"Damn, why hasn't Captain Kagami come yet!"

Kageyama instantly deployed his team members to deal with the alien insects, while frantically looking for this Kagami Shin's figure.

If Kaga Mishin doesn't come again, they will be completely destroyed, and the alien insect in front of them has successfully molted.

As soon as their firepower stops, this insect will definitely enter the clock-up state in an instant.

At that time, they will be fish on the board to be slaughtered by alien insects!

"No need to look for it, I'm coming!"

Kaga Misin roared.

"Come on! the-bee-zecter! "

The-bee-zecter followed suit and was grabbed by Kaga Mishin.



As the knight system responded, Kaga Mixin had already rushed forward.



The masked armor on Kaga Mishin's body exploded instantly with a thick mechanical sound.

The cockroach worm was hit by the armor and flew out upside down.

"Xenomorph... It's up to me to knock it down! "

Kaga Mishin's mind flashed the figures of Jiangnan and the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief.

You can't let the two of them shoot!

Otherwise, only one side will survive between them!

In order to avoid accidental injury, Kageyama had already stopped the attack of the Shadow.

And cockroaches and insects also took advantage of this gap to enter the clock-up state.

Straight into the crowd!

For a while, the people in the fan team turned on their backs.

At the same time, many larval alien insects were also killed.

The fans who were scattered from the formation could not fight back at all.

"Captain Kagami!"

Kageyama shouted anxiously.

"Kageyama instantly, the team will be handed over to you!"


Kaga Mixin did not dare to delay and hurriedly launched the promotion of time.

If he dealt with the Ascending Insect, he could not command the Avatar, and could only give the Avatar to the experienced Kageyama.

Kaga Mixin entangled the cockroach worm, and the pressure of the mystery suddenly decreased.

Kageyama hurriedly began to organize the Shadow to fight back against the attack of the larvae aliens.

"Damn, is this insect actually faster than me?!"

Kaga Mishin is said to be entangled with cockroaches.

But this insect is always a little faster than him.

During the engagement, he fell into the downwind several times.

The cockroach worm chased after the victory, and directly knocked Kaga Mixin to the ground in three or two strokes.


The damage taken in an instant was too high, and Kaga Mixin was directly beaten out of the clock-up state.

Quitting the clock-up state, Kaga Mikasin thought she was going to be beaten.

But the imaginary beating did not strike.

On the contrary, cockroaches and insects were also kicked against the wall.

"Captain Kagami, nice job, we'll cheer too!"

Kageyama and other fan team members couldn't help but boost their morale when they saw the cockroach and alien insects being kicked against the wall for half a day and struggling to get out.

It's not me!

Kaga Mishin knows his own affairs.

He was simply beaten on the ground by cockroaches and insects!

But cockroaches and insects why....

Definitely the Heavenly Dao Division!

Kagami Shin's eyes burst out, and she hurriedly activated the clock-up state.

A red figure in front of him.

It is Kabuto transformed into the Chief of Tendo!

"Heavenly Dao why.... Why are you still in front of me! "

Kaga Mixin looked at the arrival of the Heavenly Dao General in disbelief.

"Don't you know where we are now!"


The Tenshi General ignored Kaga Mikin.


"Heavenly Dao!" Kaga Mishin shouted the name of the Tendo Soji while solving the larvae that were close to the shadow.



The Heavenly Dao Master turned his back to the cockroach insect and whispered instructions.

The cockroach worm launched a clock-up to break free of the wall and face the megalomaniac in front of him who dared to turn his back on himself.

However, it was its attack that the Heavenly Dao General was waiting for!


With the mechanical response of the waist, blue energy poured from the belt into the horns on the head.

With a roundhouse kick, the cockroach insect was instantly kicked away, turning into a blue-purple flame in the air and dissipating.

"Heavenly Dao!"

At the same time, Kaga Mishin, who had solved the larvae alien worms, rushed over.

"Why don't you listen to me, you will die!"

"The sun, no one can order, no one can kill!"

The Heavenly Dao Chief was extremely proud in his words.

Kaga Mixin: "You guy, even at this time, do you have to be handsome!" "

What responded to him was a fierce punch from the General Division of Heavenly Dao.

This punch hit the door directly.

If it weren't for the the-bee armor on his body, Kaga Mixin estimated that his nosebleed would have been beaten out again!

"You, hesitate in front of the enemy again."

The Tenshido General also tended to Kaga Mixin.

"Have you forgotten the pain caused by hesitation?"


The words of the Tensdo Chief made Kaga Mishin's heart ache.

Liang, his own younger brother, is because of his own hesitation, and finally...

Before he could finish thinking, the fist of the Heavenly Dao General Commander knocked him away again.

"What a cure-free fellow, as a warrior, how long do you have to hesitate?"

"I... I'm your companion, I can't get off! "

Kaga Mishin hesitated.


The General Division of Heavenly Dao single-fingered the sky.

"Grandma said that friendship is just something that makes each other's hearts childish."


Kaga Mixin did not expect that the friendship that he regarded as a treasure was actually described as childish in the eyes of the Chief Master of Heavenly Dao.

"Yes, childishness is childishness, if you don't understand, you will be killed by this meaningless thing."

Saying that, the Tensho Master punched Kaga Mishin again.

The clay man also has three points of fire.

Kaga Mishin is a bit indecisive though.

But being so stimulated by the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, he was still angry.

"Actually, the friendship that regards me as a treasure is arbitrarily trampled on, insulted, and unforgivable!"

Kaga Mishin slammed the ground.

"Come on, hit!!"

"I'm not going to show mercy."

The Heavenly Dao General did not hesitate to fight back with his backhand.

In the corner, Jiang Nan looked indifferent.

Although I can't see the battle between the two people who have entered the Ascension Era.

However, the General Division of Heavenly Dao must be fine.

Dealing with a Heavenly Dao General is enough for Kaga Mi Shin.

Jiangnan will not go to this liveliness.

Occasionally signing in obscenely, let the uncle play on behalf of the uncle, is also quite comfortable.

"System, check in!"

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