The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

: Extra Story: Peiping Xuanshu School (2)

(This film is provided by Asprint, the first book friend who gave the book a reward)

"Hello students".

"Hello teacher".

"Today we are going to learn about the dark magic creatures in Shenzhou. According to the local name of Shenzhou, they should be evil. But according to the above requirements, in line with international standards, we will also combine Chinese and Western classes in the future."

"First of all, we want to introduce zombies, which are unique black magic creatures in China. They usually exist in deep mountains, old forests, and graveyards with wrong feng shui patterns. I believe you must be familiar with zombies. Fighting Zombies is famous"

"And more than 10 years ago, our country was not as prosperous as it is now. Principal Lam Ching-ying once took zombies to Hong Kong Island for filming, under the pseudonym Jiu Shu, to earn enough funds for the school."

"After Scarlet Shenzhou became the only legal regime and was recognized by Liudaofu and Taimiao, most of the evil spirits began to disappear. However, zombies have a large base and are hidden relatively concealed, so they have not been completely eliminated." .

"People are divided into good people and bad people, and corpses are divided into zombies and corpses. Principal Lin once said that people become bad people because they are not good enough, and corpses become zombies because they breathe more. This sentence vividly reveals the zombie's The cause - death from wrongful death or bad feng shui."

"There are many kinds of corpses. Those who have been dead for a long time and become rigid are called zombies. Those who are dead but not rigid are called walking corpses."

"The walking corpse is very similar to the zombie movies you've seen. It staggers and has rotten maggots growing all over its body. It doesn't have any feelings or feelings, but only longs for blood. If a living person bitten by a zombie is not treated with glutinous rice in time, it will become A walking corpse. Here is a point of knowledge to pay attention to. Western corpses and China’s walking corpses should be considered close relatives, but most of the western corpses are made from living people.”

"And zombies, as the name suggests, are rigid corpses, which are also called jumping corpses or moving corpses. This kind of thing loses its humanity and is irrational. Usually, it will hold its hands horizontally, spread forward, and keep jumping with both feet. The skeletal muscles of the whole body are stiff, and it is difficult to move other parts except the head and hands. When a zombie grabs a person, the hand will sink deeply into the victim's flesh and blood, and inject the corpse poison from the nail into the victim's body, but if only grabbing Injuries are easy to treat, even if you don’t use glutinous rice, you can recover automatically after a short exposure to the sun.”

"But if you are bitten by a zombie, you will most likely die due to excessive blood loss. When a zombie is sucking blood, it will also inject a large amount of corpse poison into the victim's body, and at the same time absorb the yang qi of the living person, which will make it easier for the victim to die after death. transformed into zombies".

"All zombies are infinitely powerful and invulnerable. Ordinary people want to kill a zombie, and usually need to pay a very high price. Zombies are afraid of fire, sunlight and anything with yang energy and willpower. Such as chicken blood Black dog blood, and glutinous rice. When you encounter zombies without professional equipment, you can use these items to save yourself.”

"There are many categories of zombies, namely purple zombies, white zombies, black zombies, hair zombies, flying zombies, and there are also monsters such as red mandrills and blood zombies that already have a certain ability to think. But generally flying zombies and red mandrills once In this world, they will be struck by thunder, and in today’s Profound Arts Association, less than ten people can escape from the hands of these two things, so we will mainly introduce the first few.”

"Purple Zombie is the first form of zombies. This kind of thing is covered with a layer of purple skin, and ordinary swords can't hurt it. But in fact, this thing is very weak, as long as a little human blood is smeared on the blade of the sword. , you can chop off its skin."

"Bai Zong and Hei Zong are much more powerful, and Mao Zong is an advanced version of the two of them. This kind of zombie is covered with a layer of white or black fluff. The steel needle is even harder and the hair will penetrate deeply into the human skin, and then flow through the body with the blood. If the black donkey's hoof or the white dog feces are not used to burn and smoke the wound in time, there will be no doubt of death."

"During the time when the Xuanshu Association was not established, zombies once brought great trouble to the country. However, under the guidance of people in the Xuanshu community, the Shenzhou government recovered a batch of armor plates of Dongfeng missiles for re-casting. , made a batch of cavalry sabres, and achieved excellent results in actual combat."

"In the early 1980s, the infestation of zombies quickly improved when the Type 81 automatic rifle was widely deployed in the army and silver-plated bullets began to be generally produced. And when the army was clearing the zombie lair, the flamethrower and ordinary soldiers were usually used. Mixed tactics greatly reduce the possibility of casualties."

"Shenzhou allows the legal breeding of zombies, but its approval is very strict. It needs to be reviewed and provided with a no-criminal certificate, and an interview is required to obtain a license."

"Artificially reared zombies will be affixed with corpse-suppressing charms to obey management and engage in physical work such as handling. And once the zombies get out of control, the yin patterns on their bodies will automatically ignite ghost fires, which is what we usually call earth vein fire or fire. The West said that the fire will burn them out. The alchemy matrix carved in advance will prevent the leyline fire from burning other items and causing secondary If you want to buy a magic weapon to restrain zombies, For example, gossip mirrors or money swords. Please remember that you must go to a regular metaphysics store to buy them. It is very stupid to buy fake and inferior products whose quality is not guaranteed, so you must never joke about your own life.”

"If you encounter zombies in the city, you can block yourself with door panels or slightly thicker trees. The claws of zombies will only grab but not let go, and it is easy to get stuck in solid wood products and cannot break free until Burned to coke by the sun after dawn."

"I emphasize again that ordinary swords can't hurt zombies at all. But if you are lucky enough to find a kitchen knife that has killed livestock in a restaurant, or a hall knife or a spear that has been enshrined in an ancestral hall for a period of time. Then the end of the year Students with a score of 85 or more in the physical examination and a score of 95 or more in the theoretical knowledge test can try to fight back.”

"Currently, the Type 64 pistols and Type 79 submachine guns used by the Shenzhou police cannot penetrate the skin of zombies, but the Type 56 submachine guns and Type 81 automatic rifles of the Shenzhou Army can do it, so if necessary, you can consider and local garrison troops. assist".

"But if you encounter a walking corpse, it's easy. Just pick up a brick from the ground and smash it into a brain. It's not dangerous."

"Okay, it's getting late. I'll leave the get out of class two minutes early and let you go to the cafeteria to grab some food. I'll tell you secretly that today the cafeteria made pork chops and eggplant with minced meat. Students who have appetite can serve two more bowls of rice."

"Thank you teacher, goodbye teacher"!

Immediately, the classroom was filled with the sound of shoe soles hitting the floor and people hitting desks.

"It's nice to be young"...


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