The pet king of the city

Chapter 017 Clears

Things that can increase the ability to fight, such as runes, emergency equivalents, etc.

This is a huge financial source.

Even if the 8-level organization does not necessarily have a huge financial source.

Therefore, Chen Lie also has that big bottom gas, and does not regard the fan value as an end.

"Mr. Chen is there?"

The sound of the old man sounded outside the door.

"Please come."

The arrival of the old man is approving, so Chen Lie is not surprising.

He put the big sale of the sales you just sold to the side.

The old, the old, the gods came in, and even left behind the door, and finally closed the door at the end, and sat down to Chen Lie.

The old head of such a gesture, Chen Lie is still encountered.

However, their cooperation in these years is not bad, Chen Lie also begins to resist the child, waiting for the old head to open the topic.

The first question: "Mr. Chen, I don't know if you have the meaning of the sword wall and Bodhi's heart wine?"

Chen Lie also simply and asked: "What is the price code?"

The actual wealth of Chen Lie is a lot, and the general buying and selling really can't move him.

Lao Head: "I know that the price of Wujian wall and Bodhi, our small family is not affordable. But I have a special practice method of the martial arts, the highest can be cultivated to level 8."

Chen Lie joke: "I know the cultivation method of the martial arts, but that is the route of Qihai Guo, the legend, just makes the air condensed into the sea, the whole body can open, then impact 9, but countless big energy Does the giant think this is a little bit of a day? "

The old man is very wretched: "Because every new practice system, the inherent system is attacked."


Chen Lie was stupid.

The meaning of the old man's head is that this road of the martial arts is maliciously discredited.

Chen Lie thought about shook his head and refused: "Bodhi is a big use, I have no interest in being exchanged some uncertain things. As for the sword wall, I don't want to let my road too much, so this A transaction is temporarily put on hold. "

"What about the sale?"

The old man said: "Mr. Chen, as long as you give a little resource, I will assure you to bring you double income in three months."

Chen Lian was shocked, asked: "Really?"

Lao Head replied: "If you don't believe, the first transaction can be paid by me."


Chen Lie didn't expect to have such a harvest.

The old horses want to ask the sword wall is not very advanced, and the amount of Bodhi's heart is not a lot.

So the transaction is complete quickly.

And twice and full mat, such deals, Chen Lie is the idiot.

As for the old man, what reason is to use, but what reason is not the relationship between Chen Lie.

The old family of the small family has a lot of profit channels is very happy, and then enter the second question: "Mr. Chen, I don't know what is your opinion on the wine sword?"

Chen Lie has always regarded wine Jianxian as a potential allies, as for others, there is no extravagance.

However, these words are not convenient to say, and it is easy to disclose secret.

Chen Lie has only replied: "It is very simple, a pure wine ghost."

The old man was tone, and she began to tell the background story of the wine sword fairy: "Wine Jianxian is the first person of the giant, and the mystery of his people can also be said to be the first person below the giant. Looking through the entire continent, can be with the wine sword fairy There is only swords, but only the sword is gradually can't keep up with the rhythm of the Jianxian. "

Chen Lie nodded.

Since the goal is the wine Jianxian dihood allies, he naturally has naturally collected relevant information; let alone, he also has the pro-disciple of wine Jianxian, Li Yifan is an acquaintance, the paradise army naturally understands some of the little known secrets of wine Jianxiao, even still Know that he a lot of private secrets.

The old man can not so much, in connection with your own information: "Water Jianxian is famous for decades, but it has not mastered what resources, but has always been the first level. So many people have a wine sword Fairy is so embarrassed, saying that he is secretly mastered a hetero. "

Chen Qi: "So?"

Old Head A: "There is a giant that the wine Jian fairy may sit on a super spirit pulse, and it is likely to be in a super bit. It is said that in that super spiritual cultivation for 1 year, it is equal to cultivating 10 in the system mainland 10 Year, this is the strongest root of the same level. "

"Do you think I will believe?"

Chen Lie laughed and said that the expression was a little disdain.

"I know you will not believe, but many people believe."

The old man smiled and smiled: "Our family is occasionally, found that the Jianxian Xian really mastered a super spirit pulse. But with the outside world, we suspect that this super spirit has been refined, like a palm The world is carried by the wine sword. "

Chen Lie continued to nod, these information did not hear, but in combination with their own information, there is a bit like.

The old man's head has not ended yet, and finally reveals: "Water Jian Xianming can break through 9 levels, but why?"

"I also want to know."

If it is before, Chen Lie must only think is a joke.

However, since the level 9 level, as well as higher ultra-off.

He knows that Level 8 and 9 are just a process, the obstacles on the way.

The old man continued: "Since the sword has no sharp rural, the other 8th level can not be able to fight and balance the wine sword, the wine Jianxian began to play disappeared. Many people are curious, but they don't dare too much, Because people who do it are gone. "

"Fortunately, someone else is very lucky. After seeing some signs, there is no continuing to entangle, decisive to withdraw. It is also because of the interracial meeting, we have received the secret of the martial arts."

The old man said so much, I am afraid it is just for the last sentence.

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