The pet king of the city

Chapter 049 Publicizes the Secret of Zizhu

"Be careful! Xiaolu, come down!"

Xiao Lu, who had just came from the door, didn't have to say hello to others, and saw this thrilling scene, and immediately shocked.

"Mommy, I am fine!"

"I am so high now!"

Xiaolu is completely at the attitude of the mother's mother.

"Xiao Lu, don't you scare me?"

"I beg you get down. No, you are slightly lower."

Poor this only 30 years old, and it seems that the young mother is almost embarrassed.

Unfortunately, Xiao Lu is completely ignorant.

Even if Jin Hair has slowed its strength, but Xiaolu himself uses the body's shake to increase the height of the flying.

"Big gold!"

Xiao Lu Mother knew Xiao Lu as persuading, seeing such a dangerous scene, changing the direction.

Dajin was so drinked by Xiao Lu Mother and immediately wake up.

But it is still not smart enough, I don't know if I push the swing can gradually slow down the height of the flying, just flashing over.

Xiao Lu Mother quickly quickly helped to reduce slow down.

Not much time.

Spring is slow.

"Xiao Lu."

The beautiful mother of Xiaolu is angry, directly grasping Xiao Lu's hand to the villa, saying: "I thought you can be happy, but I didn't expect to do such a dangerous thing. Back to me The next three days is not allowed to go out! "


"I don't want to go back!"

Xiao Lu realized that his mother took himself back, and he gave birth to the swing.

"Let go!"

Xiao Lu Mother is more dissatisfied.

She feels that Xiaolu is so unhorseful, purely playing with the performance.

If Xiaolu is indulging, it will definitely be more excessive.

Wang Wang!

Dajin heard the anger of Xiaolu Mother's voice, and founded the ambience of his own owner, and directly brought Xiao Mother.

Can Xiaolu Mother now where there is a mood of great gold.

Dajin saw his warning.


It came directly to the middle of the mother and child, and then man up, a pair of forelimbs are placed between the mother and child.



The mother and child felt a downstream, and finally supported this imbalanced suppression, could not help but score.

Dajin decisive guards to Xiaolu.

Xiao Lu mother feels that the big gold in front is a bit wrong. It is possible to have an accident. It has been anger. It is very busy: "Xiao Lu, you have just played too dangerous, let your Mummy angry."

Xiao Lu is going down.

He confused at this time this usually hurts himself, but at this time, the mother of the darkness suddenly felt a little strange.

He released the swing of the swing and looked at Xiao Lu mother seriously.

Xiao Lu asked: "Mommy, how many days have you been home for these months?"

"This one……"

"Mommy is not to help you? So ..."

Xiao Lu Mother watched the time.

Xiao Lu said: "Mommy, I grew up, no longer the previous Xiaolu. You look here, no you are, I have a laughter, I have a very happy. But you come, we will make trouble Contradiction, do you mean this? "

"Xiao Lu, I ..."

Xiao Lu mother is embarrassed.

"and many more!"

Xiao Lu mother has happened:

How is Xiao Lu talking?

There is also a strip.

Previous Xiao Lu can express a complete expression, even if it is good.

After thinking that a possibility, Xiao Lu mother strongly pressed the heart of excitement and asked: "Xiaolu, how much is you spending more than before?"

"Well, Xiao Lu also found it."

"Before the head is always mixed, it seems to be a lot of clear."

Xiao Lu recalls.

Xiao Lu mother can't press the excitement, eagerly asked: "What did you have?" Or when you encounter? "


"Xiao Lu's day is broadcast in the network, but can't wait, chat with the other fans of pet brothers, let the housekeeper take me to play."

Xiao Lu recalled, and finally said: "If you really want to eat, that is, Xiaolan often gives me a good bamboo shoots."

"Bamboo shoots!"

Xiao Lu Mother launched when he was.

Xiao Lu picked up: "Xiaolan said, the pet brother has often not yet, the bamboo shoots who have often cleaned up, they don't know how to deal with it, so give more bamboo shoots to people."

Speaking of this, Xiao Lu said: "Mother, I felt very good at the time, I said that I wanted to eat in the future. As a result, the phoenix sister and Xiaolan were sent to me every day. You said that I am not very polite. what?"

"Well, we want to thank people."

Xiao Lu Mother moved to move, said: "Xiaoli, you are here, I will pay your father back. No, we will go to the pet shop now, I want to thank them."

"Good yeah, you can play it again."

"I have a lot of gifts this time!"

Xiao Lu is very happy.

And Xiaolu mother's mouth is also touched.

If she has not guess, Xiao Lu's intelligence is improved, I will be related to those bamboo shoots.

And she didn't guess the wrong.

Because Chen Lie has recently been at all, there is no time to pay attention to the small paradise, so the bamboo forest of the small paradise is getting bigger and bigger, and the bamboo shoots are getting more and more, even if they are just a level of purple bamboo shoots, but I can improve a little intelligence for a long time.

Xiao Lu's foot is a few months, and intellectual is naturally a quick regression.

A few days later.

Chen Lie received a prompt of Sunday and returned to the earth.

"Is it found?"

Chen Lie has finished reporting, laughing: "I didn't expect Xiao Lu to have such luck, because my Zizhu recovered a little intelligence. This is a good thing, after all, I feel good for Xiao Lu."

Sunday Q: "BOSS, can improve human intelligence items will be transformation, do you have to open it?"


"Why is not open!"

"Zizhu needs Xianling gel to quickly reproduce, and the production of Xianling condensation is in our hands, we change to monopoly. You said, why do you not do this?"

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