The pet king of the city

Chapter 011, I am an 8th-class device

The refining is so confident that I just came back, I strongly represented: "We use the body as a magic weapon, which is also available. If you are calculated according to the rules here, I am indeed an 8th-level farm."

The whole game is moving.

The refining is explained: "However, we will only have a refining method, and others will not."

"That is enough."

Chen Lie is so embarrassing, asking: "Is the refining method of this pulse?"

"how to say?"

Refinery began to struggle.

Not he wants to keep confidential, but he really doesn't know how to explain.

Sir for a long time.

He finally said: "We will only put other useful things, refine the object."

"What do you mean?"

"It's inexplicable."

"I can't understand."

Everyone has its own understanding.

Chen Lie also faintly understood, but did not want to explain, very simply said: "If you have anything to refine, he will give it to refinery, don't do anything else."


"This is simple."

Everyone is too lazy to think too much, and according to Chen Lie said.


Suddenly, a mountain was shaken.

The ...

The Loy Ji is very easy to say: "It is definitely those bugs in trouble, but no one will dare to provoke the paradise army."

Chen Lie thought of and asked: "Refining, do you have a 9-level giant?"


Refindeng: "But there is a half-step top level, and more than one."

Everyone will realize the seriousness of things.

Half step 9, that is not generally 8-level.

Everyone looks to Chen Lie. I feel that if I don't have Chen Lie to sit here, even if there is eight door lock, it is estimated that I can't support it for dozens of seconds.

"I don't know if I don't know, I will not know if I ask."

Chen Lie didn't laugh at this time.

If you have no choice but you can only say: "Then I will sit here for a while."

Fortunately, the aura here is sufficient.

And the supply may also be delivered from the real world.

That is, it is trouble.

Things will be finalized like this.



So after a few days.

In the trial field of the Paradise Legion.

The potential!

This trick is the trick of the refining.

Based on the vast historical heritage of mountain peaks, there is a thick and immortal.

The significance of this trick has surpassed martial arts, and it is an embodiment of "Tao".

In the past, the super-war puping such as Heiji, ghosts can evolve all kinds of artistic conception into various tricks, but in a ratio of refining, instantly fall in the next.

You know that this is a trick that has already been integrated into the "Tao", with a little super-natural, but also from ancient eternal martial arts art.

It is this mood, and instantly defeats the Wudo will, and smashes the pride of ghosts.

At the next moment, the attack of the refining is coming.


This impact sound shocks.

Mountain peaks that shock virtual world collapsed.

And the weakness of the weak, even seven holes bleed.

Even the


Chen Lie had to applaud for the refining.

These columns of attack routines are not martial arts, nor pure spells, but also to attack the rules after the combination of Xianwu.

at least.

Just changed to Chen Lie, there is no eight-door lock, and he can't think of it easily.

"Let's here."

Chen Lie took the hand and pressed the and ghost you want to dying and said, "You have already deserved, there is no need to struggle."

Unfortunately, the tiger and ghost are still very uncomfortable.

"Don't take it."

"Our comprehension of our pulse, is such a way."

Refindeng said: "With the body, Xianwu combined. Don't think that our cultivation is very simple. Although I am the first day of the world, I have been cultivated to now. How long?"

He is full of tigers and ghosts.

They all think that refining is mostly one hundred.

Refindeng continues to say: "I just took it for more than 30 years."

He is not ticking with the ghost.

The time to practice is still long than they added.

This is really unhappy.

Chen Lie asked: "But you are so powerful, but also the first day of the day, why will it fall to an energetic level of magnitude 8?"

Forced promotion, almost mean that there is no more potential to explore, this is the same.

Refindeng: "Wood Show in Lin, the wind must be disabled. This sentence is also common in us."

The teacher will laugh: "You are so talented, definitely suffer from huge pressure."

Luoji is also a sense of body.

Refindeng said: "We have a lack of resources, more than one level of competition, so the energy will not allow other level 8 promotion, and eventually lead to a lot of genius, I will naturally don't excerades this day. In the end, the 8th level can even take the chasing me, forcing me to compress the potential, forcibly breaking, but because of overdraft potential, I can't be promoted, I can only come to this world to seek breakthroughs. "

"Well, I know you have a bitter."

Chen Lie didn't want to continue this topic.

Anyway, the facts have been destined, Chen Lie can not cancel the slavery, and he is too lazy to counter the root.

"The master, found the level 8 conflict."

Introduced on Sundays.

The video is opened, everyone knows what is going on.

Because the battle location is very close to the main city.

If the battle is expanded, it is easy to spread to the shop of the Paradise Legion.


Chen Lie has a big hand, all people are transferred to the nearby position.

It is unfortunately to escape.

"How can it be so fast?"

Chen Lie is very wonderful.

The previous Adam is so strong, it is just a time to be delayed, it is locked and imprisoned by the system.

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