The pet king of the city

Chapter 052 is fully encircled

", 8-level organization [Jianghu Spyx] Because the sale of information is given to the chaos of the world and the world, it is considered betrayal, the system launches a comprehensive encirclement and supplement, and everyone can hunt all members of the shadow of hell, and all the war is returned to personal. "

", 9-level organization [hell shadow] Because the sale of information is given to the chaos of the world and the world, it is considered betrayal, the system launches a comprehensive encirclement and supplement, and everyone can hunt all members of the shadow of Hell shadows without condition, and all the war is returned to personal. "


Important is three times.

This sudden announcement is issued, and Chen Lie is shocked.


"Haha ..."

Chen Lie is laughing: "Self-made, not live!"

Everyone is excited.

Asked: "What do we do now?"

"It's also thinking?"

Chen Lie shouted: "It is natural to go to the system to clear the system."

He is weak, and there is at least 3 giants. "

"it's useless."

Chen Lie shakes his head: "The system is real, naturally it is ready." This time, the martial arts world even the martial arts is out, the super offers of the pet big world will also come out. In front of the ultraway Any giants are slag. "

Summit: "Then we are cheap now?"

"Basically, this is."

Chen Lie said: "But I will go first, you arrange a few combat powerful in the back, and there must be an 8-level town to prevent it."


Refining and .

And Chen Lie is a transient, quickly killing the independent place for hell shadows.

So chance.

If he still missed, it is the biggest idiot under the sky.



Separate plane of hell shadow.

At this time, the sky is bloody, this is the giant false, the world's sadness.

Countless creative thinks this is a signs of a plane crash, and madly rushed to Chen Lie's spatial cracks.

And Chen Lie did not think about it directly to the most in-depth place.

The branch of hell shadows is very interesting, but Chen Lie has not ignored it. I only know that there is a lot of hell shadows here, so I sweep at the time.

Chen Lie's current speed, even if the 9-level giant is not more than.

Originally he can directly tear the space, but he feels a problem, do not want to adventure, and choose the most steady way.

Seeing the familiar figure, but he can only sigh the shadow of hell.

Chaos this source.

There is a shelter of chaotic origins, and even the system can be blinded, and the semi-position of the zone is not said.

Even if you walk on the street, no one induces his existence.

Come to the door of the hell, Chen Lie is careful, no observation, even the magnitude of magnitude 8 is not, he is more wonderful.

But in this case, Chen Lie has not so much approach, goes directly, let go of the heart.


Lei Single is not here, and there is no trap here, is he prison shadow not confused?

Chen Lie has begun to doubt your judgment.

But there is no nonsense, Chen Lie quietly came to the magnitude 8 old killer who was secretly cultivated in the secret room that was completely isolated, and did not have any effect, directly deducted the other's neck.

The 8-level old killer clearly felt a pair of hands with terrorist power, and even felt that the space around it was imprisoned, but he couldn't see anyone.

Such a strange, even if his firm belief has begun to tremble.

Chen Qian asked: "I don't want to force your soul, so you are best to answer."

The 8th grade killer has nodded.

He is an idiot and know that the people in front of them are not level 9, and that is also the legendary existence, where is the meaning of half a score.

Chen Qi: "Why are you not here?"

The 8-level old killer will drive immediately: "Everyone ran, but I know it is useless. The system's killing order, whoever avoids, so I don't hide."


Chen Lie knows that this old guy is lying, killing, more and more.

The 8-level old killer is also sensitive. I immediately replied: "I didn't lie to you, I was staring at the system and super offline, and now I can't come, how can I come out?"

Chen Qian said: "Where are they hidden?"

The 8-level old killer shook his head: "This is not what I can know."

"You didn't lie to me."

"Your heart is just no waves."

Chen Lie puts the 8-class old killer.

The 8-level old killer heart is a loose.

At this time, like a lot of heart soul power into his head, instantly collapse his heart soul.


Chen Lie is laughing.

Like this will be brought as a letter to the old killer, it is definitely specially trained, and the general callout is useless, can only be a trick.

The most important thing is that such a old guy has experienced countless life and death, and the soul is extremely firm. If Chen Lie is forced to defeat his soul, the result will only get crushing, messy memories, and even possibly getting himself self-hypnosis. Error information, it is not possible to maximize the interests.

Only this kind of heart god, instantly defeat, in order to get the most authentic and most complete information.

Chen Lie entered his heart soul, plundering his memory, and determined that the 8-level old killer did not lie. In the first time, kill the 8-level old killer, turned and left.

The 8-level old killer did not know the high-level movement, but Chen Lie has infeded from some spider silk, and there is no sitting, which is not sitting, obviously wants to counterattack.


Chen Lien knows about the strength of hell shadows from the memory of people, smiles.

The name of hell is one of the two killer organizations of the pet big world, but they have a little name because they are hurt.

Of course, they have three giants that are terrible, and most of the organizations and individuals can still be shocked.

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