The pet king of the city

Chapter 054, Episode

Dusk coming!

Countless World of Empress in the blood of the blood, covering the emperor, covering the heavens.

Such a killing is already the first level of Jiu Youxian, and the blood at this time is absolutely not under the Jiuhe Sword.

Making tiger emperor!

The tiger emperor with the power of creation.

One is covered with the fist that the sky, all the rules, all the power of all the people hit this palm, just collapsed.


The strongest power of the blood royal brings, the sky is broken, but the blood emperor is shocked by the horrible power, and the heart of the heart appears.

A brush!

I don't know what object suddenly brushed.

The blood emperor once again spurting.


The blood emperor is the blood emperor, and it is still the landlord here.

He actually burned a trace of world, directly into the virtual.

"I cao!"

Chen Lie said: "In order to escape, this is actually broken!"

You know the world's source, even if there is only one wire, it is also possible to make a big alone in the 8th level of the peak.

Although it may be absolutely possible to break through, the chance will increase.

It can be said.

This giant will make a giant.

The result was burned by him to escape.

Can you still lose extravagant?

For this kind of random trick, Chen Lie has no choice.

Unless he can use the refining of the heavens to take this bit, or put the eight-door locks into the 9th level, there will be a chance to completely imprison the world.


These are if they are.

The helpless Chenie can only take a sigh, accept the resource of hell shadows.

Although just some resources, it is also enough.

Especially those who have a large-capable body of hell shadows, it is said to sell a lot of money in the black market in the pet world.




Chen Lie lost a loss, but the promotion of the Paradise Legion was very successful.

With a revenge, the promotion of the , and others is perfect.

Even more hell shadows used to cultivate the secret space for cultivation of items, and 7 levels of resources were harvested in batches.


For Chen Lie, this is not a giant, the most important thing is not the 7-level 8-level resources, but can cultivate the secret space of these resources.

This is not.

Chen Lie immediately fadeped the camp in the secret of a magnitude 8 resource, the world's Linglong Pagoda suspended the heaven, and the refinential furnace crashed secretinal veins.

: "You guess what the owner is doing?"

Ghost shook his head.

Small blacks also shake together.

"I know."

The teacher who came over to collect resources and said: "The boss is refining this secret."


Everyone exclaimed.

The teacher rushed very seriously: "As long as you have eye, you know that a secret of cultivating 8 resource is precious."

"Yeah, the aura here is sufficient."

"I feel the vitality here."

"I know that we don't search for it so much."

Everyone regrets.

The teacher falls: "It is estimated that the boss is just thinking, want to refine. , wrong, boss is not simple refining, but to make this secret into magic weapons, this difficulty is higher."

"Don't understand."

Many super pets shook their heads.

The teacher falls to explain: "You have to make this mountain peak in the old man at the time."


Everyone looks to Chen Lie, except for worship or worship.

The suddenly asked: "The teacher falls, but also always said the master, talk about yourself."

The teacher falls asked: "What do I do?"

He said: "For example, when you are level 8."


The teacher said: "This time you collect a lot of Danfang, enough for me to promote."


"We have an 8-class refining teacher."

Everyone is very happy.

The teacher falls, but the almost unlimited resource is stacked, I dragged it now to promote it, it is already very shameful. If you give those genius, it is estimated that it will be promoted to a few months ago. "

"Level 8 is not so easy."

"Especially the alchemist."

Everyone will not agree that the teacher will fall.

If it is so simple, the top alchemist of the system will not be so less.

The teacher falls: "Don't say me, talk about yourself."

She is specially looking to the ghost.

"Don't look at me, I want to break through 8 levels, can be anytime, anywhere."

The ghosts said: "But I am not willing to be an ordinary level 8, I want to be like Jiaojiao, I started the way of layout giants after the spirit level 8."

"Well, the world of genius, I don't understand."

The teacher falls to the boat.

She looks at the whole staff of the order.

The result is not to mention that the whole staff of the order can now be promoted to level 8.

But they all have ambition, not willing to do ordinary level 8.


Refindeng is coming.

Looking at him, I know that I have won.

As a person in the paradise, the refining peak is getting better after getting enough resources, and it is now 8 level peaks and starts touching the giant boundaries.

So his fight is best.

It is hard to attack a secret attack, but he is hand to come.

Before this, he has captured a large and small secret, and the power is awesome.

"You came?"

Chen Lie seeing refining.

"Boss, you see these, all are rare materials."

"Especially this, I actually feel the breath of the world's own source, it is no wonder that two great guidance is needed."

Refineting will hand over all the trophy and have no hidden.


Chen Lie looked at it, could not help but praise.

This time there is a 9-level material, and I will make a day.

Chen Lie said: "You have a good job, what reward yourself say!"

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