The pet king of the city

Chapter 027 Large-scale Disclosure

In fact, refining is one of them.

It's just that there is no huge tiger and ghost.

Chen Qian said: "Tell me about the recent event."


"I really have it."

When I said something, the refining peaks immediately, and loudly replied: "The magnitude 8 of the Rongzhong noble was killed by the invader, leading to the internal secret of the glory. Now the glory aristocrats are chasing sniper, things Visible. "

Chen Lie asked: "Is there a result? What about the murderer?"

Refining: "There is no result, until now, it is not known to the person who started. It is already a trial of the judge, glory, iron blood, round table knight, hell eye, etc. Super organization can't sit down. Now Judgment Day and Hell's eyes jointly, the situation is a bit clear. "

Chen Qian asked: "It seems not the hand under invaders?"

Refindeng nodded: "Well, only some people fake intrudes, secretly sniper glory."

Chen Lien nodded and did not react.

Any era, any world, all do not lack the inbuggle.

Refindeng's cold expression is very strange. Can which also have a comprehensive impact? "

"Will do!"

Chen Lie returned a "you most" expression and said, "You think about it, if this big can master the secrets of hidden hidden, you can explain everything."

The refining peak is more confused, ask: "Is it impossible? After all, just level 8, it is impossible to master such a big secret."

Chen Lie has driven back: "It is not a level of problems, but the problem of the background. Don't forget, the Rongzheng nobles are still licking, that is also the top level 9 super organization."

Refindeng suddenly came over.

The glory of glory, naturally mastered the secrets of the system mall, and even tabooted secrets.

And that level 8 can just protect such a secret.

If this assumption is established, everything is explained.

"What secret is it?"

Chen Lie had a good idea, asked: "Refining, next to a while, you gave me the attacker. After all, I can kill 8 levels of energy, the number is absolute, it is not difficult to investigate."

Demonstration: "Is the boss want to know the secret of hidden?"

Chen Lie's answer is still flat: "One thing, I care more is the material you asked before."

Refindries will reply to: "Boss, what you want is too high. This level of things are basically monopolized by the super organization who have giant sitting, we have no time to contact."

Chen Lie laughed back: "You can rest assured, I have something to play."

The refining peak is completely helpless, only do personally reminded: "Boss, I know that you will not listen to me, but I really remind you that the interests of the super organization must not touch, too dangerous."

"Do not worry."

"I know the inch."

Chen Lie nodded.

"Right, there is a big event recently."

Refinery continued: "The judge has appeared a genius of his teenage. The name is unknown. About 30 this year, the appearance is very young, but there is an 8-level peak strength. If this is the case, follow us There is no conflict of interest, but he defeated the and the magic spirit, and even defeats a hundred years of old-fashioned brilliant achievements, now it is not a world. "


Chen Lie nodded.

"His information is here."

After the empty hand grabbed, a piece of information fell into his hands and said: "There are not many other words, his information is here. And with his character, if you encounter boss, you must Will challenge the boss. "

Chen Lienan is stuffy: "I have nothing famous, he challenges me?"

"The boss didn't have a good place?"

"Are you teasing me?"

Refindeng laughed: "Although the boss is very small, the fighting power that can be expressed by the old and big, but is listed as an 8-level peak, but the first day of the pet world, and has been widely recognized."

Chen Lian asked: "Who is in the dark propaganda?"

Refindeng shook his head.

Chen Lie has naturally not careful about this kind of confidentiality.

To know.

He is now refining the world's Linglong Pagoda.

For this pagoda, he not only puts only the only Xuanhuang Erqi, but also in this month, a land of all heavens and the earth is condensed.

It can be said that the current World Linglong Pagoda has a 9th level of the characteristics.

As long as Chen Lie worses the world's exquisite Pagoda, there is no enemy of 9, even if you encounter a giant, he can support a short period of time.

"Well, I don't interfere with your Tianlun."

Chen Lie a flashes, this disappeared.

This folding space is considered a home of the refining.

Even if Chen Lie is a paradise Zizhu, but he also has to respect people.

After instantly moved back to your room, Chen Lie called to others.

He wants to see the most recent development of these guys.


Luo Ji is the first.

"Hey, the boss seems to be a bit different."

I feel keen Rouji, and I actually I also missed Chen Lie's transformation.

With the shelter of the World Linglong Pagoda, don't say that it is Luo Ji, even if the giant can't see the state of Chen Lie.

This is an increase in mystery.

"It seems that your progress is also obvious."

Chen Lie also felt that Luo Ji gradually became strong.

I don't want Luo Ji to shook his head: "It is a more garbage with the . Hey, I have now lost ambition with them. I just want to practice according to the class to level 8."

"Level 8 is very good."

"If you want to start, your fox is not just a magnitude 8, can you sit in the town?"

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