(The main film begins)

This stress-free school life went by very quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was October, and the weather started to get colder.

Many students and teachers who are reluctant to exercise usually catch colds, especially Slytherin students. The dormitory is relatively humid. In addition, Slytherin students do not like sports, but just like to stay in the dormitory. All of a sudden, I fell down a lot because of the sudden cooling of the weather.

Snape, the dean of Slytherin, was unfortunately recruited. For this reason, Zhang Qi also wrote a letter specially, and obtained a lot of traditional Chinese medicine from Shenzhou's Xuanshu Export Company to boil a large pot of Guizhi soup for Snape. .

After drinking a lot, Snape, who felt that the effect was not bad, immediately made a report to Dumbledore, and then Hogwarts added a "hot dessert" to dinner every day, and the collective cold in the school was also obtained. Very good suppression.

"Today's class is equipped with cold medicine, the specific steps have been written on the blackboard, do it now, I don't want to see anyone slacking off in my class, otherwise I guarantee that his final exam result operation will get a T"!

"What are you waiting for? Do you expect the ingredients to jump into the crucible and boil by themselves?"

In the potions class on Halloween morning, the whole class quickly lowered their heads under his roar and began to bury their bodies to process the materials.

"What happened to Professor Snape today, why is he so angry?"

Arito quietly asked Zhang Qi while he was crushing the peppercorns.

"Uh, yesterday he made a little mistake when he copied another cold medicine by himself, and he squatted in the bathroom all night"...

Snape forgot to remove the head and tail of the apricot kernels when he was cooking the cinnamon twig soup yesterday, and as a result, a pot of cold medicine turned into a laxative.

In fact, the main responsibility is that the translation magic taught by Hogwarts cannot translate ancient Chinese classical Chinese, but Dumbledore can only understand modern traditional Chinese, which directly caused neither of the two to understand what it means to remove the head and tail.

It was too late to realize that the potion did not work properly. Snape himself did not store any medicines to treat diarrhea, and he couldn't look down to find Madam Pomfrey in the school medical office. .

Although diarrhea is theoretically purging, but Snape, who came to class hard in the morning, was full of fire. He couldn't vent his eyes and locked his eyes firmly on those who attended class with Slytherin. On Chipachi students.

"The pepper must be completely ground into powder before it can be added to the potion. Are your eyes just a decoration?"

"When boiling potions, use a small fire. Who told you to start a big fire? Mr. Longbottom in Gryffindor is smarter than you"!

"After boiling the potion, you should cover it with a lid to prevent it from volatilizing. This is what I just emphasized. Is your brain full of troll's snot?"

"Ten points from Hufflepuff"!

Snape's hoarse voice echoed throughout the classroom.

"Hurry up, hurry up, put the lid on the pot, the godfather is coming here!"

Arito quietly poked Zhang Qi's waist with his fingers, and said anxiously in a low voice.

Zhang Qi hurriedly turned to the side, and after confirming that his body completely blocked Snape's sight, he quickly and quietly closed the lid of the pot.

"Well, the color is okay."

Snape lifted the lids of Zhang Qi's group, and a pungent pepper smell rushed towards the door. Snape nodded in satisfaction.

"Leave it after class. You have a very heavy package that has just been delivered. The international route, mailed from Ukraine, needs your autograph. The postman from the Ministry of Magic is still waiting for you in the auditorium."

"Ah, okay."

Zhang Qi thought about it for a while, and finally understood what was sent by mail.

Fortunately, when I delivered the letter, I was given a space bag, otherwise those absolutely contraband items would not have been sent in with this box.

"Very good quality potion, two points for Slytherin"!

Snape flicked his black robe and continued walking towards the others. Zhang Qi and Yalito looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, it's a fool's errand.

Because of Snape's harshness, many Slytherin students in this class were scolded, and only Zhang Qi's group received praise and extra points.

After class, Zhang Qi asked his roommate to go back to the dormitory to sort out his notes, while he and Snape came to the Hogwarts auditorium.

It is said that the international express must be signed in person, and Zhang Qi's package is not only heavy, but also quite large. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, he needs to open the box and explain what it is.

"Hello, is this Mr. Hilbert Zirol? I'm the International Affairs Office of the Ministry of Magic. Your package was sent from Ukraine. The box explains to us what's inside."

The clerk of the Ministry of Magic, who was already waiting in the auditorium, said politely.

"Ah, it's not really anything strange, it's a wind instrument I bought from Ukraine, but it's a little bigger."

As he said that, Zhang Qi tapped the huge green wooden box with "Northern Industries Corporation" printed with white paint on the surface with his wand~www.readwn.com~, revealing the piles of parts neatly arranged inside.

"Well, Muggle musical instruments? It's really not among the prohibited items under international control."

The official of the Ministry of Magic carefully looked at the pile of parts inside, nodded, and then suddenly asked a little strangely:

"Can you explain what these parts are used for"?

"Ah, this is a pipe organ with 12 pipes, the rack is responsible for assembling the 12 pipes together, the matching wheel bearings and the tow hooks are because this instrument is very heavy, no magic muggle They were only towed by cars or horses in the process of transporting the assembled organ.”

Zhang Qi replied as usual.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I won't bother you, Mr. Zirol. Please sign here, and then the package can be signed for."

The Ministry of Magic official nodded suddenly, then took out a piece of parchment and asked Zhang Qi to sign it.

Zhang Qilishuo signed his name in cursive English on the paper, and then returned the parchment to the Ministry of Magic official.

"Your package has been delivered, I wish you a good day"!

The friendly Ministry of Magic official waved, then took a handful of floo powder from Snape's hand and walked into the Hogwarts fireplace.

"I also thank Headmaster Dumbledore for giving me the authority to open the fireplace. If this thing is transported from the front door, it will take a lot more effort."

The official said with a smile, and then a green flame ignited in the stove. When the flames dissipated, the man had returned to the Ministry of Magic through the Floo network.


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