigorously in the man's eyes.

"My dear, it turns out that you are still the son of a congressman. No wonder you have such a disgusting habit."

When Zhang Qi was flipping through the man's jacket, he accidentally discovered his ID card. This scumbag was actually the son of a member of the British Parliament.

On the surface, those Western politicians are kind and righteous, but behind the scenes they are some shameful garbage.

"This time things are a little bit more troublesome"...

Zhang Qi frowned slightly as he looked at the man who was twitching constantly on the ground.

In the 1990s, there was no CCTV surveillance in the Whitechapel district of London, so Zhang Qi could let go and do something.

The congressman's son could not be found out that he was killed with a knife, and Zhang Qi had to find a way to destroy his body to such an extent that the wounds could not be identified.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Qi threw the man on the ground and let him die from blood loss. Then he turned on the meditation and touched the next room.

There seemed to be a pungent **** smell in the air, but it was soon overshadowed by the smell of strong perfume and spirits here.


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