The pet king of the city

Chapter 045 siege

"For you smart."

"you win."

The eyebrows took out the 8-level high-energy hi.

The 8-level high-profile hi is a material unknown rural stone, and each of the rural stones have the power of magnitude 8 large-energy attack.

If combined, I am afraid to resist 9 level but can one.

Unfortunately, the core damage of the stone stone cannot be combined.

So it is taken.

"Good thing."

, when you take the body of Roddio, you will take the body of Roddio, but finally throw a card, say: "This is your hardship."

After the words, the .

The eyebrow trial is lost to the card, and the face has changed.

Because this is a fan value cash.

Value 5 million fans value.

Enough to make up for their labor costs.

Those words are not their own, and the Tigers just use them to facilitate themselves.

after all.

This interpersonal rare place is to facilitate Rudyt, and it is also convenient to be embarrassed.

It is the actor who said that they are the fangs.

5 million pieces of fans are played, enough to be high enough.



"Jiaojiao, you have done this once."

Chen Lie looked at the rune collected, and did not have time research. "These things are definitely good things, you have a big work. I know that you will definitely have to reward, but I will give you this directly. "

After the words, Chen Lie sent enough cream to the teachings before.

"This one……"

He Tiger is a bit embarrassed to say: "The master, I seem to have not used these."

"Who can't you use it?"

Chen Lie debuted the full version of "Making the Gold" and directly instilled it to the .

It is said that Chen Lie said that Chen Lie said: "The refining skills are born with the martial arts road route. Once you can't condensed the full beauty, you will play a positive way of your super officer. significance."

Although Chen Lie has not concredcted the golden body.

It is just 9 levels, with a 9-level ordinary endurance, far from the impermaneous realm of the creation described in the creation of the gold.

Not Chen Lie is not active.

But he lacks an opportunity.

A congained opportunity.

Once reached, he is the 9th level of the name.

This is the case.

I haven't reached a successful state, and I haven't reached the 9th granulation, I have given Chen Lie to provide extraordinary power.

Once it breaks through the past, I am afraid that Chen Lie can prevent the senior giants instantly.

You know these giants.

From just a 9th level of first-class or second stream that has become a senior number, which one is not through massive resources, or for thousands of years?

How is Chen Lie to exaggerate, a sudden saving so much time and resources.

"Thank you."


Creative dramatically, it cultivates the golden body, affirm that it is half-time.

It is estimated that you can break through the veritable senior senior level 8.

The magic spirit of the zero is blended: "The owner, we have searched the Otte family's station, and it is one of the three major props of the Otte family. I don't know what plans?"

Because you have a super brain, the magic spirit can passenger strings in the role of Sunday.

"I go!"

Hecang stands out.

"I am going too."

The ghost came out with a strong hatred.

The whole staff of the order team is also standing.

Revenge flames let them lose rationality.

You must know the family of a giant, even just a branch station, but it is also a giant industry, defense is absolutely amazing.

They are not 8 levels, which are purely died in the past.

He is difficult to look at Chen Lie.

"Let them vent it."

Chen Lie said: "The Summit will secretly stratet you, and Other people come from me, the magical town is maintained, and other Jiaojiao is."

Everyone has no opinion.

Things are determined like this.

However, the magic spirit reminded: "Oh, this branch station is the town of Swan."

"It turns out that he is a person of the Otte family."

"No wonder that he is a private child of the giant, no wonder he can join the Judicial Day."

At this moment, everyone wants to pass.

It is so simple.

"So let it go!"

Chen Lie put his hand and said, "Just a swan people."

He nodded.

The strength arrived at this point, and the genius once is not an opponent.

There is no need to worry at all.

The team started.

Heji Hui took a ghost, order team, and the families of the refining, quietly entered the half-bit face of the Otte family under the cover of the eight-door chalet.



The half-plane where the Otte family is a debris plane that is captured by the giant, belongs to the neutral.

Many people look at the face of giants, they are here relatively.

But it is only relative.

After all, it is not a system mainland. There is no systemic monitoring monitoring, so it is relatively chaotic.

It is also this kind of chaos, giving a lot of family opportunities.

The Otte family is one of them.

They secretly arranged a hidden here.

He has quietly killed the family station with the eight-door locks.

This is a majestic mountain castle.

Like the city of mountains.

"Heji Tiger, we failed!"

The family of refining is coming with all senior monks.

Because their penetration fails.

"Nothing, this is the sin of the war. We didn't expect the swan not only successfully promoted level 8, but also more embarrassed than the past, actually did not hesitate to hide here, but also built such a majestic juncture."

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