The pet king of the city

Chapter 056 refining is naturally

"Waiting for me to collect a group of resources, I will refine a few pieces of magnitude 8, or even 9 treasures. At that time, I used the magic weapon to turn the giants. I have to see, how many people will dare. I feel that I am not a giant, and I will come against it. "

Chen Lie returned and continued to refine the secret world.

Now his goal is very simple, consolidate your forces first.

Make more.

The foundation is not thick, in this big move, it will only be cannon.



"Refining Tianhua, Nine Reincarnation"


With Chen Lie, the last source is integrated into the secret.

There is no secretary of anyone in the paradise arms in the inside, and it is crazy, and it is also integrated with the paradise store and become the world of the park.

Just like the refining peaks to move their families.

Since then.

The paradise store is no longer a simple store, but a secret.

The secret of the paradise.


This is a sudden laughing.

Chen Lie is an instant to come to the Heaven.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Lie fox doubizes the .

The handy tiger hand, the hand is a lot of mysterious ripples.

"Avenue stripes!"

Chen Yi shouted: "Your martial arts is broken?"

"Yes, not."

: "When I first cultivate the golden body, I found that the refining method of the refining is a bit like the golden body, so I tried a pass, the result is really."

Chen Lian asked: "The creation of gold is a refining method, and the refining method of the refining is relatively simple to refine the method. The place. "

"Yes it is."

"I am aware of this, so put the right hand."

: "I am more urgent with the gas of the creation, I will refine the 7-level magic treasure with [soil] attributes into the right hand.

Chen Lie laughed: "It's just right hand, waiting for you to practice all the whole body, it is your achievement giant."

"Well, I know that the road is still very long, there is also a lot of resources."

"But I will not give up."

The : "At least I am from the wine Jianxian, I don't know how many times."


Chen Lie didn't know how to evaluate it.

After all, the blood of the treasure tiger has come to the end, and now I can reach 8 levels, I can't help but say there is an opportunity to achieve the giant.

As for the wine sword, his road is too high, too time.

Many people can't stand.

At least a bit anxious to huge tiger can't stand.

Even Chen Lie can't stand it.

Because he now rely with many resources, he forcibly opens the gas sea and dozens of guys, and the number of times the day is full, and there is a great distance.

: "The owner, you have recently refined the secret, didn't pay attention to the changes of everyone, but went to see the order team."

"What happened?"

Chen Lie didn't hear something.

He said: "They have also made a selection."

"Oh? That's going to see it."

Chen Lie waved, with the exclusive trial field of the elite team.

In the past, there was not so much space and tolerate the ability to take the power of the Tiger, so it has been carried out in the system's exclusive trial field.


What did he see?

Order team members level 8.

If this is the case, it is the problem that is the big black black, which is better than the mammoth giant.

The body is shrinking to the pair of cats, how is the silver leopard that the body will be light?

As for the blue crown, it is also very funny, it has become a super giant parrot that is growing up.

As for Luoji, she didn't change, it was more beautiful, and I couldn't control it.

"the host!"


The order team saw Chen Lie and collective.

"It seems that you all have chosen."

Chen Lie looked like a small black in the hill, smiled: "Small black, black, now you, I can't call a 'small' word."

Xiao Black actually replied: "The master, Xiao Black is always your small black."

Silver Leopard also replied: "If it is not a master, we can't go to this point now."


The blue crown smiled directly.

"You all make a choice, then I will not say much."

Chen Qian: "Since you all make a decision of the corpse, I ask you, what congenital magic will be used as a corpse?"

Small blacks shake together.

If it is not a road to the corpse, they have to be more than half a level.

The road to the big corpse of the pet is different from the three corpses of the Xian Xia world. It is not a goodness, evil, and three readings, but with the help of the congenital law, the law is prototype, the law is prototype, the practice of skills, etc.

The more the fresher is all, the stronger the ontology strength.

In the end, if these points can be returned to this source, it is super off.

This road is a path of a super away from the world.

However, it is said that there is no other person to be super off, and it is 7 of the super giants, which are unbeaten in the giant.

This road is hard.

Because of the corpse, the most basic strength is level 8.

Therefore, the order of the order team will give up the road of the martial arts and forcibly break through 8.

"You have not ready to come here."

"It's ..."

Chen Lie also didn't help but

He knows that this is the choice made by the order team in order to cope with the invasion of the two worlds.

In this war.

Less than the 7th level is cannon gray, level 7 is the main force, and the 8th level relies on the qualifications of self-protection.

They don't want to make cannon gray, naturally seize all opportunities to promote.

"You wait for me."

Chen Lie's bite.

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