The ability of Ott is the same truth with the blood of the blood.

But now it is now changed to the ice method.

"Forget it."

Although Chen Lie is thousands of thousands of thousands, it can still be killed by each other.

But he got the final victory.

Such victory, enough to upgrade his prestige to a higher realm.

This is enough.

"Old power!"

Luo Ji is flying over.

"The owner is the master, and even the giants are also running."

"Yeah, I think the owner is now the second."

"Stupid, although the wine Jianxian is a hundred years of genius, but the owner is definitely more powerful than him."

"I just make a metaphor."

Heju and ghosts actually quarrel.

"You don't talk nonsense."

Chen Lie said: "I didn't say this time, but I still dare to say this."

Heju and ghosts immediately retracted.

Chen Qi: "Where are you wrong?"

He is weak and weak: "We should not know that the other side has a giant old man, but also shot."

The ghost said: "Unbroken behavior is easy to bury yourself."

Luo Ji listened to his face.


"Big wrong!"

Chen Lie said with a higher voice: "You maintain your partner, protect your dignity, this is correct. If you don't do it enough, you should use the eight-door locks to put the group and that group All the space is all blocked, then the net is exhausted, and the grass is smashed, and there is no death. "

He is tiger and ghosts to hear.

Luoji is also surprised to look at Chen Lie.

They didn't expect Chen Lie to have such a belly black.

"Okay, after this, I basically no longer dare to toss you."

Chen Lie is too lazy to explain too much.

Some things are either do nothing, they have to completely thoroughly, and do not give the enemy.

There is a lesson here.

Chen Lie will not make the same fault again, and naturally do not want the .


"Okay, each is scattered."

Chen Lie put his hand, it seems that there is no mood.


It's just that they are gone, but someone is coming.

Ancient deacons.

This positive belongs to the three business alliance, and behind the businessman who supports a small family, representing the Three Commercial League.


"The unknown place is leaving?"

Chen Lie seemed to hear the most funny words and asked: "Are you sure not to laugh?"

"I am not laughing."

The ancient subjects said very seriously: "There is a special department in our business. It is specially to explore and calculate the hetero. Just months, we found that the unknown plane has an abnormal fluctuation. But we pay attention The goal is the inside of the unknown, not perceived, until the first two days, I found this unknown plane to be gradually farther away from our pets. "


Chen Lie is like listening to heavens.

"I know this is hard to believe, but the truth."

The ancient mobacon said: "We have invested more than 1 billion fan values ​​in an unknown place, never allow for such a potential plane that has not been developed."

Chen Lie asked: "You tell me what strength can you move directly?"

"Not external power makes it move, but inside."

The ancient mobility said: "We doubt this one's sense of self-awakening, instinctively away from the pet plane peeking it."

Chen Lie asked: "Your consciousness can also be like hibernation animals, usually sleep, will you wake up?"

"Well, you can understand this way."

The ancient deaches nodded.

Chen Lie continued asked: "What else does something need to tell me?"

The ancient mobility said: "We found that the connection arranged in the unknown face has been interrupted, and our secretly established a plane channel is also blocked. For now, even the 9-level giant, you can't peep this place, You must enter the inside to know. "

"The awareness of the plane is awakened, and the blockade pears natural and reasonable."

Chen Lie thought about it and asked: "But I want to know, you can still have to pass, now there is a difference between the time flow, the rule system is there."

"do not know."

"We used to put a 7-level battle pet, the result is very unexpected."

The ancient dealtics did not intentionally got the mouth, but in the finishing thoughts, "" After the Level 7 war pet, only give us a message to hide. "

"very dangerous."

Chen Lie nodded.

Preparation of Zeales 7-level war pets only have to rapidly send a message, which is missing, this location plane is at least 9 levels.

In this way, it can be strong than the debris space of the confusion plane.

The ancient subject smiled: "The content is simple, it is awakening and 19 to 1."

Awakening, naturally the awareness awakening.

Chen Lie asked: "19 to 1, means that the pet is only 1 year after 19 years?"

Ancient dealtice nodded.

The ancient discipline asked finally: "Mr. Chen, we hope that you have time to see, after all, we have more in this plane."

The value of more than 100 billion fans before, it was just over.

Other pavement in the pet world, and compensation for losses, there is absolutely no longer under this number.

More than 200 billion fans.

This is definitely a mad number for any organization.

"It's too much."

Chen Lie was only a ridicule of his heart, and he was still stupid.

"I look again."

"After all, things are not in general."

Chen Lie did not nod.

But the ancient law has passed the words, and it is not dare to force it. It can only end this topic in this way.

Only the next topic is even more unhappy.

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