The pet king of the city

Chapter 036, four elephants

Those so-called judges suck a breath.

30-year-old giant, this is the speed of the legend.

I think they are very young, but they haven't arrived at the point of 30 years old to challenge the half-step giants. It can reach 8 levels to be against the sky.

"I can't come out?"

Jiang Chen saw the trial of the trial and did not respond, the breath was released, cold and cold: "Since you dare to take people, then we are quite horizontal."


Four half-step 9 appeared.

At this time, they are all free of breath. These people are pseudo level 9, only a little bit of time can impact the level of the 9th level, although two men are relatively weak, but at least 8 The top of the top of the top, the four stands together, and the breath is faintly combined. It seems to be a mysterious array.

Refindeng saw these people, the face is slightly changed, quickly reminded: "They are the elders of the trial of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaki, and Xuanwu, basically the existence of half a step 9. I heard the founder of the trial day. Give a very advanced secret to them to cultivate, the general level does not dare to face their four people. "

Luo Ji obviously learned more, whisper reminded: "Boss, I heard that Suner who once had a giant was criticized, and was found to go to the door, and the result was no longer able to resist it. At that time, it was very powerful, we I am curious to inquire, but the people who know each other are closed, I am afraid it is true. "

"Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu ..."

Jiang Chen's heart is moving, and what is concerted.

However, in history, still now, using this name, the martial arts, a few of the three-year-old business alliance, have a few different array.

However, there is not much to contact these names, and it is basically a mailing method, and the secret can be said, all the secrets of all the factions.

Qinglong said: "Jiang Chen, apologize quickly, otherwise you can't save you even if the three-border business alliance!"

Jiang Chen's head is angry, and I asked in yin: "Three-biliary business alliance can't keep me? Good tone! I have no thoughts, but I have to try this, I have to try this. 9 The so-called secret surgery can be suppressed! "

Suzaki replied: "It is not secret, it is a method!"

Xuanwu said: "Suzaku, what do you say to him!"

White Tiger offers a weapon, challenges: "Jiang Chen, there is something to break the four elephant big arrays of our four people!"

Four elephants!

Four elephants, the legendary one can let Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaki, Xuanwu four mysterious mysterious high-grade array, can not only evolve Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaki, Xuanwu, four major martial arts, but also according to each The characteristics of people have superimposed strength and reach the crosstalk to kill the enemy.

However, the four elephants accompanied by a 9-level giant disappeared, and I don't want to fall into the hands of the trial day.

Because the four elections are very loud, there is also a record in the short history of the system mainland, so Jiang Chen heard his name.

Interestingly, Jiang Chen heard the beginning of the first appearance is not fear or retreat, but try it.

He wanted to see, exactly four elephants, or his world Linglong Pagoda.

"You don't have to mention the law, I have long said."

Jiang Chen's head is slant, rolling a cruel smile in his mouth.

These people dare to make people think about the people around him, that is, challenging his bottom line, this has not been reconciled without any excuses.

Anyway, the so-called elders are very relieved to these four people, why should Jiang Chen will polite with them? They will give them a blood lesson.

"You retired."

Jiang Chen said with Langji and Luo Ji, saying that I said: "Give you the last chance, put people, I may still have a slight convergence point. Otherwise, the dead people will definitely exceed your imagination."


"Here is the trial day! Not your paradise!"

The four elephants have violent, all weapons out of sheath.

Their weapons are characteristic, and they have corresponding routines and inscriptions, and they can distinguish the specific role.

Jiang Chen released all the power.

His present realm is infinitely close to level 9, but the combat power has reached a general level 9, so the power is out, and many people are shocked.

In their understanding, Jiang Chen's cultivation seems to have not been so high, but they have not regretted.

Jiang Chen's first appearance is not the world's exquisite Pagoda, nor anything else, but a golden body.

The creation of gold seems not enough, but Jiang Chen only needs its protection effect, and the other can be ignored.


Four-chromatic group array, the four-person combined atmosphere improved a level, which is not more level 9 diapers that combine it.


The fame scheme will appear, let Jiang Chen's speed out of the extreme, almost a blink of an eye, Jiang Chen's distance from hundreds of meters, the golden big hand is like the most powerful Qinglong print.

Qinglong soul!

A Qinglong broke down and came with the water of the sky. Qinglong's proud attitude of the water in the swing is the world, and there is no attack and kill.

Such a martial art is definitely the advanced goods in the martial art.


It will be a horrified thing that appears: Qinglong Wuhun, even the flooded floods were defeated by Jiang Chen's golden big hand, and even the Qinglong Wuhun can also send out the sorrow of the soul when she bombards.


Qinglong spurtled blood, but next time was taken by other people, I don't know what strength to extort the red and blood of the Qing Jiang Chen in the past, and also included a little therapeutic effect, making Qinglong's situation moment from The harsh transition is normal.


"Is the role of Phoenix Wu Sou? Remember that the Phoenix Wuhun has an effect of abandoning the life treatment of life, and there is also a self-disciplined talent in the Qinglong Wuhun, perhaps combining it."

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