Chen Qi: "How is it difficult?"

Wine swords and fairy: "What is difficult!"

Chen Lie was very identified asked: "Specify it, maybe it is difficult to do, but not for me."

"You have confidence."

Water sword smiles: "I think I will follow the owner to fight for 10 ectopic faces. I only use it for 10 years to attack 9th. But there is therefore stopped, this stop is more than 80 years. "

Everyone's heart is paused.

10 years of impact No. 9 super genius, the result has not spanned the threshold for more than 80 years.

How hard is this road?

Chen Lie said: "I still have confidence."


"Who told us to walk is a road, all being crowded."

The wine sword fairy, said: "Competing a martial arts, not only wants the will of the martial arts, integrating into the body, the body in the body must gather into the sea. Remember, the sea, the body must open up a Your world, this world must be gas. "

Everyone is stunned.

Open the world, even if the giants can't do it, don't say the zone level 8.

"Do you think it is difficult?"

The Jianxian said: "This is just beginning, after the sea has opened up, it is the spending of the people and the heavens and the earth, which is the opening of what we said. But how many points of the body of the soul, how to open, this is We own yourself because we are the holy vocabulary of the system mainland. "

: "Don't know where the seniors do?"

After drinking, the Jianxintai took a bite: "I condensed the gas sea and opened up 81 points."

Everyone is silent.

Because everyone doesn't know what this means.

"You don't think it is easy."

The wine Jianxian said: "Open up the gas sea, then it is equal to the replenishment of self-world, and the internal strength reaches the giant level."

Chen Lie suddenly said: "The original rumors said that you have a super spiritual pulse, you have a palm of the world, the truth is the sea."

The wine sword is nodded.

Everyone also came over.

I have opened up a world in my body. There is a gas sea in this world that can supply combat power from the source.

Isn't this the super spirit of the world?

Wine Jianxian said: "As for the guidelines, nine nineteen eighty one, form a star echo. Although there is no increase in combat power, it increases the degree of fit with the heavens and the earth, making it more complete."

"It's too deep, don't understand."

"Listen to the first half."

The .

Chen Lie is direct, asking: "Do you dare to ask the predecessor to sell all the experience?"

Wine Juxian said: "These are all my life and time, how can I sell at will."

Chen Lie said that it did not completely refused, asked: "What is the requirements for predecessors, despite it.

Wine sword, I thought: "I have a very disciple. He is also my way. Unfortunately he is eager to seek, unwilling to slowly open a hole as you like me, walk a way to integrate other martialo hoops, The result is made mistakes, and the system is permanently prisoned in a half-plane. "

Chen Lie's apnea.

He didn't expect the Jellyfix, there is a story of this.

Li Yifan interface: "So I especially remind you of your master."

Chen Qian said: "I don't know what the predecessors do?"

"The fault he committed is not forgive."

"Moreover, the system will not give it an arbitrary change."

The wine Jianxian said: "So my requirements are very simple, then help me see him."

Chen Lian asked: "Why do you go to yourself?"

"I have went, I am afraid I can't help him."

Wine Juxian said: "Moreover, I will go, my hostile giants will know which half-plane drops, and finally, my big apprentice is not as good as death."


Chen Lie also listened to it.

It seems that there is a conflict before and after this.

Li Yifan explained: "Any sinners who have been sentenced to ten evil, any trials can kill them, or tortured slaves, as long as they have the ability."


Chen Lie understood.

A smart magic spirit asked: "I don't know what a bad thing is your master, actually by the system so punishment?"

The magic spirit stayed in the system of the longest time, and he had never heard of such a confidentiality.

Wine Jianxian directly drunk.

Li Yifan said: "It is not very clear. I only know that the master seems to practice, directly massacre millions of people."

Everyone is silent.

The so-called human beings here are naturally not the opposite side, and it is definitely the future of the future.

In the future, the world has no war for many years, and it is mad for hundreds of millions.

It is no wonder that the system will punish it.

"Well, this entrusted me."

Chen Lie then asked: "What is your master?"

"He used to be Jianxian."

"The talents are over," is known as the second master. "

"But in the end he was sealed as Jiu Himian."

Sound to the end, draw this time for this time.




It is said that this half-bit face is also part of a large world.

It's coming to a large number of big giants to attack here, playing from breaking.

The even position is destroyed.

This half-bit has no life, only the anger of the entire plane, as well as the residual part of the origin.

It can be extremely evil.

Finally by the system to be used to imprison, the sinners of dancing.

And now.

Chen Lie came.

The accompanying also has a leading Li Yifan.

"Is this half-bit face?"

"The whole plane is full of anger, and there is a grievance, it is really a dangerous place."

Chen Lie Zhou Magic Flow.

This is the result of the Magic Fully Board.

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